Thursday, October 31, 2019


Henry Longfellow wrote a poem entitled "Ship of State" in the 19th century encouraging storm-tossed, wave-challenged ships to count on their sturdy construction, substantial design, skilled crew and strong materials to "sail on" and survive. In 1941, Winston Churchill quoted Longfellow's poem.  He broadcast his reading of the poem's first stanza to convey confidence, strength, and a sturdy resistance to the German aerial attacks on London and throughout England.  Churchill wanted to infuse courage and a belief in their vigilance and their heritage in the face and shock of battle.  He used this poem to persuade Franklin Roosevelt to "give us the tools and we will finish the job."  FDR initiated the US Lend-Lease program and supplied England as well as the European Continent "Resistance" with supplies, food, and military weaponry.  As you know, England became the very last hold-out against Hitler's assault and, along with the US entered into the war after the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the British beaches became the launch-pads from which D-Day would commence and would begin the fall of the Nazi machine.

As with Great Britain in 1941, we are facing yet another existential challenge - right here at home.  The counter-attack began today with the adoption of a House Resolution adopting the procedure in launching the Impeachment Investigation.  Today I share the Longfellow poem to encourage us all in seeking truth and justice - to "sail on."

                    Sail on o Ship of State,
                    Sail on o Union strong and great;
                    Humanity with all its fears,
                    With all the hopes of future years,
                    Is hanging breathless on they fate".....

I have taken on this event in the history of England - its brink of disaster and call to confidence, resistance, and challenge - to resist, respond, and succeed - as an example of what we need to do as a nation in response to a psychotic, unequipped, and corrupt leader as president - Donald Trump.  It is time that we correct course, steer the ship home to a better future, and excise our horror. Trump's latest "horror" is threatening our allies, destroying the global economy and our own at home through trade wars, abandoning our NATO and UN principles, and blackmailing our friends. The recent story of Ukraine threats and the Trump friendship with Putin and other dictators - rejecting our opposition with places like Russia, North Korea, and autocrat/dictators elsewhere, stirs up stormy seas around the globe.  Abandoning the Kurds in Syria is a disgrace. Trump turned the tables on our allies and sent them to slaughter at the hands of Syria, Iran, and Russia.  Our "ship of state" has been poorly sailed, not maintained, and run up on shallow rocks through lies, greed, and psychotic tweets.  It's time to save the American Nation - our "ship of state."

Just like being the "KING" of Trump Tower and all of his GOLF WORLD.... Just like being "LORD" of 5th Avenue, NYC.... Just like being the "BIG KAHUNA" of the TRUMP FAMILY..... Just like being the "CHOSEN ONE" of the Evangelicals..... This psycho sees himself as MONARCH OF THE GLOBE! "Quid Pro So What?” ...... Trump's belief is that TRUMP RULES ALL! What he says... IS THE LAW! Get ready for a STRAIGHT JACKET!
I have written an American  Poem (2019), calling on the Congress to "sail on," reject this madman, continue the investigation in public, and conclude with an IMPEACHMENT.  As quoted by the Mueller Report, once out of office, Trump can be indicted, arrested, prosecuted, and jailed once convicted. Time to light that fuse....
                                                   SAILING THE AMERICAN STATE
"Sail on o ship of state...."
put this guy behind the gate....
don't fall for all his offered bait......
do not accept his scheming date.....
or become his magic mate.....
instead, react and do not wait....

lock him in a rusted crate....
take him away with all his hate.....
to suffer his well-earned and distant fate...
rejected, ejected, and overweight.... 
shipped out - and jailed behind the inmate gate....

Stand Up! Speak Out! Resist! Persist! and March On!
Tick-tock.... 2020
Bobby J

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


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What a SHAME.... and a DANGER. Let me explain...

The United States has been a leader in the free world.for decades and, soon to be a century. Building from WWI and the Wilson League of Nations, the US established both a mechanism - a world-wide conference of nations - and its power of leadership in managing international relations from the start of peace after 1919 at the Treaty of Versailles - 100 years ago this year. On January 10, 1919, the League of Nations was formed, mapping a course to a more peaceful future. That body failed much for the same reasons that the Articles of Confederation failed the US as a strong architecture for a free nation forming for a better future. We re-wrote our nation - through a US Constitution in 1789, far better and stronger than the Articles of Confederation. After WWII, the failed "League" was replaced by the UN Charter. 

WWII brought bloodshed as the inter-connected tendons of the League faltered and failed with the emergence of nationalism underscored by dictators, and nationalists brandishing military machinery, manufacture, and might. With the loss of millions of lives, the war ended with the defeat of the dictators and the re-emergence of international dialogue through the birth of the UN in October of 1945 - just 2 months after the surrender of Japan. Once again, the US became the leader of the free world and the host to the UN. Within a few years, NATO was formed (4/4/1949) to defend liberty and freedom against the growth of the cold war with Russia and the nations that had been overtaken by Russia and incorporated into the USSR. Stalin rattled sabers, built up a military force, nuclear weaponry, and threatened the globe with continued violence and death. NATO - led by the US - resisted for 2 generations led by both Republicans and Democratic presidents, and finally succeeded - with tearing down the "wall" that separated East and West Germany on November 9, 1989. Ronald Reagan was then President and led the US for 2 terms. The next 4 Presidents - 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans - continued to uplift and expand NATO and to encourage and support the activities of the UN.

What a history! Ending bloodshed, expanding economic opportunity, managing peace, and encouraging freedom. This is the century long history of the American role around the globe. Until Trump.
Trump is falling into the very same patterns - "strong man" autocratic national leadership, nationalism, erosion of alliances, ignoring international relations and relationships, and rattling the saber. He has allied in part with our enemies - Russia and Putin, N. Korea and Kim Jon-Un, and abandoned the international cooperation and dialogue via the UN. Growing the military, encouraging "Americanism" as a lone nation, building a WALL instead of tearing down a wall, and Isolating the US from our historic allies in NATO and beyond, like South Korea and Japan through abandonment of treaties, alliances, and common ground and interests. King Donald, lapsing into historic paranoia and psychotic behavior, is bring the world down the path to destruction that has been traveled before, and is altogether avoidable today. The time has come for him to go - by IMPEACHMENT or ELECTORAL DEFEAT. 

Time to get off the Trump road to dismemberment and destruction. Time to March On to a better future.. and not to the disappointing building blocks of the past.
Stand Up! Speak Out! Resist! Persist!
Tick-tock......... 2020....
Bobby J

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Well... here we go again..... Two points....

First, without any consultation and/or discussions with the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Foreign Service leaders, the Intelligence Community, our allies, or the Congressional Leadership of both Houses.... this "Monarch"... "Autocrat", "Dictator" AGAIN leads by Tweet? Much to the surprise and, in some cases, outrage, the White House Moron, announces a complete withdrawal from Syria and abandonment of our anti- Al Qaeda allies, the Kurds. Our withdrawal, making the leader of Turkey smile, exposes the Kurds to a bloodbath with a Turkish invasion of the North of Syria to stamp out their presence in that region. So, the cracked Trump Plan via Tweet, shocks the strategic community, the reasoned thinkers and planners, and exposes us to ally abandonment, Kurd Ally slaughter, and the benefit of Russia, Iran, and Turkey. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?

Since an announcement via tweet and more, King Trump issues an immediate withdrawal of all US troops from our military alliance with the Kurds and others in Syria. The objective was to snuff out Al Qaeda/ISIS in their North Syria holdout with the cooperation of the Kurdish fighters who assembled to help. With support of our allies, including NATO, but with the discomfort of the President of Turkey, this joint force succeeded. In order to keep the smoldering ashes of Al Qaeda/ISIS from re-generating and flaming up once again, we have continued in presence and intel gathering to keep the lid well sealed. With the help and sacrifice of the Kurds, and the absence of Turkish involvement, the plan worked. However, right now, Trump orders our military to evacuate and, in so doing, exposes our Kurd allies to an eminent attack from Turkish forces on the west of Northern Syria. Without consultation with other allies or our Military Advisers,Trump has announced the abandonment of our Kurd allies - subjecting them to bloodshed and destruction by Turkish forces that we have kept in abeyance by our presence on the field of battle. Again, our departure benefits Turkey's plan to destroy the Kurds who they view as "terrorists" while we see them in reality as anti-terrorist "allies." So, who benefits? The interest here is Russia and Iran who will step into a void both as defenders of Syria and elsewhere in the region - including Afghanistan. Nevermind that our allies will see that we have the bad habit of turning our backs on them when Trump see some advantage in doing so, regardless of the pain inflicted, the long-term impact could be a near-term and long-term disaster.

Build a STONEWALL - Southern Border AND Congressional Committees!
SECOND, King Trump - AGAIN - refuses to comply with the US Constitution and ORDERS other Federal Employees - those with knowledge of the events of the past to REFUSE TO TESTIFY BEFORE CONGRESS ... and the Courts too. Building a "Stonewall" - A Presidential Cone of Silence, an Obstruction of Justice buried under a tweet-storm, is an outrage, a violation of the Constitution and federal law, and an embarrassment. Is it time to pull the impeachment "trigger?" Can Monarch Trump give himself pardons, immunity, and block the other two branches of our democracy- the Congress and the Judiciary- from requiring factual, truthful testimony? Why is this "King" hiding behind a curtain and preventing the truth from being told? Well.. he and some other Presidents shared a view - that the President cannot be charged with anything while in office. And, that explains why Trump thirsts for re-election.... as protection against the Mueller finding expressed in his Investigation Report - that Trump could be charged once out of office.... Time to go......

Trump and his Congressional allies - McConnell and others - continue to dismantle our Democracy, erode the balanced constitutional sharing of authority and decision-making power, and simply ignore that he does not have the authority of a Monarch or a Dictator. The Trump mangling of our system of government, dating back to 1789 - 230 years - it is time to pause, stop, and to reverse course. The tower of freedom that was constructed by our founders centuries ago in history, became an example of democratic governmental function and individual freedom. Our Constitutional balance-of-power system shared by three branches of government, was "tweeked" through modest and few Constitutional Amendments, not "tweets," over more than two centuries. The adoption of American Law, its interpretation and clarifying the law through our Judicial system has expanded and improved the American Experiment. Still, in the past three years to date, the Trump insanity has undertaken a march into the past, a reversal of the direction that our democracy has carefully constructed and eroding a bridge to the future that we have built together. Dismantling that bridge, disconnecting our democracy, and impeding our future isn't a map to a free democratic future. It IS a disastrous disconnect from our past, our ideals, and the American Dream. I repeat.... IT IS TIME FOR TRUMP TO GO.....

Stand Up! Speak Out! March On! Tick-tock..... 2020

Bobby J                                    