Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Here we go again…… 
                                       The TRUMP RECORD.... FIRST TERM!
* THE AMERICAN ECONOMY: With the arrival of Trade Wars, abandonment of international agreements of a wide variety in trade, a re-negotiation of trade agreements, ignoring the viral assault on the economy, avoiding investments in research and development and the expansion of technology and education, and suffering a layoff, job loss, or furlough of more than 40,000,000 American jobs, Trump set a new unemployment record since the great depression of nearly a century ago.  There are more unemployed, underemployed, poverty-stricken, and growing risk to housing through eviction or foreclosure than has ever appeared in the wealthiest nation in the world.

* INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND LEADERSHIP:  With an admiration of Kim Jong-un, Putin, Erdogen, and other autocrats and dictators, Trump has spent three years dismantling treaties, agreements, common ground goals like Climate Change or restricting nuclear development in Iran.  His cooperation with Putin has eroded and weakened NATO, American Leadership in the Western Hemisphere, the US lead in the World Health Organization and the UN as well.  Through threatening our 50+ year Western Allies, rocking the trade boat, cutting federal aid supports there and elsewhere, abandoning the World Health Organization, and threatening financial support of the United Nations created by, for, and in the US post World War II, Trump has sent a destructive earthquake through American leadership in International Relations that had been established in 1945!  The Trump - "American First" international policy is a nationalist, separatist, and isolationist pursuit that withdraws from the world stage and abandons our leadership of the free world.  The withdrawal of troops from stations in Germany, a neutral stance on NATO expansion in Eastern Europe, and a warm cooperation with Putin and Russia, lead us BACKWARD AND AWAY from the American goals that have driven our ship of state for decades.  Why???
* TAX POLICY AND FAIRNESS SO EACH PAYS THEIR "FAIR SHARE":  The 2017 Tax act, based on the Trump "Trickle Down" approach, reduced the tax burden on the wealthy (like his own family) BY HALF!  In addition, large and profitable companies had their taxes reduced by half as well, creating a TRILLION DOLLAR HOLE IN THE US REVENUE STREAM. Trump claimed that the economy would "explode" upward... and new revenue would appear as joblessness disappeared.  Sadly, that did not happen... and the debt continues to pile up.  In fact, the debt has become yet another burning issue that McConnell has threatened to slice Medicare and Social Security because the American debt is becoming "just too high"... and something has to give. 

Just last week the Auditor and Finance Manager of the Social Security trust Fund reported that both Social Security and Medicare are threatened with financial "starvation" by Trump's action in withholding collection of revenue into both accounts through the Payroll Tax deductions shared evenly by those working and the employers as well.  The beneficiaries are the workers on retirement through a public pension - Social Security - and medical coverage via Medicare.  Trump made the "freeze" on the Payroll Tax seem like a benefit to workers.... The real benefit is to the companies, corporations, and employers who avoid having to kick into your retirement and your medical coverage as well.....    

* THE PROMISE OF DEALING WITH ISSUES OF HEALTHCARE IN THE USA:  Since his 2016 race, Trump stated over and over that he would repeal the ACA (Obamacare) and REPLACE IT WITH A MORE EXTENSIVE AND BETTER SYSTEM COVERING MORE AMERICANS IN NEED. Not once did Trump propose any replacement plan... and that was the reason that John McCain voted AGAINST THE ACA REPEAL in July of 2017.  Senators Makowski and Collins joined in the no vote.  Trump was made angry and has attacked the ACA ever since. No replacement was discussed or proposed and, had it passed with the support of Trump, Moscow Mitch McConnell, and every other Senate Republican pledged to Trump. Healthcare remains at risk, under attack, and is being eroded as I write this article. Right now Trump is before the Supreme Court in his latest attempt to eliminate the ACA coverage for some 20,000,000 Americans.

* THE ROLE OF COVID19 IN TRUMP'S AMERICA: The Covid19 MORTALITY RATE here is awful as well….. Right now, standing at 183,000, WE LEAD THE WORLD IN DEATHS. In fact, the next two in mortality rank - Brazil and India - with 129,000 and 64,000 deaths respectively - are well below our losses. 

China, with 1.44 Billion people and, according to Trump, the source of the illness, logged a 90,400 total case count to date according to national statistics (WHO) monitored by John’s Hopkins University. The China loss of life stands at 4730. Comparing China and the US on a population basis, CHINA STANDS AT 3 DEATHS PER MILLION, AND THE US STANDS AT 556 DEATHS PER MILLION POPULATION.  CHINA HAS APPROXIMATELY 5 TIMES OUR POPULATION... BUT, THE US PRESENTLY HAS 38 TIMES THE DEATH TOLL! On a population basis, we have 185 times the death rate-per-million population compared to China... and the largest case count and life losses resulting than anywhere else in the world! 

Once again, the Trump Administration, accompanied by the appointed chair of the Covid19 Virus Group – Pencehas ignored, hidden, lied about, minimized and is completely ignorant regarding the threat to American health that has been presented by the “invasion” of the CORONA VIRUS. From the start back in January, Trump ignored multiple warnings regarding a potential pandemic … and the illness and death toll that has resulted set new records... Where do we go from here????

THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN PLAN - 2020                  
1. IGNORE THE UNSOLVABLE PROBLEMDeny, deny, deny….. LIE, LIE, LIE!!! Trump, though warned about the potential arrival of a viral pandemic, his majesty and Pence ignored the warnings and pretended that no issue was present. You may recall that Trump described the voiced concern as “yet another witch hunt”, a fake and a fraud, a hoax…. Not a problem. Meanwhile, he issued orders to the Coast Guard in January/February to keep an American Cruise ship from landing on the West Coast because hundreds of the passengers and the crew were sick with the virus… and he didn’t want them counted in the American total….. It might make the CASE COUNT GROW! And, TRUMP LOOK BAD!
2. HIDE AND PRETEND THAT IT IS GOING AWAY. Planning to mis-direct and ignore any role in this challenge, Trump hands the baton to Pence and announces that the state Governor’s should do what is required, if anything. Like masks…. Not necessary…. After all, this “China Virus” will simply “disappear” when summer warmth comes… and he waves the MAGIC MONARCH WAND! Still… the numbers keep rising… and rapidly… across the nation. By early April, the case count stands at 18,000….. with several hundred deaths…… So... the response?  Trump voices concern regarding testing!  Limit tests!  Control test and case data.  

Just 2 weeks ago, Trump ordered that the American hospitals no longer send their Covid19 data to the CDC.  Instead, send it directly to the Secretary of health and Human Services, Alex Azar. Secretary Azar issues a $10 million dollar contract to a company in Pennsylvania - TELETRACKING TECHNOLOGY - headed by a Pittsburgh real estate developer.  The contract contains a "non-disclosure clause" to prevent sharing information and data on case count, and mortality across the nation.  Who is that man behind the curtain???  
3. MISDIRECT ATTENTION TO ECONOMICS AND AWAY FROM HEALTHCARE AND MEDICAL NEEDS. Trump wants his campaign built on the economy…. But, Covid19 is detracting from that issue. With an economic collapse and a jobs disaster, the Trump candle goes out….. He argues that the economy will cure the virus, and a return to “normal” Trump growth will quickly return and rebuild. Meanwhile, the case count shoots straight up. By July the numbers rise to more than 2,000,000 – a national shock and over-stressed medical facilities. 
4. THE TRUMP ATTACK ON HEALTHCARE IN THE MIDST OF A DRAMATIC GROWTH OF MEDICAL NEED. Trump continued his attack on American healthcare. Reducing access to healthcare by restraining Medicaid and adding a variety of restraints on working families without health insurance, Trump also continued the attack on Obamacare (ACA) by advancing a court case to the US Supreme Court to collapse the affordable healthcare coverage for 20,000,000 Americans –INCLUDING MANDATED COVERAGE FOR THOSE WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS! In fact, some 5,000,000 workers lost their health coverage when their jobs disappeared as a result of the Trump failure to respond and manage the Covid19 assault in the last 6 months! 
Meanwhile, he also attacks the third pillar of Medical coverage – MEDICARE – by withholding the revenue base of MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY – taxes on payroll paid by both the employee via withholding and the employer. In the end and at retirement YOU benefit with Medical coverage and a public pension - SOCIAL SECURITY – to support you in retirement. Just last week, the auditor of the Social Security Trust Fund announced that the fund would collapse in less than 10 years if that revenue source did not continue. WHY IS HE EXECUTING MEDICAL COVERAGE against the backdrop of growing medical need resulting from Covid19???

5. LIE, LIE, LIE……. In recent campaign appearances and in the RNC 4-day Convention hosted at the White House, Trump left any comments about the virus out of his speeches and remarks the entire time. Today, September 1, 2020, we stand at more than a 6,000,000 case count – some 25% of all the Covid19 cases on the planet! Trump poo-poos this fact….. and, simply says that we should all go back to “normal” and the virus will simply fade out….. NONSENSE! The total case count around the world is some 25,000,000. That makes 1 out of 4 cases right here in the most advanced, and wealthiest nation on the planet! Well…, if we have 25% of the world’s population, that makes sad sense…. The US population stands at 330,000,000 and ranks third in size after China (1,440,277,000) and India (1,382,350,000). Given the total population of the world at 7,809,000,000 and growing, that makes the US population simply 4.25% of the total. So, WHY DO WE - RICH, ADVANCED, AND MEDICALLY EQUIPPED – HAVE A COVID19 CASE COUNT 5-TIMES THE SIZE OF OUR POPULATION?????
So, the TRUMP PLAN - IGNORE, HIDE, MISDIRECT, ATTACK, AND LIE – continues throughout the campaign. Take a look at the Trump Tweet that he unleashed in 2009. Obama as President was challenged with H1N1 - modest compared to Covid19. He should apply the comment to himself - in 2020.
Trump wanted to be the "WAR PRESIDENT.” It looked as though he would try to engage with Iran to get there and call on the American voter to stand with their WAR PRESIDENT! It didn’t work… So, right now, Trump plays the Commander and Chief, the Monarch and Dictator, the Autocrat source of all orders and Executive Commands….. in a war on Americans….. Working families, women, minorities, religions, and nationalities…. and, especially immigrants! 
A defender of the CONFEDERACY…. An enemy of the Golden Gate Bridge… and the American symbol of FREEDOM - THE STATUE OF LIBERTY……
Tick-tock…..   SHARE....SHARE....SHARE..   and.... V O T E !!!!! 

Bobby J

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