Friday, September 27, 2019


Ukraine... runnin' around my brain....   Yup.... But, the original sound was about New York and Cocaine....  and, at my age, I cannot help but experience old "rock n' rock" song lyrics "runnin' around my brain" as well.  The song lyrics hint at a "painful headache" "in the rain"....  In this case, the HEADACHE that began on January 20, 2017 with the Oath of Office - hmmmm..... IN THE RAIN....  resulted in a giant migraine headache....  OK.. so, it doesn't "rain" every day...  but, daily pain infliction on the nation comes from the TWEETS and LIES that come on a daily basis.  The "downpour" of mistakes, lies, outrage, racism, destruction of democracy.... etc., etc.... goes on each and every day...  The cure is displayed in the predicted future cover of TIME Magazine....  and accurately describes an appropriate end to the Trump nightmare. 

As I described in the last posting, my "nightmare"... and "brain pain" began when Trump announced that he would seek the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the fall of 2015 - 4 years ago.  That's what prompted me to author this blog.  Along that path, I documented his absurd statements, ridiculous policy positions, and his display of governmental and constitutional ignorance.  Trump had no idea at all or knowledge of the constitution, governmental structure or function, or a legitimate political process and debate.  His goal, in my view at the time, was simply to lay his name on stage, get the spotlight focused on him to "burn" and "tattoo" his Trump-brand across the minds and in the far reaches of America and beyond, and, when all was said and done, cash in through the expansion of his "market."  Early history of the Trump Campaign suggests that he informed his family that he didn't expect to be elected and, in fact, that was not the plan.  He simply wanted to maximize his time in the spotlight and the importance of the Trump "brand."  When all was said and done, perhaps an ally would become President and the Trump "brand" would rank right at the top of the Marketplace.  Melania, as the story goes, was crushed when election night resulted in the family requirement to move into the White House.  According to the press reports of the time, she delayed... and she cried....  Now, back to the title of this article....

Like many Americans, I have suffered headache after headache and, like Milania, was often extremely upset at the goings-on in DC.  Eliminate Healthcare?  Abandon Climate Change policy and international compacts?  Attack and erode NATO?  End NAFTA with no follow-up?  Destroy the American farm community with international trade wars?  Befriend North Korea and Moscow?  Threaten many other nations who have been our allies for decades?  Provide massive tax decreases for himself, the wealthy 1% of the US Population and big corporations and, in so doing, in-debt working families and the Middle Class with the abandonment of food resources, sustainable energy expansion, and expanding the US military and the related war threats and risks abroad. The large corporations became big winners... and, instead of sharing their tax relief - well below the global average of government tax support - with their workers - with increased benefits, factory and job growth, and increased pay that would result in a substantial growth in spending and demand, the cash was handed to the stockholders as shares were repurchased and the value of shares rose. Benefiting the Trump family and others in their economic and wealth rank who hold large number of stock shares, the rest of the nation suffered from a growing chasm between the wealthy and the working; between the rich and the Middle Class... No increase in the minimum wage, no expanded benefits, no family leave adoption or the increase in health coverage or a reduction on the costs of medicines with massive wealth going to big Pharma. Today, we see a massive General Motors strike underway.  Why?  The closure of 5 US plants in the Midwest... and the layoff of more than 5000 workers. The GM Corporate Tax was cut in half!  So, as once was splashed across our TV screens, "Where is the beef?" The answer is - in the toilet! Domestic policy, also missing infrastructure repair desperately needed and job productive, was, like the Trump business history, became a "bankrupt" effort.  Lots of stage presence, many claims and lies, and a complete failure. Sound familiar?  

The other side of the Presidency is the management of International Relations.  Build on the experience and knowledge of  history, the President is the head of the Executive Branch of the American government, and the head of State.  Translation - the key player and manager of foreign relations.  Over centuries, and, especially cruising through the past decades, the US had traveled a global path with some potholes along the way.  We have allies, and we have enemies.  Some are stronger and more valuable or a greater threat.  For the most part, you know which nations are on which side of the fence.  For example, you are well aware that Russia has been our enemy and primary competitor for decades, while others have been allies since World War II - like Great Britain, France, Canada and other European locations, including Germany.  Some, like Ukraine, have cozied  up with us and distanced themselves from their former USSR "bosses" that had to cut them loose when the USSR entered the history books in the 1980s and 90s. On the eastern frontier of Europe, along with Belarus and Poland, Ukraine is on the border of Russia.  In fact, Russia invaded a bordering part of Ukraine - Crimea - in 2014 as a strong message from Putin to Ukraine not to ally themselves with the US and NATO.  Since that time, the invaded and captured territory has been held by Russian troops. Given the illegal and illogical invasion of the Ukraine, and the annexation of Crimea by Russia, Moscow was eliminated from the International G8 membership - now G7 - due to the aggression displayed and denounced.  The US and its NATO allies have covered Ukraine with financial and military equipment support for the past 5 years to prevent any further "invasion" by Russia or the loss of other territory to Putin.  In fact, the US and NATO, along with some other nations, have insisted that Moscow return the occupied territory (Crimea) and withdraw troops.  If complied with, G7 will again expand to G8, including Russia.  That has been the Western European and US position since Ronald Reagan demanded, "tear down this wall."  Over the past 5 years we, along with our European allies, have supplied Ukraine with the arms and resources necessary to prevent a further intrusion by Moscow, ever threatened.  Well... until now....The Trumpster, has reversed course.....

Over the past 5 years, Ukraine has been dependent on the US and our allies for the resources to resist Moscow.  This year, Congress voted - and the president signed into law - an extension of our support for Ukraine that was $1.5 billion in the past 5 years.  Trump called the newly-elected president of the Country and issued an "extortion" plot.  Trump put the brakes on and suspended the $400 million in foreign aid funding measure after the new Ukrainian President took office this Spring. In a phone conversation, President Zelensky asked Trump to resume the funding for military support in their struggle to defend against Russia.  After all, the Congress just passed an extension of that support by a wide bi-partisan vote in both houses.  Trump, instead of assuring Zelensky that support for Ukraine would continue, he responded by saying that he needed a "favor."  That "favor" was an "investigation" and an intervention in the 2020 election by Ukraine through an attack on Joe Biden's son and the Ukrainian company that invited him to sit on their board and advise them how best to keep the US satisfied with their corporate independence as well as their services for the nation. Like the Sopranos on TV (a favorite of the Donald, himself a TV personality), he had suspended the financial support for Ukraine and to resume it, asked for a favor - an illegal favor.  Both a quid-pro-quo to hand over $400,000,000 in military support, in return for a smear on the Biden family through Joe Biden's son, Hunter. And, a violation of American law based on foreign influence or funding for US national elections. 

Never mind that the Trump sons - Junior and Eric - and the daughter - Ivanka - are all growing wealth and managing the Trump businesses - millions and billions in accounts, including marketing and "branding" while the Donald steers business and cash into the cash registers at each one - from golf courses, to hotels, and to condo sales. The goal - ignore the rules, forget the law, and enrich the family, including himself, through the "brand" and the businesses.  AGAINST THE US LAW?  Trump's view is, "I AM THE LAW."    

So, now you can see.... why the IMPEACHMENT DEMAND has accelerated...  as the Whistleblower lit a fuse, protected by the DNI testimony of yesterday, and was admired for his/her motivation to protect the nation.  That person - man or woman - revealed the improper, illegal behavior and, potentially, "high crimes and misdemeanors" committed by Trump....  The Whistleblower fueled a vote on "Articles of Impeachment" that could very well happen before 2020 in the House of Representatives. Ukraine extortion = Trump impeachment....    

You see... it's all about the call made by Trump to the President of Ukraine.  And, all about the head of the American "Mob" - Donald Trump - the White House version of The Soprano's Tony Soprano - demanding an illegal "favor" in return for agreeing to hand over $400 million....  Now you know why......  Ukraine.....  is runnin' around my brain.....

It's time.  Stand Up! Speak Out! March On! Tick-tock.... 2020...

Bobby J                                         
                                                      TRUMP AND FRIENDS
Maybe those citizen "mobs" should... MARCH ON!  

Monday, September 23, 2019


OMG....  I began this blog in the fall of 2015 - 4 years ago.  The motivation was the announcement by "the Donald" that he would seek the Republican nomination for the office of  President in the 2016 election.  Having watched, read, and witnessed Trump's behavior for a good number of years through press reports and TV interviews, his announcement after travelling down the escalator a Trump Tower in NYC... and paying a number of "actors" to assemble and cheer him on, I was shocked by his description of immigrants like his family and mine.  But, at this point he described immigrants of darker skin from Latin America, as "rapists, drug dealers, gang members, criminals... and, "some as nice people."  "Nice people..." ....  Trump's clear inference was that those who seek shelter, protection, education, and a better future for their families - just like his family and mine - were "criminals, drug dealers, and rapists...." What a disgrace...  And, I assumed that a respected and level-header Republican candidate, not a demented whack-job "Head Birther," would gain the Republican  nomination and run against Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.  Concerned, I launched this blog.....

Since the fall of 2015 and with the tremors and shock that I - along with many others - endured, I wrote article after article in this blog.  Visually illustrated with cartoons or photos (mostly cartoons), I underscored the absurd statements and outright lies that Trump marketed along his route to capturing the nomination.  And, on the Dem side, after an uncomfortable primary season Hillary captured the Democratic nomination as expected... but, she came away with some wounds that would later re-appear in the fall race. The Green Party candidate, Jill Stein, focused on the fall race. She joined with Michael Flynn, seated at the main table with Putin in a Moscow "RT" dinner.  Is Russia a leader in the Climate Change movement?  Why would Jill Stein, the Greene Presidential candidate, be enjoying herself at the Putin table accompanied by Michael Flynn, a Trump Campaign operative and a "lock her up" cheerleader at Trump events....  And, the "her" was not Jill Stein... it was Hillary.

Flynn was paid $45,000 to speak at the 10th Anniversary of the Russian TV Network (RT) dinner.  He was seated next to Putin at the gala.  Stein was just 4 seats opposite Putin and enjoyed the prestige of being seated with the Russian Leadership.  And, I am sure, that Putin and Flynn celebrated her performance months later when Stein scored enough votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin to hand Trump the narrow - Electoral College only - selection as President.  Had Jill not been in the election, would the Green Party voters had aligned with Michael Flynn and Trump - Climate Change deniers?  I doubt it......  To this day, I still cannot fathom why Jill Stein was invited, attended, and was seated at the Putin table. Take a guess....  Perhaps the Russian engagement in the fall election was, at least in part, dependent on diverting Hillary votes for either this reason or that reason to someone other than Trump.... or just stay home....  Those actions, and a variety of social-media-based other Moscow interference actions, resulted in a narrow Electoral College win for Trump in spite of losing the popular vote. Hillary carried 3,000,000 more votes than Trump across the nation... Had the Greene party votes carried by Jill Stein in three states - PA., MICH., and WIS. - gone to Hillary with 46 Electoral Votes, and not Trump, she would have broken the proverbial last "glass ceiling" as the first woman ever elected to the most powerful office on the planet. So, the question is -  one other woman running against Hillary as the Greene party candidate and the "lock her up" chant-master, Michael Flynn sharing dinner with Putin who's government and social media experts launched an attack designed to elect Trump sat together in December, 2015 after Trump had declared.  Was this outrageous interference by Russia in our election given birth at that table that night?  Was a "treasonous triumvirate" gathered together to hatch the plot that played out over the course of the following year?  Perhaps this sounds like a fictional mystery?  Or, is it a description of recent history.

LIES, LIES, LIES........

Since the start of the Trump campaign - and this blog - I have written 100 articles raising issues and telling the tales of treason, lies, and the continuous dismantling and destruction of our democracy by one person who sees himself as the American Monarch.  Moscow Mitch McConnell sees Trump as "King" and his role as husband to one member of the Trump Cabinet and Leader of the "House of Lords", loyal to the King.  That combination must be diminished... defeated....and politically dismembered.  It is time to save the American Democracy and cast out those who would conspire to invent a Dictatorship led by a Despot - Donald Trump.

Join in this effort.  Get on the 2020 train - NOW.  Work out the details for next year and smooth the kinks that you see this fall.  Next year will be the penultimate effort to save the American experiment launched in 1776, drafted in 1781 as a set of Articles, and cured in 1789 with the adoption of the US Constitution.  Tweaked a mere handful of times in 230 years, the Constitution serves as a model of democracy and freedom for those seeking liberty and prosperity around the globe. Trump's administration, on the other hand, stands for extremism, and worse. Those given the authority to steer the ship of state in  the Trump Cabinet and as White House staff and advisers, are steering for the edge of the earth.  Just as bad or worse in foreign relations, Trump is encouraging conflict and abandoning our decades-long allies through trade wars, weakening alliances like NATO and others, abandoning the Global Climate Change effort, and threatening others with attack or impoverishment.  It's time....
Join us.  Stand Up!  Speak Out!  And, March On!  Tick-tock.... 2020....

Bobby J
President Trump - Executive Time with his motivators....