Monday, December 31, 2018


Well... here comes the close of 2018 - yet a second year of "Trumpology." Ever watch a building crumble over time? Or, a demolition take-down with dynamite? Sadly, we are witnessing an erosion - some rapid and others gradually - of American Leadership and progressive advancement. Here are some examples:

Trumpology is destructive to our status around the globe, erodes the future opportunities of those of us facing challenges in health and education and those struggling with poverty, and brings smiles to the faces of our famous "friends" - Putin, Recep Erdogan of Turkey, and Kim Jon-un of North Korea. On the other hand, "allies" in NATO, the other Western Alliances, and our allies in Latin America and Asia are seeing our relationships crumble right before their eyes.... This administration, presently withdrawing from Syria, leaving the Kurds abandoned and exposed, and announcing plans for our withdrawal from Afghanistan - abandoning the pressure on our terrorist enemies and the Taliban, and siding with Saudi Arabia leaders in spite of murders - both planned and executed on our own lands, has severely damaged our global leadership since WW II and leads us away from the peaceful promised land of US Leadership and influence.

     Global Stability is rapidly facing increasing risk.... And, Trump cooperation with those, other than decades-long friends and allies, seems to represent the nations where Trump Towers and/or Golf Courses exist (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Philippines, Scotland, Ireland, South Korea, to name a bunch). On the other hand, abandoned, sold, or closed operations in Toronto, Rio, Baja, Tel Aviv, and Stuttgart suggest a struggle or rejection experienced by Trump and indicate locations or nations that he would like to "teach a lesson." And, that could be enticement (Tel Aviv and Russia) for those locations he wants to build a Trump Tower, or a stiff-arm (Mexico, Germany) to suggest punishment for those who have failed to cooperate with the Trump family.
     In any case, his "Trumpology" reeks of profit motivation and personal interest, not American advancement. Perhaps 2019 will be a better year with forced cooperation and advancement for the American people because of Democratic House leadership... or, a worse year with Trump increasing his "autocratic" behavior and assuming dictatorial behaviors, eroding our democratic governmental practice and the foundation of our constitution that "no man is above the law." His refusal to comply with existing laws and to rely on experienced advice and the regulatory environment rather than lead by "tweet", suggests either his ignorance.... or, his dastardly plan to erode the structure and stability of the USA.

Maybe 2019 can turn the corner..... and 2020 is getting closer and closer.... tick....tock..... TICK...TOCK!
Have a Better New Year and more.


Bobby J