As with Great Britain in 1941, we are facing yet another existential challenge - right here at home. The counter-attack began today with the adoption of a House Resolution adopting the procedure in launching the Impeachment Investigation. Today I share the Longfellow poem to encourage us all in seeking truth and justice - to "sail on."
Sail on o Ship of State,
Sail on o Union strong and great;
Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on they fate".....
I have taken on this event in the history of England - its brink of disaster and call to confidence, resistance, and challenge - to resist, respond, and succeed - as an example of what we need to do as a nation in response to a psychotic, unequipped, and corrupt leader as president - Donald Trump. It is time that we correct course, steer the ship home to a better future, and excise our horror. Trump's latest "horror" is threatening our allies, destroying the global economy and our own at home through trade wars, abandoning our NATO and UN principles, and blackmailing our friends. The recent story of Ukraine threats and the Trump friendship with Putin and other dictators - rejecting our opposition with places like Russia, North Korea, and autocrat/dictators elsewhere, stirs up stormy seas around the globe. Abandoning the Kurds in Syria is a disgrace. Trump turned the tables on our allies and sent them to slaughter at the hands of Syria, Iran, and Russia. Our "ship of state" has been poorly sailed, not maintained, and run up on shallow rocks through lies, greed, and psychotic tweets. It's time to save the American Nation - our "ship of state."
Just like being the "KING" of Trump Tower and all of his GOLF WORLD.... Just like being "LORD" of 5th Avenue, NYC.... Just like being the "BIG KAHUNA" of the TRUMP FAMILY..... Just like being the "CHOSEN ONE" of the Evangelicals..... This psycho sees himself as MONARCH OF THE GLOBE! "Quid Pro So What?” ...... Trump's belief is that TRUMP RULES ALL! What he says... IS THE LAW! Get ready for a STRAIGHT JACKET!
I have written an American Poem (2019), calling on the Congress to "sail on," reject this madman, continue the investigation in public, and conclude with an IMPEACHMENT. As quoted by the Mueller Report, once out of office, Trump can be indicted, arrested, prosecuted, and jailed once convicted. Time to light that fuse....
"Sail on o ship of state...."
put this guy behind the gate....
don't fall for all his offered bait......
do not accept his scheming date.....
or become his magic mate.....
instead, react and do not wait....
lock him in a rusted crate....
lock him in a rusted crate....
take him away with all his hate.....
to suffer his well-earned and distant fate...
rejected, ejected, and overweight....
Stand Up! Speak Out! Resist! Persist! and March On!
Tick-tock.... 2020
Bobby J