"...the eve of destruction..." MY 2020 CONCERN IS GROWING..... AND YOURS???
Those who know me, understand that I have had broad political and electoral experience in campaigns and on live issues over decades.... We presently have a horror show sitting in the White House.... and, like many of you, I have opposed him in my blog and in my actions with MTP since 2015. I continue to do so today. I Understood that the Impeachment process - charges brought by the House and the Senate Trial - would most likely fail to receive the required 2/3 conviction vote in the Moscow Mitch McConnell led Senate. As you know, Monarch/Dictator Trump secured every Republican vote minus just one - Senator Mitt Romney. The Trump Impeachment vote failed - 48 yes and 52 no. As you can imagine,Trump crowed for days in celebration of his "victory." And, that isn't my concern right now....
After all, the entire process - impeachment trial and psychotic tweets - exposed the Presidential maniac at the switch. With documents and testimony in the House, the case was completely presented in the Senate by Adam Shiff and the House managers. Additional info was exposed by both an indicted co-conspirator and Giuliani associate - Lev Parnas, and by former Trump National Security Adviser John Bolton during the course of the House Articles presentations, although Parnas, Bolton, and others were denied the ability to testify at the Senate Trial. Trump's insane violations of the LAW... were simply ignored.... Disappointing, but exposed with an expected vote leaving the damaged "goods" in office was carefully watched....and understood. That was my expectation and not my concern.....
I am seriously worried, however, by the evolution of the Democratic Party primary - process, debates, candidates, and the resulting serious split - both in behavior and in broad policy disagreement. Let me explain.
Launched with more than 20 candidates at the start, this multi-candidate Democratic field spent debate after debate critical of one another - their issue positions, experiences, associations, funding, and comments. Well before he dropped out of the race, Senator Cory Booker (NJ) commented that those running for the Democratic nomination for President should stop assaulting one another and focus their attack on the National embarrassment - Trump. The Debates and discussions went on still.... and the complaints, assaults, and criticisms continued - and intensified - to this date, including the New Hampshire Debate last night. The only potential candidate who refuses to attack the others is Michael Bloomberg. With a massive barrage of TV ads in states with later primaries, the Bloomberg attack is focused on the Trump constitutional and policy disaster and continues to point to lies, lies, and more Trump lies - spotlighting the continuous Trump propaganda con game strategy.
Still, the Democratic candidates have diminished in number over these past several months, including Senator Booker. The Democratic Party schism and combat has become more severe and is growing an issue-based and deepening "chasm" as those competing continue to define themselves and the differences that separate the candidates. The growing split is between those described as the "center-moderate" candidates, and the "left-liberal" wing. Like "Continental Drift" these two camps are drifting further and further apart. Prior to the early caucus and primary states, candidates have been more firmly anchored to their policy positions. Public awareness and understanding increased, and candidate commitment grew as well. What has been revealed to date are their concerns and displays evidence of a growing split in the Democratic Party. If it continues to grow, to heat up, and the attacks become outright war, this trend could then re-elect the White House Horror - Donald Trump I. Lets look at the data.
Aside from the Single-Digit Group (SDG) who stand at about 10-14 points added together (4-7 candidates), the 5 leading Democratic candidates break into two camps. The "Center-Moderate" (CM) group includes Biden, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar. The "Left-Liberal (LL) group is composed of two - Sanders and Warren. The recent Iowa Caucus activity displayed the following: LL at 44.1% and CM at 54.3%. Current polling in New Hampshire by the Boston Globe reports the following: the CM three at 43% and the LL pair at 37%. 10% falls to the SDG and 10% remain unassigned/undecided. The Centrists, especially if Bloomberg, Duval Patrick, Bennet, and Gabbard are added to the count adding some 7 points - brings the Centrist total to 50% vs. the LL at 44% with Steyer and Yang added. My point is that our hope for the future and the defeat of Trump this fall calls for a united effort of all those in opposition to the pretender to the American Throne - Trump. The current "drift" reveals a split - right down the middle. That split presents a threat to our ability to save this nation from further destruction and the continued dismantling of the progress made over the late decades of the 20th Century and the first decades of the 21st. Will those in the battle re-focus their aim on the enemy, Trump? Will they outline their vision for the future of America and the outrageous shortcomings of the current wealth-driven con man? Can they heal the wounds already inflicted on the anti-Trump effort and steer the electoral ship away from the Republican rocks and to a better future with secure and available healthcare? Recognize and protect human rights and women's rights? Cast discrimination and hate aside? Stamp out racism? Stop gun violence? Expand and protect voting rights? Reach out a helping hand to those in need? Protect and expand Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid? Rebuild America's infrastructure? Adopt a Living Wage policy and supportive laws to benefit working families and not the most wealthy Americans with little need? These... and much more.... work for a much better and advancing American future... with a new and refreshing President at the switch. Who might that be? Tucked into the three CMs? Or, the 2 LLs? Or, will yet another CM - Duval or Bloomberg break out of their late start campaigns and join the 5 front-runners, pulling ahead and over the finish line??? The nation's next President certainly cannot be and must not be madman Donald J. Trump!
Stand for America's future... stand for our Democracy .... stand WITH each other... and in unity against Trump.... If we do this...we can pull back from the brink... the "eve of destruction"..., and return to a path of progress, electoral success, and correcting the course of the ship of state... with one objective in mind.... to save our Nation!
Stand Up! Speak Out! Resist! Persist! March On!
Tick-tock..... 2020
Bobby J