Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Hi Folks: Been thinking about the Offer of Trumpology at this time... You know - the one that attempts to switch the blame for the government shut-down to the Democrats who reject what Trump and Pence describe as a fair offer to open negotiations so that Trump gets the BRIBE err.... I mean, the allocation and appropriation of $5.7 billion for wasteful spending on "THE WALL." After King Trumpo took great pride in taking the blame for the shut-down of 800,000+ federal employees over the last month, his FINGER-POINTING became casting blame on the Dem Leadership - Pelosi and Schumer - for failing to pay the demanded BRIBE. So, lets take a quick look..... 

   1. Trump kidnaps Dreamers by an Executive Order abolishing DACA; Dreamers held hostage....

   2. Trump kidnaps those seeking protection and admittance to the USA under "Temporary Protection Status" - TPS - for amnesty admission consideration - also by Executive Order. Those at risk for lost life - now being held as hostages....

   3. Add the thousands of hostages mentioned above who are being inflicted with pain by Trump - to the initial child “hostages” separated from their parents at the border... and held in cages as forced orphans. SHAME! 

   4. Trump presses the Court buttons - (after despoiling them with appointed Trumpology judges) - by filing suit against “Dreamers” and DACA to destroy and eliminate the program protections for children brought into the US by their improperly migrating parents. Today, they are and long-time American residents growing up as “American” students and young adults - learning, yearning, working, and paying taxes who are desperately seeking a way to become US Citizens.

   5. After the Senate unanimously passes Trump approved Republican appropriations bills to keep government open, Trump objects err... after agreeing ... because some Right-wing NUT folks - Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter - insist that King Trump NOT SIGN.... so, Trump reverses his position and, unnecessarily, “royally” screws 800,000 federal employees. In addition, thousands and thousands of federal contract workers also are laid off or furloughed.... and many essential services closed down... Again, TRUMPOLOGY increases the "hostage” headcount by MILLIONS MORE!

   6.  Senate Leader McConnell refuses to post any legislation or solutions to this issue unless MADMAN TRUMP approves doing so....  Will Trump "dictate" his message to the Senate?  Is Trump our first AMERICAN DICTATOR? Or, does Trump have something seriously important on McConnell and is EXTORTING HIM TOO?  Or, is McConnell simply someone that got everything that he wanted - including his bride being appointed as Secretary of Transportation and holding a legitimate vote for Prez Trump's ability to govern....  or, maybe.....  

...McConnell is simply a SLOW-MOVER... AND is hidden inside his shell seeking cover from pressure and embarrassment in his dismantling the federal government and the public services provided across America? Seems like McConnell is the "Court Jester" and will perform any trick, sing any song, or act out any behavior that King Trump tells him to do....?  And, McConnell rejects the US Constitution's clear ARTICLE 1 definition of the co-equal branches of government who shall govern EQUALLY....  and not at the single-handed decisions and instructions of the American DICTATOR!  As with other members of the Congress, McConnell swore an OATH to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States.  He abandoned that oath.   

   So, the kidnapper - King Trump - now demands the payment of a $5.7 BILLION DOLLAR RANSOM - a PERMANENT APPROPRIATION.... And, will all of the hostages and kidnapped victims be returned? NOPE! Just the caring parties will be able to visit with them for 3 years.... TEMPORARILY.... And, well, except for the federal employees who will be returned to their jobs and paychecks after more than a month held as hostages with all the others.  
Bobby J

Wednesday, January 9, 2019




It goes without saying that Trump has been lying his way throughout a campaign for president - virtually every day lying over and over.  Since he lied his way into the White House in 2017, more than 6000 lies have been uttered - many of the most recent ones regarding immigrants - those seeking safety and refuge through admittance to the US. The Trumpology demands, related to our southern border, are related to gangs, drugs, and rapists that began in his campaign in late 2015.  Since then, Trump has repeated over and over that he would build "A WALL" to seal off the southern border from the "infiltration" of "criminals" and "terrorists" and.... (ready with a drum-roll???) - PAID FOR BY .....M E X I C O!!!  Absurd, of course... and denounced by the President of Mexico. Most Americans - and certainly many members of the Congress - know that Mexico will not pay for "the Wall." Nevertheless, Trump continues to mumble that conclusion one way or another and Pence and other Trump allies make up some absurd and confused reasoning that somehow, some way, we will make that happen....

The current debate and dispute taking place between Trump and the Democratic Leaders - Pelosi as House Speaker and Schumer as Dem Senate leader - to resolve the hostage-taking of the federal government workers engineered by the conceived and connived Trump Shutdown, both sides have hardened in their positions. The Democrats refuse to fund construction of a ridiculous southern wall as a complete waste of tax dollars and Trump continues to make up stories about terrorist "caravans" heading for the border, deploys military troops to repel the "invasion" of "rapists, drug lords, and terrorists", and uses exaggerated lies on the issue urgency and "national emergency."  HUH?  Lets take a peek.....

The most recently announced basis for a "National Emergency" that Trump has used as a basis... is an "INVASION."  This, without saying, is a complete mystery... and an outright fantasy, a made up story and.... a GIANT LIE!  Along with Vice President Pence, Trump was quoted as commenting that some 4000 "terrorists" had been detected crossing the southern border with Mexico in the last year. Trump stated this as a FACT?  Frankly, it is either an "alternative fact" or a complete LIE. The actual Homeland Security report for the last 6 months indicates that only 6 individuals were stopped at the southern border due to the fact that they are on the "watch list."  An additional 41 were stopped at the northern border with Canada for the same reasons.  No alien terrorist or criminal arrests were made, however. Of all of those intercepted - 47 - 41 were US Citizens and, seems like, they were stopped and questioned because they are on a list generated as a result of their travel route histories. Actually, Homeland reports that there were 2554 "encounters" with those ID'd with suspicious travel patterns over a year.  Of that number, 2170 were arriving via air, 335 by land,and the balance by sea.  According to the State Department, there was no evidence that any of those delayed were a threat to the nation. VP Pence reduced the number from 4000 to 3000 "suspicious" entries that still does not match any numbers generated by Homeland Security and Boarder Patrol - both of which are currently on furlough due to the government shutdown. SO, WHERE IS THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY???

Then Trump announces that other presidents have counseled him that he should build "the wall" and that they should have done so when they were at the switch.  All of those alive today - Carter, Clinton, Bush, and Obama - commented that no such conversation ever happened.... Just another lie.... And, needless to say, Trump accuses the Democrats of supporting "open borders' that just let anyone into the USA. Nonsense. Democrats have supported considerable investment in Border Patrol, immigration protections, amnesty policies, and additional technological investments in border security like satellite inspections and un-manned drone patrol with fence projects to prevent improper entry. 

Of course, the issue that is the greatest challenge are those immigrants who enter legally and, upon expiration of their short-term visa - visiting, education, temporary employment or vacationing - they fail to depart.  That makes them "illegal" in presence, not upon entry.  The number of "illegal aliens" present in the USA is - by far - a result of this visa practice.   

The Democrats have called for and support legislation to solve the "Dreamer" issue - children who were brought here by their parents, legally for a short visit or illegally passing the border, and have been in residence for years and years. These "near-citizens" have earned citizenship as have their families. Democrats want to provide them with a "path" to citizenship - better and shorter than other "illegals." Just a year ago, the Republican Senate along with Democratic Senators passed such legislation with the indication that Trump would sign the bill. Sadly, the Tea Party right-wing House Republicans sank the legislation in Ryan's House, and Trump abandoned the issue as well. Even worse, right now "children" in the company of those seeking asylum from the horrors of their home country, a separated from their parents and caged in military-styles camps, out of touch with their parents for months... or, perhaps, years.  Ordered by the courts to re-unite parents and children, it remains an issue as Homeland Security has the kids under lock and key and has failed to locate the deported parents.  These are now "Homeland Orphans" in cages.

So... what is the "NATIONAL EMERGENCY?"  Southern Border "invasion"?  No....  just 6 persons in 6 months and no arrests.  The need for a tall WALL?  Nope.  A 12th Century strategy to surround the castle preventing the peasantry from entry?  Silly..... and an expensive failure going forward.  Perhaps the high wall that will protect America from assault, financial ruin, war with allies and enemies, and destruction of democratic traditions and history for this nation is an attractive explanation....  Perhaps a court action is necessary... or, pursuit of the Mueller Report.... or impeachment and Senate trial.....  or, simply election defeat in 2020.  Yes, we need a salvation - from lies, from the erosion of democracy, and by the want for dictatorship by an nihilistic ego maniac that sits in the Oval Office right now... a "wall" well earned and deserved...... 

March On.... to the day that we will rise to save the nation, restore our democracy, assure our allies that we will be back on track, and invest in advancing our working families and middle class - not the Moscow Model - Trump's "Oligarchs" of America....

Bobby J     

Thursday, January 3, 2019


                                                            JANUARY 2019

WHEW!  The past two years have been quite the roller-coaster ride in our nation’s capitol.  From the Women’s March on January 21, 2017 through today – with the swearing-in of a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and our new Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, we have traveled quite the bumpy road to a safer landing.  Although the Trump Party (note – not the traditional “Republican Party”), still holds power in Trump’s White House and the US Senate under Mitch McConnell, 2019 will be quite the political scene along the way…. And will evolve into a new chapter in US history – far more bizarre than we have experienced in the past. 
The following contains my predictions for 2019. One year from now… as we enter the cycle for the election of 2020 and a national determination regarding our future course - both national and international, at home and abroad - 2019 will become an extraordinary and shocking evolution impacting our future.  Buckle up, hold on tight, and take a deep breath….  Here we go!  2019…..


2019 will take on the role of evolving into shocking US history.  Those of us who have paid attention to the workings of Washington DC over the past two years have witnessed the devolution of our democracy.  In retreat from our leadership of the world order, we have also abandoned a carefully built social, economic, and political safety net.  From mangling  voting rights and dismantling healthcare coverage by imploding the ACA, Trump and his allies are inflicting wound after wound on the great role that the US has played both at home and abroad.  From withdrawing from the Climate Accord, the Iran Anti-Nuclear Agreement, the distant but gigantic Far East Trade Agreements (the Trans-Pacific Partnership), and, closer to home, the NAFTA Agreement between the US, Mexico, and Canada, to instituting trade war and tariffs that have closed American factories and wounded our farming communities - especially soy beans and others with extensive exported foreign sales that have suffered most, Trump and his gang have dis-assembled relationships that had been carefully build over decades. These forward steps were crafted and implemented by both Democrat and Republican Presidents and adopted by our US Senate as well, regardless of dominant party.  This INSANITY must stop.  This year - 2019 - not 2020 - will result in the sinking of the Trump presidency and the evaporation of his unskilled, inexperienced cabinet. Here are my 2019 predictions that will result in this outcome.

1. The US Government will re-open after a long and painful Trump Shut-down. The “heat” rises from this day forward as a result of the Dems taking charge of the House.  Watch for a blizzard of House Committee investigations and subpoenas issued by a long list of House Committees probing violations conducted and the laws broken or ignored by the Trump gang.  The infliction of these investigations - and negative headlines – will be negotiated a bit to re-open the government and provide the needed services to the public.

2. Robert Mueller, Special Counsel investigating Trump and his goons for nearly two years, will bring forward his findings and a report in early spring, 2019.  In spite of the rules that have him submit the report to Trump’s “acting” Attorney General who then hides the report in a closet, House Dems subpoena Mueller and the Report along with recommendations - likely at the House Judiciary Committee headed by Jerold Nadler (D-NY). The Report is then released or leaked to the press creating a tidal wave of controversy drowning the Trump gang in scandal.

3. Insofar as Trump has an overload of “acting” Cabinet members or Department leaders, and the Senate is still in Republican hands, the negative tidal impact on Trump will impede progress on getting approval for appointments, but for those directly recommended by Republican members of the Senate.  The necessary nominations will attract considerable negative response to such nominees early on and result that the Senate Hearings on these appointees will be awash in negative press. In fact, negative out-pouring will threaten the nominee’s reputation and may result in self-withdrawal to avoid being covered in Trump “mud.”  By the way, when the 25th Amendment was adopted in 1967, in addition to the Vice-President, a simple majority of the Cabinet can declare that the President is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” The Vice-President becomes President immediately upon delivery to the Senate.  Here is a good question….  Are “Acting” Cabinet Officers empowered to ‘act’ as “official” Secretaries of each Department?  Can they vote on Trump’s ability to govern?  Hmm….. Perhaps remaining as “Acting” Secretary of HUD or Attorney General would not permit their participation in a “finding” that the President is no longer able to “discharge his powers and duties.”

4. Given the growing presence of investigations, accusations, House-passed legislation attracting headlines in addition to their investigations, and the embarrassing confirmation proceedings on Cabinet nominations by an administration under attack for illegal and unethical behavior, the Trump Administration grinds to a near-halt.

5.  Sometime mid-year, if not before when the Mueller Report hits the press and the impeachment hearings commence, the Trump Gang is completely crippled.  The Republican Senate, while hinting that they will NOT “convict” Trump of Impeachable charges adopted in the House and sent to the Senate for “trial”, McConnell’s members realize that they will SINK in the 2020 elections if they do not create some responsible and defensible position or action.  After all, 2/3 of the US Senate up for election in 2020 are Republicans and see themselves on the edge of a political cliff! Assuming that Trump runs and maintains support by the Republican base (currently at 80%) to win the 2020 primary elections, McConnell realizes that somehow Trump needs to depart before election year, or else Republican Senators on the ballot will WALK THE PLANK! Under threat of the 25th Amendment removal possibility, or the potential to be saved from impeachment by the nervous Senate, Trump considers RESIGNATION.

6. The first six months of 2019 turns up the heat with House Committee investigations, the Mueller findings and report, and the impeachment process underway.  With both he and his family members exposed to improper behavior allegations, including criminal charges and convictions, “the Donald” seeks protection.  In return for a PARDON from his successor, Mike Pence - for him and his entire family and arrangements made with Democrats regarding state-level charges exposure, Trump steps down.  Pence becomes President, names a VP with voting support from the Senate Republicans, and settles in to head the Republican 2020 ticket.  Impeachment proceedings evaporate, House Committee investigations shrink down as a new Pence Cabinet is appointed replacing the Trump Gang, and Pence sets up for 2020 with changes in personnel and policy and with a “Save the Senate” election plan.  Pence recalls the Gerry Ford pardon and the fact that he was not able to secure a follow-up election as the incumbent Republican President. It goes without saying that Pence and McConnell are worried… Who will the Democrats run? Pence is on the phone.... hello, Vladimir???

Add some comments if you agree/disagree.  

Meanwhile... celebrate 2019... and March On!  

Bobby J