Friday, December 3, 2021



My guess is that BBB will not pass as is. Mansion blocks the House-passed legislation based on CPI inflation. Still, a reduced plan will be adopted - missing a list of beneficial features. Example - shorter or absent family leave… The Manchin's logic will be that adopting such a program will reduce the workforce presence - businesses large and small already hurting for workers. Pre-K and Childcare remains.  The idea there is to release potential employees to fill vacant job needs - say, truck drivers and service workers in child care, hotels, farms, retail, and restaurants.  Needless to say, the Republicans - House and Senate both - oppose this "investment into the future" Biden Plan as they follow the leadership of McConnell and McCarthy in their effort to prevent ANY VICTORY AND ANY BENEFIT adopted by Biden and the Democrats!  

Sound familiar?  Do you recall the McConnell Plan to destroy the Obama presidency through a general OPPOSITION TO EVERYTHING.  You will recall that McConnell blocked the Obama Supreme Court Nominee, Merrick Garland for a year. His excuse was that appointments to the Court should not take place in any presidential election year.  Once Trump took office in January of 2017, McConnell "forgot" his pledge. In addition to Gorsuch (2017) and Kavanaugh (10/2018), and Amy Barrett in October, 2020 - just one month before the presidential election! And, just now Roe v. Wade (1973) is being argued before the US Supreme Court - with three Justices appointed by Trump... and each privately or publicly pledged to repeal the woman's right to choose...

In any case, we finally adopted the Biden Infrastructure bill - narrowly. And, recently the House passed - narrowly - the Build Back Better bill and sent it to the Senate. Take another look at the cartoon above.  The Republicans - every single one - supported the Trump proposed tax relief for the rich and profit-rich corporations (including himself). That bill cost $3.9 TRILLION over 10 years.  The Biden Plan - Infrastructure and the BBB bill - does not cost anywhere near that figure. Taken together, the 10-year outlay of both comes to $2.2 TRILLION - with Trump adding to the deficit by more than twice the Biden amount. The Trump plan to benefit the wealthy was a pure revenue disconnect. The Biden investment plan - at a lesser cost - is paid for by tweaking tax policy and enforcement with a 15% minimum corporate tax on profits for those who pay nothing at all. Some 55 of the largest companies in the US - including many energy/oil companies, Nike, Fed Ex and more - paid ZERO FEDERAL TAX LAST YEAR. The BBB Plan will set a "floor" on profits of some 15%. And, for the most part, that levy plus active enforcement for those who "hide" their assets and profits "off shore" will pay their fair share as well. 

All of this makes sense... and has resulted in some really good news too.  The stock market has never been stronger. Unemployment is falling with over 500,000 new jobs last month, Covid is on the ropes with more vaccines and treatments; we are finally out of Afghanistan after 20 years and Trillions of dollars wasted. Just passed the biggest infrastructure investment since FDR and 32 Republicans joined about 260 Democrats in voting for it despite threats from Trumpers. The hint of bipartisanship Biden keeps fighting for. Wages will rise, training increased, and bonuses applied to get us over this hump. Meanwhile, the CPI increases may slow with a slowdown in demand and a breakthrough in supply via improvements in tweaking the “chain.” Still, the "supply chain" slow down was reduced by half in the last week....  Well done! 

Yet, according to recent polling almost 2/3 of voters think America is on the wrong track and they are disappointed with Biden.  HUH???


In 1945, Dwight Eisenhower, Commander of the Western Front and the Allied Normandy invasion, was shocked by the German Counter-offensive - THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE! The German High Command knew that defense-defense-and defense would not work as they slowly fell back toward the German border. The Counter Attack - the Battle of the Bulge - took place in late June and early July.  Defense alone does not work toward victory - attack is the answer.  

Over the past year we have witnessed the Moscow Mitch and Moscow McCarthy aggressively attack day after day - circulating rumors, making statements, accusations, and allegations.  Meanwhile, Their "Block the Biden Agenda" plan (BBA) to prevent the adoption of the Build Back Better Biden Plan (BBB) has so far prevented its adoption.  They cry out "failure!" "inflation!"  "economic ruin!" They sing, "the eve of destruction!"  Schumer, Pelosi lay out the program in defense....  and have not attacked the Republicans for turning their backs on the American People! With very few exceptions, the Rs have opposed looking into January 6th, refused to support and vote for the Infrastructure Plan that was finally adopted, and are in opposition - down to the last vote - of the BBB Plan. Instead, support the BBA Plan.... The Red Wing-nuts block the entire Biden agenda! Attack, attack, attack.... TORA, TORA, TORA!!! Keep the Dems on the defense! I believe that, as Eisenhower executed his counter-attack plan....and won in 1945 - Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden must stop the "Rope-A-Dope defense, reinforce, and counter attack the enemy! 
Call up and pass any modified version of BBB and sign it into law - A SUCCESS. After that, each eliminated or left out element gets introduced as a separate bill set of proposals. One by one, each is  called up for a Senate vote. This creates a record of Republican opposition and shields Manchin and others from a vote to publicly oppose any element that polls well. At that point, the Bulge Counter-attack begins… heading into the fall 2022.

In one 6-month period the Dems need to "roll the ball" - whatever shape - and get some bills passed and to Biden’s desk.  The point is - pass a re-elect platform and STOP “Rope-a-Dope” behavior.  Ali’s “Rope-a-Dope was defense, defense, defense…. No attack early in the match… save energy until the opponent gets battle-weary. Then step on the gas - AND ATTACK WITH FURY! If Pelosi and Schumer don’t pass phase 2 - Build Back Better - at least some version- and launch a full-bore attack on the Republican “Block and Blame” behavior… we lose and Biden suffers a complete blockage on his program, his judges and other appointments, his policies, and his legislation… and is then blamed as a do-nothing President who accomplished absolutely nothing.

The next segment would be a number of bills for those issues not adopted now… and, the January 6th Select Committee Hearings too!      These segmented bills - piece by piece - should force the Republicans to block and/or vote against those individual objectives - raise the min. wage, expanded Medicare coverage, reduce the cost of medication, provide Pre-school funding, Kid Care funding, and much more. Use that and more to launch the 2022 MASSIVE COUNTER-ATTACK on the Red “enemy of the American working families.” The ATTACK PLAN would expose their insane plan to govern for the rich - corporations and high wealth folks - erode the middle class, and ignore the desperate needs of those of modest income. McConnell and the rest of the Red Wing-nuts are building yet another “Gilded Age” at the expense and through the cheap sweat of the working poor. 

And, what about the Select Committee Hearings regarding the events of January 6th? Anyway... was January 6th the time to "Hang Mike Pence"? 


Anyway…. Spin the wheel and change the play! Complete the defense… and launch a never-ending attack… until the enemy is defeated and surrenders… the 2022 “Battle of the Biden Bulge.”  My 2 cents…. for now....

Sound like a pretty good plan to me... Just ask Ike Eisenhower..... It's time for the Counter attack! And, place the Republican Wing-nuts on the defense for eroding the American Democracy, undermining the Constitution, an attempted coup, refusing to reach out and help those in need of food, housing, education, and jobs, and turning their backs on women's rights and the challenges of poverty and health.


Thursday, November 4, 2021




Election Day - Nov. 2, 2021. What's ahead in 2022 and 24?
A Disaster?
Or, something else????
As I write today - 2 days after the election that took place this fall.... the pundits report the outcome of elections focused on both Virginia and New Jersey.... Know why?  Simple!  Those are the only two states that hold elections for Governor in the first year of a Presidential term - this time Biden.... So, "focus on that" is what is said over and over.  Makes for good headlines.... The primary point being made appears in the cartoon above.  With Biden in the White House, Dems in narrow control of both Houses in Congress, and growing frustration with the failure to pass both the Infrastructure Legislation in the House, the Voting Rights bills in the Senate, and the Reconciliation - Build Back Better - proposal in either location... does that mean that the Dems are the "Do Nothing" Party????  Or, are the Red, Right-wing Republicans - with guns ablaze -the gang holding up the US Stage Coach and preventing progress and recovery and then blaming the Dems for doing nothing?  Lets take a look....

So, lets look into the election "rabbit hole"... and discover!
Every election outcome is "influenced" by candidates, parties, policy positions, ads on radio, TV, and newspapers plus mail stuffed in your mailbox and a knock - or ten - at your door or a ring - or ten - on your phone.  Message, after message, after message....  On the other hand, your view, attitude, needs, and cares count far more than the "pitchman" at your door.  So, was it you?  Or, was it in the messages? Or, was it the "influencers?"  Did the Rs prevent recovery from Covid? Lie, cheat, and steal?  Or, did the Ds disagree, debate, and fail? No relief?  Viral invasion? Job Growth?  Schools? Inflation? Gas prices?  Minimum wage increases? What issues or cares drove you vote... or not?  And, was that all about DC or about your town, city, county, or state? Two states are the focus here... Southern "purple" Virginia that voted for Biden last year by 10 points; and, New Jersey - a northern state that went Dem in 1992 and has been blue - mostly - but for a Governor McGreevy problem and resignation followed by Dem Corzine for one term and then two by Republican Chris Christie election.  Biden carried NJ by 16 points in 2020, and Obama carried NJ twice - notwithstanding a Republican sitting in the state Capitol. Trump also lost NJ to Hillary in 2016...

Talk about a "FANTASY WORLD!" The Republican "take" on 2020 election "history" (the BIG LIE CONTINUES) and the events that followed. That is reflected in their world view... and stated goals - erode women's rights... promote guns... display racism... prevent voting in working class neighborhoods... deny the Corona19 virus impact and ignore the 750,000 American deaths. They say that Climate Change is a "hoax" , and " THE EARTH IS FLAT TOO??? January 6th was simply a "tourist" visit to the Capitol? Meanwhile... the Q-Anon crowd assembled in Dallas... at the Grassy Knoll... anticipating the resurrection of John F. Kennedy Jr... announcing that Trump is the "Savior"... and joining with him as his VP Candidate! What a complete hallucination! Grab the THORAZINE AND A STRAIGHT JACKET! 

Q-Anon assembles at the Grassy Knoll in Dallas to witness the resurrection of JFK, Jr and the arrival of their "Savior"
                                                   LETS TAKE A PEEK!

All nonsense... And, now with the Virginia loss and the narrow New Jersey win... McConnell's take on the future is a Democratic collapse and a return to McConnell control in 2022!  Then comes 2024 and  a push for the restoration of the insane world of T-world and autocratic rule. Talk about a "NIGHTMARE!" It's time to re-evaluate, re-engage, and regenerate a better future for our democracy.
OK.... so, Democrats lost some ground in Virginia, some votes in NJ, and votes elsewhere.  Were they votes against Dems?  For the Republican candidates? A rejection of Biden? A threat to the narrow Dem Majority in either or both Houses of Congress? Or, was all of this simply a fall-off of votes - for the most part disaffected or disappointed Democratic voters? And, a turnout of angry Republican voters who still believe the BIG LIE that the election was "stolen?" Did the Republicans do better in 2021 than in 2020?  Was that because Trump was not on the ballot this time? Or is the 2021 outcome a complete defeat for the Democrats and spell disaster come next year 2022... and the next Presidential in 2024? Well... there are several points of view in response to these questions...
The WWII Battle of the Bulge after D-Day did not result in another "Dunkirk." Instead, Eisenhower and the soon-to-be NATO allies called for reinforcements and a new surge of freedom.... The Allied push and counter-attack continued... and the Bulge "broke" with a German retreat that took the battlefront right into the Capitol in Berlin. Hitler's "empire" was defeated... dismantled... and destroyed....
It's time to learn the lessons of history... and renew the progress of freedom and democracy.... back to the battlements, march forward, continue to fight with new energy and commitment.... and beat back the beast! Election 2021 may be a "call to arms" and let it be so..... No "fantasy world" for the American Democracy. GET REAL! Time to re-evaluate… Do you really think that THIS is what the American voter likes?  Agrees with? Will vote for??? What is the REALITY of this and next year????
Mark Zuckerberg, Captain of the META ship, wants "virtual Reality"

And, what might that be?  I have had little experience in Virginia but considerable time, effort, and engagement in New Jersey's election cycles... for more than 30 years.  So, in the 2021 elections, what was the "virtual reality" in New Jersey?
The NJ race became a "close call" for Democratic Governor Phil Murphy. OK... the number of votes cast fell off as usual.  After all, in voting cycles the largest turnout of voters is typically the Presidential Election Year.... and not the election of a committeeman or a council member. The 2021 NJ race was a Democratic success - but an unusual pattern. Governor Murphy - narrowly - became the first Democrat to be re-elected Governor following a Presidential since Brendan Byrne was narrowly re-elected in 1977 - 44 years ago. Both Houses of the NJ Legislature lost a few seats to Republican candidates - but, a strong majority in both the Assembly and the Senate are being carried into the next session with all of the candidates on the ballot this past election. So, why do I say that this is an "unusual pattern?" 
A curious answer......
TRUMP NJ VOTES (2020): 1,880,000 votes
BIDEN NJ VOTES (2020):   2,610,000 votes  +16% +730,000 votes
                                       TTL: 4,490,000 votes cast
Jack Ciattarelli (2021): 1,210,000 votes* (64% of Trump 2020)
Phil Murphy (2021):     1,250,000 votes* +3%: +40,000 (47% of Biden 2020)
                             TTL:  2,460,000 votes cast (2021)*
     *Indicates election night votes reported and not a complete count.
Notice the substantial drop-off of votes between the two years.  Between the D and R totals, a loss of some 2,000,000 in voter turnout. Ciattarelli collected 1.2 million votes compared to Trump's 1.9 million votes - missing 700,000 Trump votes. Murphy, on the other hand, still carried NJ - narrowly - with 1.25 million fewer votes than Biden the year before. In other words, Murphy lost more turnout votes than did Ciattarelli - 17% fewer in turnout - less than half the Biden votes scored! Were Dem voters disappointed and angry? Did the independent "swing" votes in NJ - about 1/3 of the voter registry - swing from Biden to Ciattarelli?  Were the NJ voters annoyed by DC Dems and their failure to actually act... without blaming the McConnell strategy of BLOCK AND BLAME?
New Jersey historically is viewed North and South... tracing all the way back to Colonial history. The Northern section has been divided politically into urban Democrats and rural Republican areas separated by Suburban Independents.  Strong regions in NJ follow the NJ Turnpike - Hudson and Essex Counties (the two strongest Dem counties) through Union, Middlesex, Mercer, Burlington, and Camden. Other counties lean Republican with Bergen County - largest in population among counties - and Passaic County are trending Democrat... but, often Republican. Taking into account the reduced turnout of voters in 2021 compared to 2020, the vote spread in legislative districts was typical.  For example, 3 Senate seats and 6 Assembly seats in Hudson County all carried the usual 75% of votes cast.  Same in Essex.... and most other places - Union, Middlesex, and Mercer. South of Mercer the trend changed - a bit in some places and a bunch in others further south.  In fact, Senate president Sweeny (D) the leading Southern Democrat re-elected over and over - LOST his race to a truck driver who spent under $5000 on the race! Sweeny spent $500,000. He lost his 2 Democratic Assembly Members as well! In fact, in the Southern wing of the Dem Party, we lost 4 Assembly seats and 2 Senate seats. Nevertheless, the Dems had substantial control of both houses by the numbers and maintain a comfortable control come January 2022. In the end, South Jersey looks as though it is seriously weakened.... after an era of growth and strength under George Norcross, an Insurance Millionaire located in Camden County - another NJ Turnpike Dem stronghold.
Meanwhile, the Beltway Dems in both House and Senate are roiled up - some in a panic for their own elections on the 2022 horizon.  After the Virginia "News" of a loss there, much blame - rightly or wrongly - was placed on the DC internal battles - House vs House and Dem vs Dem - in both places - and the inability of Biden to break the ice.  Mc Connell and Mc Carthy, meanwhile, stand on the sidelines planning for their return to power - and, if they do - to block anything and everything that the Dems propose - and in 2024 - BLAME THE DEMOCRATS FOR THEIR FAILURE TO GET THINGS DONE!  That has always been the Moscow Mitch BLOCK AND BLAME plan.  It worked to elect Trump in 2016... and he thinks that it will work again in 2024! 
And, so the Democrats... and the Republicans too ... leave the 2021 battlefields behind... regroup and plan for the next confrontation. The Dems have returned to their "cauldron" that continues to bubble and bubble... toiling into more and more trouble... Is that the way we can recover and save our nation and its democracy? You decide...
The Democrats and Biden leave the battlefields and return to the Capitol... still in hot debate and in continuous disagreement... while McConnell schemes in the cloakroom.... You decide.

Bobby J

Thursday, September 23, 2021



The DEBT ISSUE debate.....

Since 1960, Congress has addressed the DEBT ISSUE 78 separate times - raise, extend, or revise the limit estimates. This was done 49 times under Republican Presidents and 29 times under Democratic Presidents. The last Republican President - Donald Trump - added $7.8 TRILLION during his single term. He was cheered on by both by Moscow Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan with an assist by the current Republican House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy.
Now - once again - the Republicans - McConnell and McCarthy, having sent some $2 TRILLION to large profit-making corporations and the upscale wealthies, are turning their backs on paying for THE DEBTS THAT THEY INCURRED IN THE LAST 4 YEARS! The Tax Reform Act of 2017 gave massive amounts back to THE WEALTHIEST WHO COULD AND SHOULD AFFORD TO PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE - as much as $250,000 a year - or $1,000,000 to date! During Trump's absurd rule, $7.8 TRILLION was added to the US Debt levels - nearly half through the Republican give-away to wealth, including Trump and his family.
Still - once again - the Republicans have "shape-shifted" into "deficit hawks" when a Democrat is in the White House.... never mind that they emptied the revenue bucket with a give-back to the wealthy when they were in charge less than a year ago, dating back to the Tax Act in 2017. Today McConnell and McCarthy are holding the US and global economies hostage in the hopes of scoring some "cheap" political points. McConnell's game? - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde....
Pass the increased limit deficit bill..... and save the US and international economy!
Bobby J

Left to Right: Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy, and Mad Hatter McConnell

Former Secretaries of the Treasury sent a letter to the Congressional Leadership in both Houses.
Read the communique here:

Thursday, September 2, 2021



Hi Folks: This is something that you should know....
As McCarthy and his ilk try to re-shape the January 6th events into an action taken by "heroes", he continues to attempt to block the investigation into the seditious "invasion" of the center of our Democracy - The Capitol Building in DC. A disgraceful act... that joins with the 5-4 vote in the Supreme Count upholding the violation of Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose. Add that to the Texas Legislature's vote to tighten the "noose" on the neck of our Democracy - within their borders - through restrictive voting requirements. 

The Texas Legislature, "seizing" and arresting Democratic Members to create a quorum, just adopted a series of acts to undermine the free casting of votes in election after election by American citizens in Texas! Decrease polling places, increased demands for ID, forcing long lines, restricting mail-in ballots and more were just adopted to control the outcome.  Worse, 
resistance to vaccines and masks continues, infections rise, and people die. Next at bat.... re-districting maps and gerrymandering..... IS THIS WHAT WE WANT OUR FUTURE TO LOOK LIKE????

Bobby J

Democrats Blast McCarthy’s Obstruction Of Jan. 6 Investigation
Emily Singer
September 02 | 2021
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy
Photo from Kevin McCarthy's official Facebook.
Reprinted with permission from American Independent
Legal experts and Democratic lawmakers are criticizing a statement issued on Twitter Tuesday night by the official account of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy threatened retribution against telecommunication companies that comply with requests for phone records from the House select committee probing the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
The bipartisan committee on Monday asked telecommunication companies to preserve phone records from a number of Donald Trump-supporting GOP House members who spoke at the "Stop the Steal" rally that whipped up Trump supporters with lies about voter fraud before they marched to the Capitol on January 6 and rioted. It asked them to preserve records for Trump and his family members as well.
In the statement, McCarthy claimed, "If these companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States. If companies still choose to violate federal law, a Republican majority will not forget and will stand with Americans to hold them fully accountable under the law."
Elie Honig, a CNN legal analyst, tweeted in response to McCarthy's statement, "This is nonsense. A subpoena is not 'strong-arming' and there's no violation of federal law when companies comply."
"McCarthy's threat against telecom companies who lawfully produce documents is shocking," Norm Eisen, an ethics lawyer and fellow at the Brookings Institution, said. "It's like a gangster saying, 'Gee, nice telecom company you've got here. It would be a shame if anything happened to it.'"
MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner echoed those sentiments.
Kirschner tweeted, "And this is precisely what happens when our law enforcement authorities refuse to TIMELY hold criminal politicians accountable. It encourages further crime — like McCarthy criminally obstructing a congressional proceeding. Hey DOJ - start enforcing the d@mn law!"
Democratic lawmakers criticized McCarthy's threats as well.
"The House republican leader is openly calling on companies to obstruct justice to stop a probe of the January 6 attack on the Capitol," Rep. Bill Pascrell of New Jersey tweeted. "Obstruction of justice is a felony."
Rep. Ted Lieu of California tweeted, "18 U.S. Code § 1505: 'Whoever…by any threatening letter or communication…endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede…the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any…investigation is being had by either House…Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned… .'"
McCarthy wasn't the only GOP lawmaker to threaten telecommunication companies.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, one of the lawmakers whose phone records the committee is seeking, said during a Tuesday night appearance on Fox News host Tucker Carlson's show, "These telecommunications companies, if they go along with this, they will be shut down. And that's a promise."
The bipartisan committee to probe the Jan. 6 attack said in response to McCarthy's threat, "The committee's efforts won't be deterred by those who want to whitewash or cover up the events of January 6th, or obstruct our investigation."
McCarthy has been against the House committee since Democrats in the House announced they were forming it. They resorted to the select committee structure to probe the attack after House Republicans blocked the formation of a bipartisan independent outside body to investigate the insurrection.
This is not the first threat McCarthy has made regarding the committee.
In July, McCarthy threatened to punish any GOP lawmaker who accepted a spot on the committee from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) ignored McCarthy's threat and accepted Pelosi's invitation to serve.
Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.

Bobby J