Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Hi Folks: I came across some disturbing news this AM. Just in case you missed it, I thought that I should share...
In the July - August 2020 edition of "Mother Jones" magazine, a substantial report on the status of the Covid-19 viral invasion of the US. The magazine cover - "PLAGUED: Grift, Greed, Gaslighting: A Special Report on Trump's Covid Corruption" outlines the history of the Covid19 contagion as the "AMERICAN PLAGUE." One element of the report is tracking the growth of the Covid19 virus - case counts and related deaths that resulted. In addition to documenting the Trump DENIAL as "fake news" and yet another "witch hunt", the article tracks the death count that mounted over time. With the first US death in early February, by April 11th it hit 20,000.... by April 16th, 30,000... and by April 24th, 40,000+. Here we are in August - 4 months later - and we currently stand at 5.5 million cases and 170,000+ deaths. In just 4 months... the number of lives lost increased 4-fold... 4-times... 400%!!! And, against this backdrop, Trump and the Red states generally, insist that colleges and schools re-open full steam, on-site, and in classrooms....

This AM I came across a report at the University of North Carolina. Like most colleges in the US, the college re-opened this month. With moving into the dorms and Fraternity/Sorority housing, this one followed the Trump Plan - full engagement and full classes. Tested on campus arrival, students and faculty were cleared. But, if any showed positive test results or were symptomatic, they would be quarantined for a period. Now, at the end of the first week of classes, a repeat of the testing took place.... The faculty, staff, students, and the CDC were in for a shocking surprise.....
MORE THAN 170 STUDENTS TESTED POSITIVE - AFTER ONE WEEK! Hundreds more, along with some faculty and staff, were quarantined for a 2 week period and the entire campus reverted to "virtual classes." Classrooms, cafeterias, Faculty and Student Lounges, and any other activities requiring close contact were shut down - maybe temporary, maybe permanent. What does this suggest? And, what are we about to face across the US?
Escort or insulate our kids? Learn from experience??? 
In 2 weeks time, most grade schools and high schools across the nation will open. Some have carefully developed opening plans including some in-place and some virtual class work. Some schedules are driven by age and location and others are going fully opened with twice the number of bus trips on a split schedule. Will this work? Keeping in mind that we are about to launch the school year and encourage or compel youngsters who have been shielded from this "social mix" of contacts from different locations, each with a different contact history, we are going to "dip" them into the school pool. What will happen if the North Carolina University experience this past week repeats in schools across the nation? If you dip your kids into the pool...will they get wet?
And, if we find it necessary to quarantine and isolate school children, will that mean that their parents will also need to stay home? Will the ER or hospital care be required - for the kids? Or for family members and Granny who live with them? Does that mean that the economy takes yet another hit as parents need to be home and not at work? And, are hospitals - AGAIN - overloaded with victims of infection and extraordinary round 2 stress on medical facilities and staff???
If this happens... what impact may this development have on November 3rd voting? The election outcome?
PSYCHOTIC TRUMP swallows the Republican Senate!
OK... This is a horror story... and I pray that it will not happen as outlined above. Our nation, its children, and our future is all too precious. Still, the events in North Carolina are a sad tale... and today's reports suggest that such an outcome could happen. So, as Congressman John Lewis often said, "keep your eyes on the prize." Stay safe, wear a mask, keep social distance, wash hands... and pray for a successful vaccine - not snake oil being sold by the head CONMAN - THE MAD MONARCH TRUMP..... its BIDEN TIME!
Stay Well.... Keep the kids well too.... and VOTE!
Tick-Tock ...... November 3rd
Bobby J
Image may contain: meme, text that says 'CAN'T WAIT TO SEE Y'ALLS BACK TO SCHOOL PICS THIS YEAR! First Day of School!'


Ok..... So Folks... I hope that you have picked up these "pieces" and strung them together.... Trump is at it again....
STEP 1: You may recall that a month or so ago our "Pearless Leader" - Psychotic President Trump - fearful that the rise of Covid-19 was eroding his chances to be re-elected this November. With the impact on health, jobs, businesses, and the collapse of the American economy impedes his campaign and his poll numbers go off the cliff, he places the blame on the CASE-COUNT as the Corona 19 virus invasion grows by leaps and bounds. Given the demand in the CDC and the health community for TESTING he announces at a Trump re-elect rally that testing is "bad" because the case numbers grow! DUH! Trump announces that he wants the testing "to slow." His goal? Make sure the case counts do not grow.... it makes him "look bad." Given the outrage that results and the desperate need for testing to track the viral spread, Trump backs off his public statements and denies that he ordered the "slowing" of the test "spread." "It was a joke," he says....

SNAKE OIL SALESMAN TRUMP - At the switch again!
STEP 2: Two weeks ago, Trump and the Secretary of Health, Alex Azar order that the US Hospitals report directly to the Health and Human Services Office in DC and not send their virus infection data to the CDC as they have done for 15 years. After all, according to Trump, the CDC does not have an efficient method of data collection and could make "mistakes" driven by errors. Hospitals across the nation shut out Covid-19 reports to the CDC as ordered and re-directed the data - especially the Covid-19 case-counts and mortality - to HHS in DC.

STEP 3: Azar issues a $10.2 million contract for "professional services" in data collection to an outfit in Pittsburgh, TeleTracking Technologies. First listed as a "sole-source" contract, HHS later says that there were 6 "bids" received... but refuses to list the companies that submitted proposals. Due to the shift in gears from the CDC to TeleTracking, Senators ask for updated data.
As reported in the NY Times on August 14th, The HHS official in charge of the new database, Chief Information Officer, Jose' Arrieta, resigns after just 16 months on the job as a Trump Administration appointment. On that same day, August 14th, a letter dated August 3rd was received by the Senators Murray and Shumer from the company attorney, A. Scott Bolden. The company refuses to answer any questions regarding the matter or the Covid-19 data or about its $10.2 million contract... for one simple reason. The contract executed with HHS contains a "non-disclosure agreement" clause that prevents the firm from sharing any information. By the way, TeleTracking, awardee of the $10.2 million PUBLIC CONTRACT PAID BY TAX DOLLARS, is headed by majority stockholder, Chairman, and CEO Michael Zamagia, a Pittsburgh real estate developer...
So, from a Trump viewpoint - IT IS AS EASY AS ONE, TWO, THREE! Defer, deny, and manipulate data that hurts you by stopping "deep state leaks" of damaging data; ship the data elsewhere; and, give it to a friend with a "non-disclosure" contract! Like the "non-disclosure" requirements that Trump inserted in all of his personal and corporate contracts, including the sexual assault settlements, he has now utilized the very same "SHUT-UP AND BE STILL" strategy to minimize damaging information becoming public and being associated with him.
To quote Trump, "I DON'T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AT ALL." On the other hand, from January into May and more, Trump described the Covid-19 concern as "fake news" and yet another "witch hunt." From February 6th - the first US Covid-19 death in California - to date, we have lost some 200,000 American lives. More deaths - nearly 4 times the loss of life - in just 6 months than in 10 years in Viet Nam.
Tick-tock.... November 3, 2020..... VOTE!
Bobby J

Friday, August 14, 2020



As you are likely well aware due to frequent press and media reports, the number of US Covid-19 cases have risen dramatically over the past two months.  The current pandemic explosion is occurring in the Southern and Southwest States. Even worse, as the chart above displays, the mortality rate in those locations - accompanied by an unreasonable forced re-opening and ignoring the necessary steps that are required to prevent the rapid spread of the viral invasion - those States that have followed the Trump lead are now in the midst of a viral wildfire!  Texas and Tennessee, along with the Carolinas are growing rapidly. But, the hottest RED ZONES  right now are Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. Florida leads the pack with nearly 7000 new cases each day! 

Note the chart above.  Deaths above "normal", meaning lost lives well above the average loss of life over years of statistics, indicates that this expanding death chart - well above normal - is attributable to the Covid-19 virus. As you can see, the US hit a sad peak in April and May as the virus spread.  In the last week of May and 3 weeks of June, the Southern States leveled out at around 2000 deaths per week above average - a lesser count that the month before. By the last week of June and through July, the rate shot up - case count and lives lost.  By the last week of July 2020, the mortality rate increased more than 3 times the June count! From 2000 in the first week of June to nearly 4000 in the first week of July and then to more than 6000 by the last week of the month, the viral "spread" rapidly accelerated.  Hospital Emergency rooms became crowded, 911 calls exploded, PPP gear evaporated, medical staff was rapidly exhausted, and calls went out for help... How do we compare with other nations impacted by the spread of this infectious pandemic? Let's look.
This chart compares the European Union, the US, Canada, and the South American nations of Mexico and Brazil. All suffered from an "invasion" of the Corona virus this cycle and did their best to defend against the resulting illness. Canada and Mexico are on our borders and the EU is distant but similar in economic structure and healthcare assets available to call upon in the fight.  Note that with the exception of Mexico and Brazil, the others, including the US, increased between March and April and began efforts to control the spread and beat the infection. Mexico and Brazil worsened from April to July while the US, Canada, and Europe improved sub-stantially as the battle took hold with masks, social distancing, closed economies and schools, and careful sanitizing of hands, businesses, and homes. Then, among all the nations that had substantially improved, the US took a bad turn and evidenced a rapid and dramatic rise in case count - and deaths resulting.  Note the chart US line. While Canada and Europe substantially improved to about 100 new cases a week per 1 million residents, the US shot up into second place on the Globe at nearly 1000 a week per million population!  TODAY, THE US STANDS AT 1000 NEW CASES A DAY IDENTIFIED AND LOGGED AS COVID-19. Right now, we stand at more than 5,000,000 cases identified and more than 160,000 deaths - and rising! Given this health emergency, a flood of healthcare needs - and rising - what is the Trump Plan?  Let's see.....  How has the Trump Administration increased healthcare????  After all, in 2016 during his campaign for the Presidency and well before the arrival of the Covid-19 invasion in 2020,  he promised that he would provide improved healthcare for ALL Americans.....  Where have we gone since?  Especially now that we are under infectious assault?  5 Million Americans infected and 160,000+ deaths to date?  Given our growing medical emergency, what has Trump chosen to do?  Expand health coverage?  Fight the virus? Lead the nation to recovery and wellness?  It seems that IGNORANCE IS BLISS... for the man with the orange tan.... and on his golf course...

As you well know, more than half of non-elderly Americans (under 65 and qualified for Medicare) - some 158,000,000 have health Insurance through their employer according to a Time Magazine report on March 9, 2020. For the most part, they are covered under group plans. That leaves more than 160,000,000 to be accounted for. 44,000,000 Seniors over 65 have Medicare. 65.6 million in poverty have access to Medicaid, and another 23 million have acquired coverage under the ACA (Obamacare). All in, it seems that some 30 MILLION AMERICANS are under viral assault and have no coverage at all.  In fact, since the Corona virus began its assault on the US, another 5.5 million Americans lost their healthcare along with their jobs. More than 40 million lost jobs and, due to lack of income, are completely exposed to infection, disease, injury, and the inability to get to healthcare services needed.  In fact, according to the July 13, 2020 issue of the NY Times, 46% of coverage losses from the pandemic came in five states: California, Texas, Florida, New York, and North Carolina. Under the Obama Plan, a Medicaid expansion was attached to the ACA if states chose to participate. "In the 37 States enrolled in expanded Medicaid with coverage at 100% Federal expense, 23% of laid off workers became uninsured.  The percentage was nearly double that - 43% - in the 13 states that did not expand Medicaid - Texas, Florida, and North Carolina." 

So, now that we are under viral assault, what options does Chump Trump select?  Expand Medicare by lowering the age? Expand Medicaid throughout the nation - especially in those places that had not done so and are suffering from current spikes in Covid-19 case counts and deaths?  Improve and add to the ACA?  Sign on to the Medicare for All plan to uplift all Americans?  Nope!  With nearly 40 MILLION WITH NO HEALTHCARE COVERAGE, Trump began pitching grenades! As reported in the Albany Times Union on July 5, 2020, "... in the midst of a pandemic and double digit unemployment, ... Trump is fighting to take away health care from millions of Americans."   
First, Trump had already made more than a dozen attempts to repeal the ACA - Obamacare - in 2017 and 2018.  The repeal, without an alternative replacement as promised, passed the Republican-controlled House under Speaker Paul Ryan. The Obama program that expanded coverage to millions with pre-existing conditions, added young folks to their parents policy to age 25, offered coverage at subsidized rates to others who had little other alternative, and offered all 50 states an expansion - without cost to them - of Medicaid for individuals and families of modest income just a bit over the current Medicaid triggers (20%).  Taken together, some 25 million gained coverage that had not previously been available or achievable. Once taken the Oath as president, Trump began his effort to erase the ACA and the healthcare coverage provided.

This past June, 2020 Trump joined 18 other Republican-led Red states in a suit in the federal court system - presently pending in the US Supreme Court.  Trump argues that the ACA is "unconstitutional" and must be repealed.  Some 23 Million will lose coverage altogether.  And, even worse, - 130 MILLION AMERICANS WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS WILL LOSE THEIR GUARANTEE OF PROTECTION. And, that includes more than 5 million already diagnosed with Covid-19. Talk about creating a MEDICAL EMERGENCY! And, at the hands of a Witch Doctor, Donald Trump! 

Second, on the existing Medicaid program - more than 60 million struggling in poverty and poor health and housing - Trump turned the regulatory screws to tighten the program, require some work or job to be done or medical coverage and service availability will be cut - and head count in the program reduced state by state.

And, just now... third.  Trump just recently proposed - and by dubious Executive Order - suspended the PAYROLL TAX.  The Payroll Tax, dating back decades to support two Trust Funds - Social Security and Medicare.  Both trust Funds receive support from each of us via Payroll Deductions AND from equal support from our employer in accordance with federal law.  These programs were and are designed to support us in retirement - in income and in healthcare. Last week Trump instructed employers to stop payroll deductions on employees AND cease to make contributions to YOUR RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS! That Executive Order - most likely completely illegal - increases corporate profits and boosts the Stock Market as well.  But, for you and me, our retirement and our healthcare is placed at risk with no financial support against the backdrop of a growing viral threat. 

So, the Trump Plan?  Eliminate the ACA, cut Medicaid, and bankrupt Medicare....  Erode and eliminate healthcare coverage for more than tens of millions of Americans - especially those who live in the 13 states that refused to enroll in the cost-free expanded Medicaid program offered under Obama. Cut off the ACA via the Courts, and strangle in-place Medicaid by job requirements adopted while shrinking financial support for Medicare too.  Disassemble and destruct American healthcare as we hit new highs of unemployment - well beyond the sad records set in the Great Depression nearly a century ago.  Trump's recommendations?  Hydro????  Bleach injections?  Lysol inhalers? And, instead of a national program including required masks, social distancing, enforcement at  schools and businesses to prevent and/or slow the spread of the Corona 19 virus - the shared contagion. Worse, just re-open the schools and the economy so that the employment stats rise, unemployment falls, and Trump looks economically good.  SNAKE OIL CONMAN SALESMAN....  hiding behind a curtain....  Wearing a mask, donning a cape.... waving a magic wand.... That's the Donald Trump psychotic plan....  Drug 'em all.... knock them off... prevent their casting votes....  refuse to leave office claiming that the election was "rigged"... Name myself "LEADER FOR LIFE", take control of the NRA and the military, shut the newspapers and abolish the free press, crush demonstrations, marches, and crowds gathering to complain and object.  It has come time for TRUMP RULE!  OMG.....


Tick-Tock.... November, 2020

Bobby J

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


No photo description available.

On January 21, 2017 more than 3,000,000 women and their supporters gathered in DC… and in hundreds of cities across the US and around the globe.  They gathered together to protest the Trump presidency just 24 hours since he took the oath of office.  His crowd of supporters stood at between 160,000 and 300,000 based on estimates that day.  The DC Metro logged rides at 190,000.  The following day (Saturday)  – the WOMEN’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON – measured more than 1,000,000 rides on Metro on a non-working day – 5 times the number of the Trump Inaugural Day. 

That weekend, Beth and I joined with 100 Greene County women and their supporters gathering at the Saugerties Ride n’ Share lot to board 2 buses at midnight Friday.  With signs, banners, cards, handouts, posters, and more, we headed south for 6 hours on our way to protest Trump and support Women’s Rights and Human Rights. We boarded a train in southern Maryland to get into the Nation’s Capital for the March in an inaugural environment that was shut to traffic.  We got there by 10 AM for the March – along with more than 500,000 others from across the country.                                                                                                  

March we did – along with others – and made a promise as reported in the NY Times, January 21, 2017, ‘WE’RE NOT GOING AWAY.

Since then, we returned home, engaged in debate, letters to the editor, calls to elected representatives, launched campaigns for local office, county office, state office, and re-captured the House of Representatives in 2018 – called the “Year of the Woman.” We fought for Women’s Rights, help for those in need, and protect the ACA (Obamacare). We formed clubs and organizations and stepped on the gas – advocating for progressives initiatives, registering voters, and advancing persuasive dialogue.  Indivisible Chapters, Progressive entities like the Mountaintop Progressives were born and grown since 2017 to practice, and to prepare for this fall – November 3, 2020. Along the way, we won some and lost some too. And, yet we march on - from the Women's March on Washington. 

Today, we took yet another step forward.  Joining Joe Biden on the Democratic national ticket is another champion - Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). Ms. Harris has a sterling record of service and Biden makes history by selecting a woman as his VP candidate - the second time in Democratic party history.  The very first was a NY Member of Congress selected by Walter Mondale, Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, 36 years ago. Now, for the very first time history, the glass ceiling has been smashed in this case, 2020.  Kamala Harris - a US Senator, former State AG, former County DA, is the very first woman of Black and Indian heritage standing as our candidate for Vice President of the United States. A great selection and a maker of history if she and Biden are elected this fall.

This election… we take no risks… make no mistakes…. and... we will rescue our Nation through defeating this Psychotic President – Voldemort Trump…. The center of evil who has dismantled, destroyed, dismembered, repealed, erased, ignored, and disassembled decades of progress that we have made as a model democratic nation and the leader of the free world.  Trump has led us close to the cliff's edge to a bottomless pit. We MUST pull the nation back from the brink and re-assemble the rights, freedoms, equality, respect, and justice for all of us without regard to race, ethnic group, religion, color, gender, sexuality, and/or disability. The United States needs to reflect on, repair, and restore the American dream as encapsulated in the US Constitution. Raise your hand...take the oath... make calls...send messages... knock on doors..... TRUMP MUST GO.....  AZKABAN AWAITS!  

We have struggled a long way forward over decades from the Golden Age of the 1890s through 2 World Wars, rebuilding after each with the New Deal (FDR) and the Great Society (LBJ).  Compared to a number of other nations, we have a considerable way yet to go… and, Trump has jammed the gears into reverse…. Taking us backward in historical evolution forward to reverse and eliminate the gains and progress made. With a Biden/Harris Ticket - representing the best of the United States, the diversity of our country's people, and evidencing creative caring for our future, in three months join us in writing a new chapter in our history - one that we can take pride in creating. 



Tick-tock... November 3, 2020.

Bobby J