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As I write this Article, early voting on-site has ended. And, 19 hours from now - at 6 AM, the Polls open in NY State for Election Day. At this hour, some 93 MILLION VOTES HAVE BEEN CAST! Compared to the last Presidential in 2016, this pre-election vote count is nearly double the early vote cast 4 years earlier and some 68% of the total cast that year. Virtually all of the states have surpassed their comparable 2016 votes and a number of states - North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia - have surpassed 91% or more of their 2016 total vote cast! In Hawaii and Texas, both have already surpassed the total votes cast in 2016... and here comes Election Day! In Texas, 9.6 million early votes have been cast as of last Friday - more than 700,000 more ballots than were cast in 2016! And, that explains why the Texas Republicans have filed suit to eliminate 127,000 votes cast at drive-throughs approved by the Texas Board of Elections in Harris County - a Dem stronghold.
BREAKING NEWS! On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court - all Justices there Republicans - ruled against the Texas Republican party case and ordered that the votes are legitimate and shall be counted!
Another sidebar observation is that the youth voters are turning out in droves compared to past elections. People 18-29 have turned out to vote early - a "skyrocket" according to a Tuft's University Report this past weekend. This was particularly true in "battleground" states such as Michigan, Florida, and North Carolina. Soon, we will discover the impact of this generational "transition."
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Meanwhile, tomorrow the Election Day "Beat" goes on. Regardless of lines, crowds, harassment, and attempts to suppress the turnout, the voters will vote and the election will be done, booked, and won.... though subject to challenge.... Your angst - and mine - why? And, what is to follow? Will the House survive? Will the Senate remain with Moscow Mitch at the switch? Or, will the Senate change from Red to Blue with a new majority of Democrats in charge? Can we win enough of the swing states for our Senate candidates to take up control of the upper House in the Congress? Or, will we come close - but fall short.... win the Presidency for Joe Biden but find that Moscow Mitch McConnell can remain in the position of Majority Leader and continue to frustrate the agenda that we support to beat the virus, and to "BUILD BACK BETTER" as Biden has often announced?
As has been witnessed by us all, the Trump "gang" - Proud Boys, fake-militia, the Texas Trump "Rangers", and other Right-Wing radicals continue to attempt to suppress the vote. Blocking early voting failed - though made less convenient than possible. Filing numerous suits in state and federal courts to impede or disqualify votes legally cast.... so far, failing. And, setting up to challenge the outcome, state for state, alleging "voter fraud" and "fake votes" cast by illegal immigrants and the dead voting from cemeteries. Trump's greatest fear is the driving issue - THE COVID19 VIRUS ISSUE.
Trump has been "haunted" by the presence and spread of the virus... and by Dr. Anthony Fauci - the leading expert on viral "invasions" and pandemics. In fact, the Obama administration handed over a 600+ page guide to fighting viral battles in the future. This VIRUS RESPONSE GUIDE - included options, preparations, and planning for a future invasion. That took place during the transition in late 2016 and early 2017. Trump and his staff trashed that plan, reduced investments into such an effort as well. In Trump's view, it was completely unnecessary. After all, he was all about the economy, not healthcare! And, his pledge - one among many - was to rid the nation of Obamacare. After all, no sense naming Trumpcare after a Kenyan! Trump and Pence dropped the VIRUS RESPONSE GUIDE that had been built over the past administration's 8 years and several successful virus battles. Instead, they began building a useless and unnecessary Southern Wall. Once the 2020 Campaign began in 2019, the Corona Virus arrived.... and began to dismantle the health of Americans... Seattle and New York first..... and today in the South and Mid-western states. Case counts, hospital overcrowding and mortality - at 1000 a day - has skyrocketed!
The Trump response was to deny its presence... and its impact. It would just go away... the Spring and Summer sun would eradicate the virus.... it was not serious.... he denied its presence, ignored its impact, and, recently, Trump announced that "we have turned the corner" as the virus declines... time to get back to "normal" business and open the states and schools. The Trump Plan is that what he says - goes! Last week the White house announced that the Covid-19 virus was "ending." In a press release last week from the White House Office of Science and Technology, listed an accomplishment of Trump's first term as 'ENDING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC." Lie, lie, lie.... Now he publicly charged that Doctors and hospitals are LYING to collect more money, Fauci should be terminated for "lying" and those who support the National SUPERMAN - TRUMP - should genuflect and advance. The Trump goal is to misrepresent and repeat over and over.... and people will buy into the propaganda.... Trump wants to make the election about what he wants - successes and not failures!
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Bobby J