Hi Folks: As you can see from the list of published articles, I have not written on the blog since April of this year. The reason is that I became "infected" with a substantial motivation to not only write about making changes in the political and governmental landscape, but to GET OUT THERE and make things happen. I was engaged in two important efforts... First, a "Special Election" for an NY Assembly seat in my district; and, second, working furiously on an effort to de-rail a county effort to build a new 98 bed jail to house our average of 40 detainees (insane). The county plan is to spend $50 million ($90 million with 30-yer interest) - coupled with a 20% tax increase - to build a facility located on the most expensive jail site of anywhere in the state of NY!
I supported a well-spoken candidate for the Assembly, Aidan O'Connor in a district that has been RED for decades. The Republican margins in those elections was substantial but candidate O'Connor was worth an effort. Working with the Mountaintop Progressive movement, we came within 150 votes of winning that race. O'Connor is running again for the full term this fall... and I am back at the switch one more time. In addition, we are supporting a full Dem ticket in November, from CD 19 with Antonio Delgado, to Governor Cuomo, Strong for the Senate running with O'Connor, local County Legislature candidates, two Coroner candidates, and my friend who is running for County Treasurer. Greene County is a RED region... but, I think that we can make a major dent in their armor.
The second issue mentioned above is the jail issue. Placing the county into a 30-year debt of some $90 million is absolutely unnecessary. The proposed facility is over-sized, over-priced, and unnecessary. I have chaired a Mountaintop region Jail Project Committee engaging some 200 folks in opposing the proposed facility and have chaired a steering committee for my creative for the River Towns and the Valley Towns, in combination with the Mountaintop. This new group, numbering in the 200 range as well, have been ignited and is ablaze in opposition to the proposed facility. Law, suits, complaints elsewhere, attendance at meetings, fiery testimony, email, letters, and demonstrations against the proposed project, planning, distribution of fliers, newspaper ads and more resulted in losing our position by just one vote! Opposition will continue going forward and engagement in the politics and the election of this fall - the entire Legislature is on the ballot.
As you might guess, I will be engaged for the next month on these matters. After that, I will be back on the blog.... and record national issues.... Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court, Trump and Trade Wars, attacks on medical coverage, medicaid, medicare, food stamps, education aid, and assistance for Republican lobbyists, fund raisers, large corporations, and the wealthy. This is the democratic world turned upside down.... and RESISTANCE must succeed in saving the Republic.... Building is from the bottom up.... and, this fall, we should win the House, hold and/or win the Senate, and launch the double-down attack on Trump the terrible along with his cabinet and other policy creators and leaders who need to be blocked, stopped, and removed for their insane policy positions.
Thanks for staying attached.... See you again soon.
March ON!
Bobby J
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