Unlike the Biblical description of Genesis, the very first words from Autocrat Monarch Donald Trump, was, "let there be darkness and death." During the Intelligence Committee hearings yesterday, psycho Trump could do nothing but dozens of attack tweets, sending a barrage of emails throughout the day to millions on his lists (which somehow includes me), comment and call right-wing media over and over to erode the evidence displayed all day long, and trash ANYONE who did not stand up and take a 5th Avenue bullet for his majesty. He unleashed the tweet buzzards of attack as did Harry Potter's Voldemort releasing the "Death Eaters!"
He plotted, demanded, threatened, squeezed, raised money, bought on-time social media presence, crashed onto the right-wing programs and publications in his absurd attempt to assemble a zoo.... an insane circus of fact deniers, truth twisters, with outright threats and lies based on crazy conspiracy theories. Watching the Impeachment Hearings being held by the Intelligence Committee leads to an inevitable conclusion - the Trumpster has lost his mind, his direction, and his sanity. Even worse, he has taken every and any direction to advantage Russia and to Please Putin. Here are some examples......
1. Trump has attempted to repeal any and every economic restriction placed on Russia two years ago.
1. Trump has attempted to repeal any and every economic restriction placed on Russia two years ago.
2. He smiles, complements, and hugs Putin to demonstrate an international friendship.
3. Trump has attempted to benefit Russia by once again including Russia and, expanding to G8 from G7.
4. The Donald has fired any and every Russian "enemy" in his foreign service or those who advise him otherwise.
5. Trump withdrew from Syria, handing the regional keys to Putin and Iran.
6. Trump is attempting to "pin" the 2016 election interference on Ukraine, relieve Russia of the international political "black-eye" of election interference, and blame Ukraine for supporting Clinton. Nonsense.
A number of Right-wing, conspiracy based, and absurd media outlets - dominated by worship of the Trumpster - are the media outlets that scream this nonsense over and over.... And, as Nancy Pelosi said, it appears that "all roads lead to Putin." President Trump has become a mis-directed COMMANDER OF CRACKPOTS!
It's time to go..... Tick-tock....
Stand Up! Speak Out! Resist! Persist! March On!
2020....... Bobby J