On January 21, 2017 more than 3,000,000 women and their
supporters gathered in DC… and in hundreds of cities across the US and around
the globe. They gathered together to
protest the Trump presidency just 24 hours since he took the oath of
office. His crowd of supporters stood at
between 160,000 and 300,000 based on estimates that day. The DC Metro logged rides at 190,000. The following day (Saturday) – the WOMEN’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON – measured more
than 1,000,000 rides on Metro on a non-working day – 5 times the number of the
Trump Inaugural Day.
That weekend, Beth and
I joined with 100 Greene County women and their supporters gathering at the
Saugerties Ride n’ Share lot to board 2 buses at midnight Friday. With signs, banners, cards, handouts, posters,
and more, we headed south for 6 hours on our way to protest Trump and support
Women’s Rights and Human Rights. We
boarded a train in southern Maryland to get into the Nation’s Capital for the
March in an inaugural environment that was shut to traffic. We got there by 10 AM for the March – along with
more than 500,000 others from across the country.
March we did – along with
others – and made a promise as reported in the NY Times, January 21, 2017, ‘WE’RE
Since then, we
returned home, engaged in debate, letters to the editor, calls to elected
representatives, launched campaigns for local office, county office, state
office, and re-captured the House of Representatives in 2018 – called the “Year
of the Woman.” We fought for Women’s Rights, help for those in need, and
protect the ACA (Obamacare). We formed clubs and organizations and stepped on
the gas – advocating for progressives initiatives, registering voters, and
advancing persuasive dialogue.
Indivisible Chapters, Progressive entities like the Mountaintop
Progressives were born and grown since 2017 to practice, and to prepare for
this fall – November 3, 2020. Along the way, we won some and lost some
too. And, yet we march on - from the Women's March on Washington.

Today, we took yet another step forward. Joining Joe Biden on the Democratic national ticket is another champion - Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). Ms. Harris has a sterling record of service and Biden makes history by selecting a woman as his VP candidate - the second time in Democratic party history. The very first was a NY Member of Congress selected by Walter Mondale, Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, 36 years ago. Now, for the very first time history, the glass ceiling has been smashed in this case, 2020. Kamala Harris - a US Senator, former State AG, former County DA, is the very first woman of Black and Indian heritage standing as our candidate for Vice President of the United States. A great selection and a maker of history if she and Biden are elected this fall.
This election… we take no risks… make
no mistakes…. and... we will rescue our Nation through defeating this Psychotic President –
Voldemort Trump…. The center of evil who has dismantled, destroyed,
dismembered, repealed, erased, ignored, and disassembled decades of progress
that we have made as a model democratic nation and the leader of the free
world. Trump has led us close to the cliff's edge to a bottomless pit. We MUST pull the nation back from the brink and
re-assemble the rights, freedoms, equality, respect, and justice for all of us
without regard to race, ethnic group, religion, color, gender, sexuality, and/or
disability. The United States needs to
reflect on, repair, and restore the American dream as encapsulated in the US
Constitution. Raise your hand...take the oath... make calls...send messages... knock on doors..... TRUMP MUST GO..... AZKABAN AWAITS!
We have struggled a long way forward over decades from the Golden
Age of the 1890s through 2 World Wars, rebuilding after each with the New Deal
(FDR) and the Great Society (LBJ).
Compared to a number of other nations, we have a considerable way yet to go… and,
Trump has jammed the gears into reverse…. Taking us backward in historical
evolution forward to reverse and eliminate the gains and progress made. With a Biden/Harris Ticket - representing the best of the United States, the diversity of our country's people, and evidencing creative caring for our future, in three months join us in writing a new chapter in our history - one that we can take pride in creating.
Tick-tock... November 3, 2020.
Bobby J
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