Dictionary result for moron
- a stupid person.
"we can't let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend"
synonyms: fool, oaf, nincompoop, clown, dunce, dolt, dullard, ignoramus, simpleton;
More than two centuries later, an orange-skinned MORON sits at the "Resolute Desk" in the Oval Office. Elected with Electoral Votes, but having lost the popular vote by 3,000,000, Donald "dimwit" Trump watches TV, calls "friends" on FOX, and tweets out a true horror show every day. Sadly, his hallucinations color his view of the nation, its neighbors, its inhabitants, and the world.
From day to day - absurd insistence, government shut-downs, program cuts and elimination, ridiculous appointments to high offices that "administer" government through dismantling their jurisdictions and/or reversing course, Trump has inflicted dismantling as his method of governing as president. From being a Climate Change and Science denier, to launching attacks on government regulations that have evolved over decades to protect American citizens and the method of protection that has gradually been adopted in a bi-partisan history, Trumpology erodes our democracy. Appointing a Pharma CEO who skyrocketed the cost of medicines by 100-500% or more unchecked in just two years, to abandoning American protected wilderness to mining and oil exploration, turning his back on the history and pride of protecting our nation for our children and grand-kids, is a national embarrassment. Attacking our long-term allies, NATO, NAFTA, TPP, Law enforcement, the judicial system, the FBI, the DOJ, the Free Press, immigrants seeking asylum from life-threatening at-home violence, minorities, and those who advocate for sensible gun control, women's rights, workers rights, and higher wages for working class Americans has resulted in serious damage to our system and our government. One example is his impact on farmers and farming across the nation through the US Department of Agriculture.
Growing up and attending school in an East Coast urban complex - the second largest city in New Jersey - Jersey City, I became an "urban kid." No... not too much street gangs as a young teen, but all play and sports virtually asphalt and concrete. A city-kid through and through. Bicycles, buses, and trains were my transport methods and hanging out in Greenwich Village in New York City became a late-teen habit. Farms? What are those? I always thought of the NJ Suburbs as "the country" as a young man and, years later, understood more and more that the rural farming environment was the essential element of this nation that fed us all. There is no more important asset in America than our food production and the health of our "bread basket" states and communities. Western Europe, China, Russia, South East Asia and Latin America have experienced farm failures, food shortages, long lines for little food, and some shortages and starvation. Many times, American farm production not only satisfied the needs of our own folks, but were able to package and export supplies to many others off-shore. We fed ourselves and built a system and farm output that could feed much of the world as well. Scoring a Master's Degree, I finally understood the relationship of our farm output, America being well fed, and farming exports around the world. Moron Trump says that he not only understands the role of the farm industry, but is a towering "expert." Nonsense! You may recall that the Bush family lived on the middle floors in the Tower of Wealth but George H.W. Bush didn't know the cost of milk or bread and had never been in a food store. Trump, living in the Tower's Pent House with a golden toilet seat, has little clue about supply, shopping, and food supply. A total fool.
to a USDA report submitted on February 21, 2019 by the agency’s Chief Economist, Robert Johansson at the annual “USDA OUTLOOK FORUM” in Washington, DC, farm exports are expected to plunge $1.9
BILLION in fiscal 2019 compared to 2018!
This is largely due to President Trump’s Trade War (TTW) with China. Our Trade War has resulted in numerous casualties, some fatal, resulting in farm bankruptcies and factory closures. Aside from all farm outputs, the Trade War substantially
impacts soybean exports. China’s import
of US Soybeans have “plummeted by 22 million metric tons, or over 90%”,
Johansson said in the report. In fact,
China is buying only 6% of all US exports presently compared to 18% in 2014.
The USDA report estimates a net farm income of $66 billion in 2018 compared to
$134 billion in 2013, as reported in the Huffington Post.
China has turned to Russia to
in-fill farming imports previously secured from the US. Russia’s
soybean exports to China more than doubled last year, according to the Wall
Street Journal. Overall, Russia’s
trade with China rose by more than 27% - to over $100 Billion last year. Even worse, the Trade War is linked to the
highest number of Midwestern farm bankruptcies in a decade, according to the
Journal. Johansson warned that export
recovery has been “dimmed” in the near future due to the South American soy
harvest increase. Sadly, the Trump Trade War and our withdrawal from the TPP trade
system has advantaged Russian farmers and disadvantaged the US.
Against that backdrop, USDA has
accelerated investments – not in farming but in jails! Since 1996 the USDA has
invested more than $277 million to fund local jail construction - not in corn,
wheat, dairy, or soybean production. Of
the 36 total loans provided under that program, seven (7) were provided in
North Carolina ($66 million), five (5) in Michigan ($43.5 million), and just
one (1) in New York State ($51.4 million).
That one preliminary loan approval made in NY State – Greene County at
$51.4 million – is the largest single low-cost loan ever assigned to any state
or local jail project in the nation!
Second in amount at $30.9 million is Monroe County, TN, and third at
$20.0 million is Braden County, NC. Please
note that the USDA jail loan/grant inventory form attached reflects both House
and Senate Members who represent the district that was awarded funding.
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All of that suggests that the Trump Gang lured Republican Members of Congress to support his cracked policies and necessary Congressional votes with cash "bait." John Faso, NYCD19 Republican House Member fully supported the Trumpology program.... and lost re-election in 2018 to Antonio Delgado. Faso was lured, baited, and LOST after one term!
I share this current information to
make the case that our farming communities need USDA support and investment in
counties and farming enterprise like ours. Utilizing agricultural grants and
low-cost loan funding to build jails and prisons as outlined is off the mark and off base in
not supporting farms and farming.
As the Chair of a local Mountain Top Progressive Jail Project Committee, I have worked for a Congressional intervention to prevent inappropriate USDA funding of jails and, instead, to re-direct these assets to farm investments. Congress must stop this waste of agricultural support dollars that can better be used to expand and enhance rural economic growth, development, to promote agricultural communities, and to grow rural job opportunity. And, of course, feed the nation!
with the membership of MTP, I encouraged our new Congressman, Antonio Delgado, to engage as a Member of the House Agricultural Committee to prevent a
misapplication of funds intended to help farms, help farmers, and assist those
consumers who depend on them. We encouraged “a transparent public
hearing and a full review” of this particular Greene County issue. The
assignment of nearly 20% of all the jail funds available since 1996 at USDA as “rural
economic investments” to the unnecessary Greene County Jail project, and not to
projects designed to protect and/or advance the economic well-being of rural
communities, is both wasteful and is opposed.

Bobby J