Thursday, February 24, 2022



Trump... Putin and Ukraine - 2019... and today - 2022

You may recall this article HEADLINE - "UKRAINE RUNNIN' AROUND MY BRAIN..."  I first use this in late September of 2019 ... on the eve of the 2020 election year. 


"Ukraine... runnin' around my brain...."   Yup.... But, the original sound was about New York and Cocaine....  and, at my age, I cannot help but experience old "rock n' rock" song lyrics "runnin' around my brain" as well.  The song lyrics hint at a "painful headache" "in the rain"....  In this case, the HEADACHE that began on January 20, 2017 with the Presidential Oath of Office - hmmmm..... IN THE RAIN....  resulted in a giant migraine headache....  OK.. so, it doesn't "rain" every day...  but, daily pain infliction on the nation comes from the TWEETS and LIES that come on a daily basis.  The "downpour" of mistakes, lies, outrage, racism, destruction of democracy.... etc., etc.... goes on each and every day...  The cure is displayed in the predicted future cover of TIME Magazine....  and accurately describes an appropriate end to the Trump nightmare." 

That referenced Trump's history at the switch on the eve of a massive effort to correct the mistake made in 2016 with his election to office. OK... so he didn't resign - although he was impeached a second time.  As with the first time, the Senate refused to remove him from office - by a small margin in a vote requiring a 2/3 vote to convict. He applied destruction for yet another year - 2020 - with another Supreme Court appointment rushed through, the erasing of hundreds of regulations that protected Americans and America's natural assets, reduced or eliminated healthcare access, and more.  After the November 2020 election the PSYCHO undertook a "STOP THE STEAL" campaign that resulted in more death and construction - not in Ukraine - but in our nation's Capitol - resulting in death, injury, destruction, and an attempted seditious "coup." The January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION continues under review by the House Select Committee on established over the insane objections and resistance/avoidance by Psycho Trump and his "Trump-Tribe". So here we are in late February, 2022. And, this time.... Trump's Pal - Putin - invades UKRAINE, deploys troops, sends missiles, wreaks destruction, and sheds blood... A complete disgrace.... and the taking of lives in violation of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the post- World War II agreements and modest alternations and international agreements made since then - including the agreement by Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. You will recall that Putin and Trump met privately several times in Moscow and elsewhere while the Psycho held office. Trump weakened NATO along the way - yet another Putin goal - that set the stage for the expansion of Russian territory and influence and the re-creation of a Russian "Sphere of Influence".   

  Once Putin began the assembly of his military on the borders of Ukraine - in Russia, Belarus, and in the Crimea (a section of Ukraine), European Leaders, President Biden, the UN Security Counsel and others spoke out against the THREAT OF INVASION. Putin - just like Trump - lied, lied, and lied describing the gathering of more than 100,000 Russian troops, military ships, air power, tanks, and artillery as "a military exercise." Putin also referred to Ukraine as "Russian" and not a nation - although it has existed for the last 30+ years. After a national referendum in Ukraine that received 90% of the votes cast, Ukraine officially declared itself an independent country on 24 August 1991, when the communist Supreme Soviet (parliament) of Ukraine proclaimed that Ukraine would no longer follow the laws of USSR and only the laws of the Ukrainian SSR, de facto declaring Ukraine's independence from the Soviet Union. That was agreed to by President Yeltsin and Russia back then and recognized by the UN including all of the Security Council Members. Other Baltic states - Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania - all regained their sovereignty that same year - 1991. Under UN International Law, NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY CANNOT BE VIOLATED WITHOUT PENALTY. Of course, that is what President Biden has been doing - gathering the NATO allies and partners together, lining up and applying indicated economic sanctions and adding an American troop presence in eastern Europe with the allied nations in the Baltic states and Poland - the easternmost perimeter of the NATO member nations. Well, we know where Biden and the American Congress stands - Democrats and many Republicans alike. The very same place that the United States has stood on the global stage - until Trump.  So, where does Trump and his rabid "Tribal" allies stand today? The global economy is "shaken" with the price of oil up, the Stock Market down around the global markets with 800 points down on Wall Street as I type this at 9:45 AM today. And, where is Trump???



It took only 24 hours for Donald Trump to hail Russian President Vladimir Putin's dismembering of independent, democratic, sovereign Ukraine as an act of "genius." The former President often accuses his enemies falsely of treason, but his own giddy rush to side with a foreign leader who is proving to be an enemy of the United States and the West is shocking even by Trump's self-serving standards.

Keep your eye on Eastern Europe... Will this engulf all of Europe? Is this yet another model of the Hitlerian strategy?  Absorb the Sudetenland and then Austria (Crimea and Ukraine) before invading Poland France and others? As the World War I troop chant goes... "Where do we go from here boys... where do we go from here????"
Bobby J