Monday, December 31, 2018


Well... here comes the close of 2018 - yet a second year of "Trumpology." Ever watch a building crumble over time? Or, a demolition take-down with dynamite? Sadly, we are witnessing an erosion - some rapid and others gradually - of American Leadership and progressive advancement. Here are some examples:

Trumpology is destructive to our status around the globe, erodes the future opportunities of those of us facing challenges in health and education and those struggling with poverty, and brings smiles to the faces of our famous "friends" - Putin, Recep Erdogan of Turkey, and Kim Jon-un of North Korea. On the other hand, "allies" in NATO, the other Western Alliances, and our allies in Latin America and Asia are seeing our relationships crumble right before their eyes.... This administration, presently withdrawing from Syria, leaving the Kurds abandoned and exposed, and announcing plans for our withdrawal from Afghanistan - abandoning the pressure on our terrorist enemies and the Taliban, and siding with Saudi Arabia leaders in spite of murders - both planned and executed on our own lands, has severely damaged our global leadership since WW II and leads us away from the peaceful promised land of US Leadership and influence.

     Global Stability is rapidly facing increasing risk.... And, Trump cooperation with those, other than decades-long friends and allies, seems to represent the nations where Trump Towers and/or Golf Courses exist (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Philippines, Scotland, Ireland, South Korea, to name a bunch). On the other hand, abandoned, sold, or closed operations in Toronto, Rio, Baja, Tel Aviv, and Stuttgart suggest a struggle or rejection experienced by Trump and indicate locations or nations that he would like to "teach a lesson." And, that could be enticement (Tel Aviv and Russia) for those locations he wants to build a Trump Tower, or a stiff-arm (Mexico, Germany) to suggest punishment for those who have failed to cooperate with the Trump family.
     In any case, his "Trumpology" reeks of profit motivation and personal interest, not American advancement. Perhaps 2019 will be a better year with forced cooperation and advancement for the American people because of Democratic House leadership... or, a worse year with Trump increasing his "autocratic" behavior and assuming dictatorial behaviors, eroding our democratic governmental practice and the foundation of our constitution that "no man is above the law." His refusal to comply with existing laws and to rely on experienced advice and the regulatory environment rather than lead by "tweet", suggests either his ignorance.... or, his dastardly plan to erode the structure and stability of the USA.

Maybe 2019 can turn the corner..... and 2020 is getting closer and closer.... tick....tock..... TICK...TOCK!
Have a Better New Year and more.


Bobby J

Saturday, October 6, 2018


Like many others across the United States, I have closely watched the unfolding of the debate over the recent Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.  As the swirl continued, it appeared as though the federal governmental process has gone completely BANANAS!  As I watch today’s post-FBI one-copy, no public access report to the members of the Senate, votes have begun to fall into place.  As this falls, I am completely shocked that the American government process has lost its way. Just like the Anita Hill testimony against then near-justice Clarence Thomas, the 2018 Republican-led Committee and Trump – a sexual abuser himself – have silenced, ignored, and dismissed the testimony of Dr. Ford, protected and covered for the sexual violence and lying under oath of Brett Kavanaugh.  This abusive, ignorant, and completely improper and illegal Republican activity is a gross abuse of the public trust, and an attack on #Me Too and a women’s forthright and trustworthy testimony.  Dr. Ford was attacked by Trump at a Road Rally the week before the vote on Kavanaugh.  Shameful subversion of the truth and, like the Kavanaugh attempted rape of Dr. Ford more than 30 years ago at a high school party, the Senate Judicial Committee, the White House, and Trump himself, the Republicans in DC placed their procedural “HAND” over Dr. Ford’s mouth.  In addition, this “Devil’s Triangle” – White House – Senate Judicial Committee – and the Justice Department and Federal Courts, silenced many other witnesses – fellow students, party attendees, and Kavanaugh roommates - who could have provided accurate facts and corroboration of Ford’s truthful testimony.  The “Triangle” planned the very last step in the takeover of the third branch of the federal government – the Judicial System – through the capture of the US Supreme Court.  This complete right-wing Republican, Trump, dominated the political takeover of our democracy that began on January 20, 2017.  The Banana Republic, featuring a cloaked, Trump-based tyranny, includes holding the Congress, preventing presidential impeachment, and a Right-wing invasion of the federal courts, including District and Appeals Court appointments, and, ultimately, the Supreme Court takeover by those who would complete Trump totalitarianism. 

In March of this year, I published a posting on my blog -“THE SENIOR PROGRESSIVE”raising the issue of Trump LOADING the federal bench with right-wing activists in his first year.  By that time, after McConnell blocked more than 360 Obama nominations through 385 filibusters in the years of his term as President, Trump had made more than 100 appointments.  In year one, Trump succeeded in appointing 12 Appeal’s Court nominees and made 80 other court nominations. White House Counsel Don McGahn quarterbacked the entire effort.  The entire story was revealed in my blog 7 months ago.  Just like building an impregnable operation, McGahn began at the bottom – the district courts.  The next step was the 12 appointments to the Appeals Courts, and the icing on the cake is the Supreme Court – first with Gorsuch and now a back-up with Kavanaugh.  Losing cases in federal court could be appealed to the Trump-dominated Appeal’s Courts or, if losing there or not able to direct the effort to a Trump-based Appeals Court, the Supreme Court will be the final arbiter of Trump-based “justice.”  When dominating in the courts – all the way to the Supreme Court – Trump will run roughshod over American policy and the adoption/interpretation of law that could have otherwise been overturned.  The influenced court system will sustain Trump – and outrage the majority of Americans.  THIS MUST STOP!  You can read the March, 2018 report on my blog entry using the following link:

Check the entry titled: “Mis-direction, Deception, and De-construction: The American Justice System at Risk,” March 13, 2018, and you will find the Trump plan revealed 7 months ago.

Over the last two years the Republican Party has evaporated.  Now, the Trump Maga-mumps - those who were elected as Red district folks - sucked up to the mad-ball occupant of the White House and adorned themselves with the MAGA hat.  They abandoned the Republican tradition and became a "Trumpocracy." Given holding the majority in both houses, this Trump-stained cohort, was able to split a “banana.”  Trading Secretary appointments, high-ranking jobs, votes for Trump initiatives though they be the reverse of traditional Republican policy and political and governmental positions for the past 30 years or more (think International Trade, NATO, and opposing Russian foreign policy) for Trump political support in the 2018 Mid-terms, and avoiding nasty attacks emanating from the White House.  All are trying to hold onto office and have adopted the Trump plan to do so.  The MAGA converts are supporting Trump’s insane policy, have complemented the President for absurd comments or positions, and have abandoned their conservative policy positions, joining Trump in a set of reverse policy goals.  Like in the “Wizard of Oz”, Trump IS the man behind the curtain….  But, he is revealed through “tweets” and in the streets via his mobile rallies that continue on and on.  Abandon NAFTA?  Fight with allies?  Attack NATO?  Oppose any Global Warming science?  Transform “tax reform” to a giant tax cut for the rich and increased tax for the poor PLUS a giant national debt increase?  Cut social services support and threaten medical aid for those in desperate need?  Put Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security at risk by increasing the National Debt by $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS… and then call for close review and reduction in Medicare and Social Security to “balance the budget?”  Build a Southern Border Wall?  BANANAS! Abandon or bad-mouth our decades-long allies and cozy up with Russia and North Korea?

There are numerous actions taken, especially “Executive Orders”, that have been overturned by the federal courts.  The result is a massive year-one battle with Federal Courts which were negating Trump's Executive Orders, his reach into regulatory repeal, and his proposals in executive practices related to current law.    In addition to attacking those losses, the White House appeals to courts in defense of their policies where it has appointed new judges.  They are filling District Courts, Courts of Appeal, and, now, the Supreme Court.  All Trump has to do is to pursue appeals until he bets on the winning court where he has dominated appointments.  And, at the Supreme Court that has resulted in right-wing Gorsuch. In any number of cases before the Supreme Court we have lost on a 5-4 vote… or has jammed up in the Robert’s Court of 8 on a 4-4 result as a result of Gorsuch influence and votes.  Kavanaugh will be the final LOCK on the Trump influence. 

The Supreme Court scheme began more than 2 years ago.  In addition to stalling more than 360 appointments to a variety of offices, especially judges in federal courts, McConnell stopped President Obama from any votes on his nominee for a Supreme Court vacancy, Merrick Garland, after Scalia’s passing. McConnell delayed any discussion of the Garland nomination for nearly ONE YEAR.  In Trump’s first year, Neal Gorsuch, a complete right-winger conservative, was nominated and finally approved for a seat on the Supreme Court.  That locked up the Court in support of right-wing policy – with the exception of Justice Kennedy who wandered away from some positions like Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage issues, and other debates. In year two, with the retirement of Justice Kennedy, Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh, yet another complete right-winger.  We are within days of his approval and being seated on the Supreme Court. Where is all this heading?  Let’s take a look…..

Before the Kennedy retirement, coaxed by the White House, Trump pledged to select a candidate from a group of skilled right-wing folks selected and submitted by the completely right-wing “Federalist Society.”  The Federalists submitted a complete right-wing pledged list for consideration for Federal Court appointments and for the Supreme Court.  Funded substantially by the Koch brothers and the national Chamber of Commerce plus other wealthy Republican donors, Trump promised to appoint legal folks recommended by them.  In fact, though not quite in public view or under a microscope, Trump has filled many of the more than 360 appointments that McConnell and the Senate Republicans blocked over the two Obama terms as president.  Trump appointed more than 100 judges at the District Court level and more than 12 at the Courts of Appeals across the nation.  As suits against Trump in year one were often successful (recall his attempts to deny entry into the US in year one), the White House response was to inject their supporters and influence into the court justice system.  They are gaining fast on all levels! And, now the final judgment – the US Supreme Court – is falling into Trump’s hands.  An INJUSTICE for sure. This is BANANAS… and looks more like some autocratic, single maniac leader punishing any judge who disagrees, denying any Senator courtesy or appointments or a political future, unless they conform to the lunacy of his leadership.  Some are subject to “execution” on whatever front is appropriate and effective.  Sounds more like a Latin American dictatorship…..  or, his close love-affair with the North Korean Supreme “Leader”, Kim Jong-un. 

 This “Devil’s Triangle” can strangle our government “of the people, for the people, and by the people.” You and I – and all others who take pride in and support our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC that has been the pride of the globe for the last century and more – must Stand Up…. Speak Out…. and March On.  The time to save our democracy from the Trump-based autocracy of Big Business, huge wealth, the rich, giant corporations, and the top 5% of this country who are ascending into the single source of politics, policy, and government over us all, is essential NOW!  THIS TIME!  THIS YEAR! RIGHT NOW! AND, IN THIS ELECTION!  We must stand up… and save our nation and our democracy.  We must pull our nation back from the precipice…. from going over a cliff… from the very brink of becoming yet another autocratic “Banana Republic.” Do not hesitate! 



Wednesday, October 3, 2018

OOPS..... Sorry for the delay in additional publications......

Hi Folks:  As you can see from the list of published articles, I have not written on the blog since April of this year.  The reason is that I became "infected" with a substantial motivation to not only write about making changes in the political and governmental landscape, but to GET OUT THERE and make things happen.  I was engaged in two important efforts... First, a "Special Election" for an NY Assembly seat in my district; and, second, working furiously on an effort to de-rail a county effort to build a new 98 bed jail to house our average of 40 detainees (insane).  The county plan is to spend $50 million ($90 million with 30-yer interest) - coupled with a 20% tax increase - to build a facility located on the most expensive jail site of anywhere in the state of NY! 

I supported a well-spoken candidate for the Assembly, Aidan O'Connor in a district that has been RED for decades.  The Republican margins in those elections was substantial but candidate O'Connor was worth an effort.  Working with the Mountaintop Progressive movement, we came within 150 votes of winning that race.  O'Connor is running again for the full term this fall... and I am back at the switch one more time.  In addition, we are supporting a full Dem ticket in November, from CD 19 with Antonio Delgado, to Governor Cuomo, Strong for the Senate running with O'Connor, local County Legislature candidates, two Coroner candidates, and my friend who is running for County Treasurer.  Greene County is a RED region... but, I think that we can make a major dent in their armor. 

The second issue mentioned above is the jail issue.  Placing the county into a 30-year debt of some $90 million is absolutely unnecessary.  The proposed facility is over-sized, over-priced, and unnecessary.  I have chaired a Mountaintop region Jail Project Committee engaging some 200 folks in opposing the proposed facility and have chaired a steering committee for my creative for the River Towns and the Valley Towns, in combination with the Mountaintop.  This new group, numbering in the 200 range as well, have been ignited and is ablaze in opposition to the proposed facility.  Law, suits, complaints elsewhere, attendance at meetings, fiery testimony, email, letters, and demonstrations against the proposed project, planning, distribution of fliers, newspaper ads and more resulted in losing our position by just one vote!  Opposition will continue going forward and engagement in the politics and the election of this fall - the entire Legislature is on the ballot.

As you might guess, I will be engaged for the next month on these matters.  After that, I will be back on the blog.... and record national issues....  Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court, Trump and Trade Wars, attacks on medical coverage, medicaid, medicare, food stamps, education aid, and assistance for Republican lobbyists, fund raisers, large corporations, and the wealthy.  This is the democratic world turned upside down....  and RESISTANCE must succeed in saving the Republic....  Building is from the bottom up....  and, this fall, we should win the House, hold and/or win the Senate, and launch the double-down attack on Trump the terrible along with his cabinet and other policy creators and leaders who need to be blocked, stopped, and removed for their insane policy positions.

Thanks for staying attached.... See you again soon.
March ON!

Bobby J

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Since his inauguration as president, Donald Trump has complained bitterly that the Democrats in the Senate have frustrated his administration by holding up "hundreds" of appointments to a wide variety of positions, including the federal bench.  Like many of the Trump lies, mis-representations, and mis-statements, claims of intentional delays of nominees simply are not true. The facts are that the Trump White House is so dysfunctional that they have not been able to attract and complete background checks on candidates for the vacant available offices.  From ambassadors in the foreign service, to high positions in the State Department, the EPA, Defense Department and many others, nominees simply are not flowing from the White House Appointments Office to the FBI for vetting.  In fact, of some 640 key positions that require Senate confirmation, 216 - one-third of the total number - have NO NOMINEE. Nearly 30 of these are high-ranking Cabinet vacancies.  These include the Commissioner of Social Security, Director of the Census, the Director of the ATF, Director of the National Parks, and the head of the Federal Highway Administration to mention a few. Among the State Department vacancies, we do not even have an Ambassador to South Korea!  And, as evidenced by the recent revelations over such White House "appointees" as Jared Kushner, even those who have been selected cannot pass security muster.                         

Nevertheless, Trump often complains that his appointments are "being held up" by the Democrats.  He notes that the Republicans did not do that to President Obama and that he is unfairly being "persecuted" by his political enemies.  This is total nonsense. In fact, if anyone could be charged with dereliction of duty as it relates to confirming appointments, it is surely the Senate Republicans. From 2007 to 2012 there were 385 filibusters conducted by the Republicans - MORE THAN THE TOTAL NUMBER OF FILIBUSTERS IN THE 6+ DECADES FROM THE FIRST WORLD WAR TO RONALD REAGAN! In fact, prior to the Obama Presidency, 90% of judicial positions were filled. During the Obama years, however, just 50% of the judicial vacancies were filled. This is the world turned upside down... and, it did not happen by accident.   

As I am certain that you will recall, when Justice Scalia passed, President Obama nominated a fully vetted and qualified candidate to fill that vacancy.  He chose Judge Merrick Garland, a seasoned and centrist judge on the DC Court of Appeals.  He was nominated on March 16, 2016.  Almost immediately, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate would not consider the Garland nomination although it was near a full year prior to the succeeding president taking office. The facts are, that in 2 centuries it has been standard practice for the Congress to consider confirmation of judicial nominees - whether it was a presidential election year or not.  Of the 6 judges confirmed since 1900, 3 have been Republicans with the most recent (prior to Gorsuch) in an election year, Justice Kennedy - appointed by President Reagan and confirmed by a Democratic Senate in February of 1988.  Since 1875 every Supreme Court nominee has received a hearing and/or a vote. The last 4 appointments averaged 75 days from nomination to confirmation. McConnell sat on the Garland nomination for more than 300 days. This didn't happen by accident.  Nope!  It was a part of an orchestrated plan to "pack" the federal bench with conservative judges that was hatched by Mitch McConnell - in the hope that they might win the presidency and have a clear field to fill these judicial vacancies that stood at 50% due to their filibusters and refusal to consider Obama appointments.     

As you know, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was confirmed a few months ago which just might tilt the majority on the Supreme Court to the more conservative side of the equation.  Time, and a series of rulings, will tell. However, should yet another retirement from the liberal side of the Court take place while the compliant Republican Senate majority continues in place, most decidedly another right-wing Trump appointee will firmly place the Count's majority on the ultra-right conservative side of judicial temperament. Such a development could result in the reversal of any number of previous Supreme Court rulings over the decades that have clarified and, in some cases, expanded or re-defined the rights that Americans enjoy under the US Constitution.  Some of these include voting rights, civil rights, and the now-famous Roe v. Wade that protects a woman's right to choose. While the Supreme Court and the cases that are presented and determined in that Judicial forum are widely covered by the print and electronic media, other issues are decided in lower courts - the Circuit Courts of Appeal and, of course, the first line in the federal judicial system, the District Courts.

Circuit Courts got their moment in the press eye due to the numerous suits that were filed challenging the Trump Travel Bans of year one of his administration - for the most part siding with those who claimed that such bans were unconstitutional.  Trump bristled at what he viewed as "interference" in his "executive authority."  Steven Miller, a former Jeff Sessions Senate aide and now a Trump adviser on immigration issues, claimed that "President Trump's authority shall not be challenged!" in a TV interview on a Circuit Court determination that his immigration Executive orders were unconstitutional.  Of course, in his private business life prior to becoming President, Trump has numerous run-ins with courts and judges.  Issues with his various building projects, rental policies, casino revenue and taxes, contractor and vendor claims of non-payment, and, more recently, his Trump University case that resulted in a large cash settlement just prior to the 2016 election, demonstrated to Trump the important role that judges could play and did play in advancing or frustrating his objectives.  The "Muslim Ban" cases, however, could not be settled with a monetary payment, like Stormy Daniels or the Trump University suit.  These were clashes over POWER.  And, Trump could not tolerate ANY challenges to his POWER.  And, that would mean....  more appointments... more appointments.... and more loyalty oaths.... or, at least a common world view as it relates to Trump, for candidates seeking judicial appointments. Once Donald found that he couldn't simply "bully" or threaten the federal bench, it was time to implement the "McConnell Plan" and pack the federal bench. And, so the "shopping spree" began. 

In an effort to re-shape the federal judiciary, Trump's folks helped get a record-breaking 12 appeal's court judges confirmed in his first year - four times as many as President Obama did in his first year. By mid-February 2018, Trump has nominated 80 federal judges - and he is just getting started! Given that McConnell blocked many Obama nominees and stockpiled judicial vacancies, Trump has 139 open seats on the bench to fill - a task that the right-wing considers the "most important thing" that they could do. In general, these nominees are sympathetic to gun rights, religious freedom in free speech, are skeptical regarding abortion rights as well as workplace discrimination and environmental protections.  After Gorsuch, their goal was to "fill up the lower courts."  With lifetime appointments and very few decisions that will ever make it to the Supreme Court, the plan is to change America for generations. 

White House Counsel Don McGahn, the quarterback of this effort, once described this class of nominees for the bench as "the second list... and too hot for prime time... the kind that make some people nervous." He was right about that.....  Judge Leonard Grasz, confirmed to the 8th Circuit Court in December, described Roe v. Wade as "moral bankruptcy."  Judge John Bush, appointed to the 6th Circuit in last July, compared abortion to "slavery" in his blog.  While it remains to be seen just how much damage these judicial appointments actually do to the social and legal glue that holds our nation together, it seems almost certain that the Trump years - however many they may be - will continue to inflict considerable damage to our democracy and the freedoms and liberties to which we have become accustomed over the decades of the post World War II years.  Hang on folks.... it's going to be one hell of a ride!

RESIST!  PERSIST!  INSIST!                                                   Bobby J

Saturday, February 17, 2018


It was just last October that Time Magazine's October 13, 2017 issue featured a lead story entitled, "The Massacre in Las Vegas."  The article described the carnage that took place as a gunman on the 32nd floor of a hotel there killed 58 and injured 527 others at a country music festival that was taking place across the street below his shooting perch.  62-year old Steven Paddock, using a semi-automatic assault rifle modified with a bump-stock, making the weapon functionally fully automatic, rained down bullets on the 22,000 people assembled below.  The result was the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.  Paddock, armed with an arsenal of 23 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition, ended the assault with a bullet to his own head as SWAT closed in on his position.

That attack was just one of the outrageous consequences of our national failure to adopt reasonable, common sense gun control.  Since the school massacre at Sandy Hook in 2012 and other murderous rampages at Newtown, Virginia Tech, and Orlando, we have witnessed the same sequence over and over again -  shootings, indescribable displays of pain and sorrow, expressions of " thoughts and prayers" for the fallen along with their friends and families, some pledges of actions, and some cautioning that "now is not the time to discuss the matter." Still others blame "mental illness", and some calling for the adoption of gun control laws that make sense.  We have witnessed 17 school shootings in 2018 alone - in just 45 days! Colleges, High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools - none are immune from the danger of assault and death.  Since 2012, there have been 230+ attacks - 186 on school property - resulting in 438 being wounded and 138 killed.  In fact, right now, we are averaging 5 school shootings a  month.  In 2018, we have experienced more gun assaults in 45 days than in any year since 2012.  And, in each case, always "thoughts and prayers" - but no action - to prevent this unnecessary loss of life, unique to the United States in the developed world.

Poll data indicates that the vast majority of Americans - including Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and even NRA members, support common sense gun control measures. These include expanding background checks to include gun-show sales, adding those with a history of mental illness to the "no sale" background registry, adding those on the Homeland Security "no-fly" list to the exclusion list, and, to re-adopt measures to ban ownership of military assault-style weapons like the well-known AK-47 and AR 14, whether semi-automatic or the currently banned automatic version. But, in spite of many public statements by Presidents, Senators, the House Speaker, and many others, nothing seems to happen.

The recent tragedy in Parkland, Florida once again resulted in "thoughts and prayers" with cautions from President Trump, Speaker Ryan, and others that "now is not the time" to discuss the issue of guns.  Then, when IS the time? After the Las Vegas massacre, promises were made to "outlaw" the manufacture, sale, and use of the bump-stock - a device that easily transforms a presently legal semi-automatic assault-style weapon to an illegal fully-automatic assault rifle.  Much was made that such a measure would pass the congress with bi-partisan support and determined speed.  Nothing passed or was even posted for a vote in either house.  Once again, NRA influence was felt and those who suffered loss and who had invaded the Halls of Congress demanding change, were abandoned. Most elected officials pledged to strengthen the prohibition against gun ownership for those with violence in their records, including any evidence of mental illness or domestic violence, and for those not permitted to fly on commercial airlines as defined by Homeland Security.  Again, nothing was either considered or adopted.

Instead of tightening the rules for gun ownership, closing background check loopholes like private sales and gun shows, or adding funding and regulations to address mental health concerns, Trump and the Republicans offer "thoughts and prayers" and adopt policies and support modifications of law that do exactly the reverse.  Just last year, Trump signed a bill into law - notably, without any fanfare - that rolled back an Obama regulation that made it more difficult for those with a mental illness to buy guns.  After Sandy Hook, with the Republican Congress refusal to adopt an assault weapon ban, Obama issued a regulation in 2013 that added people receiving a Social Security Disability check due to a mental illness or that deemed them "unfit to handle their own financial affairs" to the "No Gun Registry."  Had that rule fully taken effect, 75,000 people would have been added to the background check turn-down list. In February, 2017, both the House and the Senate passed a new bill, H.J. Resolution 40, revoking the Obama regulation. Of course, the NRA applauded Trump's agreement with and signature on the measure "Everytown for Gun Safety" Executive Director John Feinblatt noted this as one item on the NRA list of "pushing for more guns, for more people, in more places."

The other promises that have been made over and over is for more attention paid to school safety and more support for mental health programs in order to address this issue before depression, anger, or delusion results in gun deaths.  Last week, the Trump 2019 Budget was introduced.  The proposal  does none of that.  Instead, the Trump budget proposal includes numerous programs that the Trump Administration wants to severely cut or eliminate altogether. Included in these "cuts" are several programs meant to enhance school safety and to help communities recover from tragedies like the one listed above. It cuts $24 million from the National School Safety Program and zeroes out the "Project Prevent Grant" program.  That program funds school services in conflict resolution and violence-prevention activities. The proposed budget also cuts funding from Project SERVE (School Emergence Response to Violence). This program, adopted after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, assisted that school community to recover along with others similarly challenged by violence. In addition, the federal budget proposal also contains substantial cuts to Medicaid, including funding for mental health services aimed at those poor and near-poor who could not otherwise access preventive mental health services or clinics.

Why are all of these young lives unnecessarily lost?  Perhaps mental health is a part of the answer and, of course, those with mental illness should not have access to guns.  And, yes, those considered so dangerous as to be prevented from flying and are on the Homeland Security "no-fly" list, should also be prevented from buying guns.  And, of course, everyone should be subjected to a background check before being able to buy a firearm, regardless of where or how they purchase a firearm. These all are common sense measures that would help to keep us safe.  But, these are not the real answer alone.  The real problem is - ACCESS TO GUNS!  Especially, those that are designed for one reason - mass killing.  That's right, the AK-47, AR-15, and any other military-style automatic or semi-automatic weapon - the personal "weapon of mass destruction."

2nd Amendment rights were  defined by the Supreme Court and the Justices ruled THAT THE AMERICAN RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS IS NOT AN ABSOLUTE. We do not permit citizens to own and keep nuclear devices, tanks, artillery, grenade launchers, or surface-to-air missiles. Limits on rights are altogether legal and proper as is appropriate regulation. This applies to  wide variety of "rights." People driving need a license.  People traveling outside the country need a passport.  People providing medical care need a license as do teachers and many others.  So, why do we let a personal weapon of mass destruction - the assault weapon - continue to be widely available?  And, especially in Florida, easier to buy than a pistol or a beer?  One answer is the NRA - their campaign cash, and their threats to oppose those who would limit the manufacture, distribution, and sale or weaponry that is designed to kill humans in large numbers. Instead, the House recently passed a measure supported by the NRA that would permit anyone who is licensed to carry a gun in any state, regardless of the type of weapon, to carry that gun in ANY STATE - regardless of the fact that the state traveled to prohibits that weapon or the carrying of a weapon within their state. So,  residents of states like Florida and Texas that permit almost anyone to own weapons - hand guns, rifles, assault weapons, and more - without restriction - can travel to NY, NJ, and Connecticut AND CARRY THEIR GUNS WITH THEM - in spite of that weapon being in violation of our state law!  Whatever happened to the party of "states rights"?  This measure passed the House and is presently pending in the Senate.  Our own Member of Congress, John Faso voted FOR the bill, and against NY State Sovereignty.  He fully supports the NRA, opposes the NY SAFE Act, and opposes any effort to ban or limit the availability of assault weapons.

 A reasonable person might ask why common sense measures with broad public support like the ones cited above have not been adopted?  And, why does it seems that we are EXPANDING GUN RIGHTS AND CUTTING MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES?  The answer lies with the NRA.  So, here is a partial list of NRA endorsed and supported elected officials who recently offered their "thoughts and prayers."


   Senator John McCain (R-Ariz) ........................  received $7.7 million from the NRA
   Senator Richard Burr (R-NC)...........................  received $6.9 million from the NRA
   Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO)...............................  received $4.5 million from the NRA
   Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)............................. received $3.3 million from the NRA
   Senator Rob Portman (R-OH)...........................  received $3.0 million from the NRA
   House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)..................  received $179,000 from the NRA in 2016

Among the top 100 House Members who received NRA endorsements and $6 Million in cash, 95 are Republicans, with John Faso among them.  Faso is endorsed by the NRA and holds a A++ rating at 93% support of their positions on guns and more.  In 2016, Faso received $8000 from the NRA in campaign support, signed a pledge to oppose the NY SAFE Act, and to fight any "liberal attempts to trample on our freedoms."  Faso opposes reinstating the federal ban on "assault weapons" and restrictions on magazine capacities.  He voted for and supports the House measure permitting anyone licensed in other states to carry their weapons with them into New York. In the end, we either lose more young lives, or we lose Faso and other NRA elected officials.

Isn't it time to ask your state legislators, county legislators, and other elected officials where they stand on GUNS? STAND UP!  SPEAK OUT!  MARCH ON!

PERSIST....  INSIST....  RESIST.......  Bobby J
The Senior Progressive

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

"IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE" (1935) - Sinclair Lewis.... Or, can it????? Or, Has it?????

Born in 1885 and graduated from Yale in 1908, Lewis gained fame as a novelist through the 1920's and 30's.  Author of such works as "Main Street" (1920), "Babbitt" (1922), "Arrowsmith" (1925), and "Elmer Gantry" (1927) - taken together, the 1920s were considered to be his best working decade. Lewis penned his more famous novel, "It Can't Happen Here", in 1935 in the midst of the Great Depression and during the rise of authoritarianism and dictatorship in Europe. His novel presented a picture of the American Democracy sinking into fascism, not unlike some of its western counterparts in Europe, in spite of the widely held notion that such a thing could not happen in the US.  His novel depicts a President who has risen up in a surprising way, upends the traditional political candidates, wins the presidency and becomes dictator - complete with warrant-less arrests of opponents, gun-toting, militia-like supporters named "Minute Men" (notably, otherwise known as "Militia"), and a number of concentration camps around the country.  These repressive acts and more were all designed to save the nation from welfare cheats, promiscuity, crime, and a liberal press accused of manufacturing negative "news" about the president and his actions (can you say "fake news?"). 

One of the characters in the Lewis book is Doremus Jessup, a  liberal Vermont newspaper editor. Jessup, against the advice of his family and friends, editorializes against President Berzelius Windrip, who swept into office and instituted American totalitarianism draped in red, white , and blue hyper patriotism. Jessup publishes an editorial critical of President Windrip - and is promptly arrested.  While in custody, Jessup reasons that "minding his own business" was one of the primary reasons that fascism arose in America.  The failing, he concludes, was that "it is those who have let the demagogues wriggle in, without fierce enough protest."

In an copyrighted introduction to the 2005 printing of the novel, Michael Meyer, PhD, a professor of English at the University of Connecticut with numerous scholarly articles, notes that after his release from detention, Jessup works to publish an underground paper - "Vermont Vigilance."  The publication, defined as "seditious", exposes the corruption of the "American Corporate State and the US Patriotic Party." Jessup's oldest daughter slips pamphlets into copies of the Reader's Digest while his younger daughter is a "secret agent" in the "enemy camp" gathering fodder for his publication.  Jessup is soon arrested during a Minute man raid on his home, is taken to a concentration camp, and nearly beaten to death. He later escapes and joins the RESISTANCE in Minnesota coordinating raids against Minute Man posts. Although the book does not end with a restoration of our Democracy, it alerted a generation of Americans to the dangers that were evident at that moment in history.

If all of this sounds vaguely familiar, welcome to the era of Trump!  With his penchant for authoritarianism, deriding of federal law enforcement institutions, attacks on the free press as "fake news", and the on-going interference with the Mueller investigation of Russian involvement in the 2016 federal election as well as Congressional probes, can "camps" be far behind?.

 Of course, Trump cannot do all of this alone - he needs cooperators.... "quislings".... or, in the language of criminal law, "co-conspirators."  One of these is House Member Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and author of the now infamous, "Nunes Memorandum."  The Chairman reprised his "quisling" role from earlier in the Mueller probe that resulted in his having to recuse himself from the Intelligence Committee review of Russian interference in the election. Last week he issued his long-anticipated "memo" - described by the Department of Justice and the FBI - notably, both headed by Trump-appointed Republicans - as "dangerous", a "threat to national security", and containing "material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy." The plea to maintain the confidentiality of classified information by both FBI Director Wray, and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein made to the White House Chief of Staff Kelly, was rejected out of hand. Trump reacted by described the credibility of the FBI as being "the worst in history."  The obvious objective of the Nunes memo - which reveals nothing new or shocking at all - was to muddy the investigative waters of the Mueller probe and to cause a threat to Rosenstein as well.  Many view the memo as providing a weak basis for Trump to fire either or both men who he sees as a threat to his presidency.  In reality, the memo is no more than a political propaganda piece intended to protect the President by attacking Mueller and Rosenstein.  A McCarthy-like hit piece on the investigation itself, the Nunes memo cherry-picks information and spins it into a narrative that is aimed at undermining the investigation and, therefore, any finding that Trump either colluded with Russians, laundered money, or obstructed justice, or perhaps all three - regardless of the facts presented.  After all, in Trumpworld,  facts don't matter, especially when "alternative facts" will do - like, the entire inquiry was driven by anti-Trump partisanship!  Never-mind, that all of these appointed officials at DOJ, CIA, and FBI are Republicans and were all were appointed by Trump or his allies! Further, absolutely no one would allege that the FBI is some hotbed of left-wing Clinton sympathizers! Autocrats, as in the Sinclair Lewis novel, cannot prevail unless they have allies to give them cover. Thanks to Nunes, Paul Ryan, and their Republican majority doing just that, the nation has taken yet another step toward the chaos that autocrats thrive on. In a hopeful development, several Republicans, including Senator John McCain, Senator Mark Warner, and Congressman Tray Gowdy, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, have all denounced the memo as inaccurate, immaterial, and irrelevant - a "nothing-burger."

The Republican-led Intel Committee voted today to release the Democratic "Memo." After 5 days of review by the White House to determine whether or not to release the document, not surprisingly, Trump determined NOT to release the document.  The House could act to overturn that judgment, but with House Republicans acting more like lapdogs than a separate and equal branch of government, what do YOU think will happen?  We can only hope for "transparency" to prevail in the end.


The US Constitution requires the President "annually" to provide to the Congress information on the state of the union.  As is the case in any Presidential State of the Union address, the speech before a Joint Session of Congress contains a broad variety of observations, credit-taking for successes, prescriptions for future policy recommendations, and comments on current events around the globe.
The Trump message was no different, but for at least two inclusions - one during the speech, and another in public comments the following day.

POINT ONE: President Trump called for a "house-cleaning" of the federal bureaucracy.  Trump called on the Congress to pass legislation to empower the executive branch and the cabinet to disrupt the federal civil service and "reward good workers" and remove federal employees who "undermine the public trust or fail the American people."  Hmmmmmm....   now, just who will make that judgment? Will this become a "deep state" removal of anyone not saluting Trump? Would that be Trump's "TREASON?"

POINT TWO:  Are we really seeing echo's of the "lock her up!" chants of the Trump 2016 Campaign?  In a speech delivered on the Monday after the State of the Union address, Trump charged that the Democrats were "traitors", "UN-american",and were "treasonous" in their behavior.  These are serious charges - TREASON!  And, what extreme offenses did the Democrats commit that rises to the level of TREASON?  Trump was unhappy that the Democrats in the Joint Session of Congress failed to stand and cheer the "great leader" for his "great success" in MAGA - Making America Great Again.  Like autocrats in the old Soviet Union, or in present-day North Korea, Trump is expecting everyone to bow down, genuflect, stand at attention, wildly cheer on cue, and prostrate themselves in his presence - Senators, House Members, Cabinet Officials, the Directors of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Generals, Admirals, federal employees, and citizens all.  Failure to worship at the Trump altar could result in a purge....  an unceremonious firing.....  or a charge of TREASON!  Sinclair Lewis' character, Doremus Jessup - the outspoken newspaper editor, arrested and jailed for treason for criticizing the President, would find these recent events a familiar echo of his time and circumstance.  Can it happen here?  Or, is it already happening here?  These are the elements of an American nightmare...


Bobby J

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Once again, all around the globe - WOMEN STOOD UP, SPOKE OUT, AND MARCHED ON!  
From the streets of Woodstock, Hudson, and Albany, to New York City, Chicago, LA, Austin, Seattle, San Francisco, and many places in between, and sister-marches in places like London, Frankfurt, Melbourne, Paris, and Warsaw.  Rather than a long-winded description, you will get the picture and feel the energy and the commitment from the photos taken in NYC and in sister marches across the nation and throughout the world....  Rather than label them all by location, know that this outpouring of outrage seemed like a spontaneous combustion in reaction to the Trump agenda, actions, and attitudes displayed in policy, press conferences and presidential tweets.  It has truly been a shocking year and one that challenges all of us to STAND UP... TO SPEAK OUT....  AND TO MARCH ON!  Over this past year we have taken our cause to the streets.  This year - 2018 - will be the year that we take back our country through the ballot box.  

Here is a list of some of the sister march locations in the US and around the world :  Albany, Austin, Atlanta, Anchorage, and Ajijic, Athens, Amsterdam, and Auckland; Boston, Buffalo, Boise, and Bangkok, Barcelona, Belgrade, Berlin, Bogota, Brasilia, and Brussels; Chicago, Chattanooga, and Capetown; Dallas, Denver, Dublin and Durban; Fairbanks, Fargo, and Frankfort; Glens Falls, Guam, and Geneva; Houston, Hudson, Heidelberg, and Helsinki; Jackson and Jackson Hole; Key West, and Knoxville; Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Little Rock, Lima, and Lisbon; Memphis, Miami, Mobile, Macau, Madrid, Mexico City, and Montreal; Napa, New Orleans, Newark, New York City, and Nairobi; Omaha and Oslo; Palm Beach, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Paris, and Prague; Raleigh, Richmond, and Rome; San Diego, San Francisco, Savannah, Sedona, Spokane, Steamboat Springs, Sidney, and Stockholm; Trenton, Tel Aviv, Tbilisi, and Toronto; Washington, DC, Wichita, Woodstock, and Warsaw.  Dozens of other sites hosted sister marches as well that are not listed here.  Still, you need to see just how wide-spread the protests and marches against Trump were this month.  The messages, in addition to those expressing disapproval of the Trump administration and the president himself, were in support of Women's Rights, Human Rights, Free Speech, Science, Black Lives, the Environment, Health Care, Income Equality, Immigrants and DACA, sanity in foreign policy, against war and the waste of lives, against corporate greed, and much more.  The "line of march" stretched coast-to-cost, border-to-border, and around the globe.  All together, estimates are that some 4-5 million marched this past weekend, all with a renewed commitment to RESIST... INSIST... PERSIST... AND VOTE! 
Photos follow.... 






Bobby J