Saturday, February 27, 2021




As an old history teacher, this entire sequence reminds me of the early Hitler years.....  and the role of his initial failure and jailing - when he wrote Mein Kamph (1925). He was later released, built up a support "cast" with propaganda and an enemy target set - Jews and the European nations who drafted the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI.  Martin Bormann, Hess, Eichmann, Goebbels, Himmler, Goering and the Gestapo and others....  built a propaganda machine - (MAGA - Make Aryans Great Again) - along with a series of events that built up his support with angry battles in the street (Beer Hall Putsch of the 20s... and later, the burning of the Capitol Building - the Reichstag - 1930s).  Law and Order, economic recovery, and the advance of Aryan Germany (or is it Make Aryans German Again - MAGA?) was set against Communists in Russia, the other European nations, and the Jews.....  

In Trump's case, January 6th was the action against Congress and the Capitol Building, Muslims, immigrants and men and women of color - Black, Latin, Asian - were and are all targets of hatred that gather together the KKK with the 3-Percenters, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Q-Anon, and more.... Remember Charlottesville and the "Jews will not replace us" march with torches?  Recall the outright tens-of-thousands of Trump LIES?  And, needless to say, the BIG LIE???

                          STOP THE STEAL????  MAGA - Make America Great Again?                      

My guess is that the Trump plan was designed from the Hitler rise... MAGA = MAGA... and the take-over of the German Parliament... from Chancellor to his own selected title - Der Fuhrer!  The Dictator!  In Trump's case, from President to LEADER!  The German translation of "Leader" is FUHRER.... understood as being in a position of ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY.  His plan is to mirror Putin, the Saudi King, and the North Korean "Leader."

Needless to say, I cannot prove any of this.... but, if Hitler's book is on the Trump bed-stand, that would be enough for me.....  and - right now - Trump is planning for the FOURTH REICH...... 


This will be the basis of his attempted return to power.... press on the "Stop the Steal" gas to  energize his version of the SS and Brown Shirt gangs.... fueled by his threats and collected donations to "restore America and MAGA! Don't need to wear a military uniform as Hitler did - just a uniform of a long red tie and a red MAGA HAT! In the meanwhile, at the state legislative level - though he did not win any cases filed, the move is to tighten the laws and reduce the number of votes that come from those who do not support his policies or his person..... The goal?  Destroy his opponents - including Republicans - and re-install his "royal family" into the White House and at the policy switch... or... is it the nuclear button?  

The Golden Trump Calf arrives at CPAC

 Meanwhile, after his remarks and attack at CPAC this weekend, and a failure to attack the Capitol and burn the "Reichstag" come March at the "State of the Union" date, Trump escapes to a location that does not have an extradition treaty with the US... say, Cuba....  with millions from sold "pardons and commutations" in his pocket...  to launch a Trump Cuba Casino and MAGA CASTRO Golf Center providing protection for him and his family....  Maybe he switches planes and flies to Moscow (MAGA - Make Moscow Great Again?) for yet another business transaction with Melania doing the translation for him.... or, a Saudi Arabia re-location for not having that Royal Leader "annoyed" or arrested for the Khashoggi murder in the US... and Melania in a string bikini...... 

Or, will he stay here, invent yet another right-wing media combo - internet, radio, cable TV, and a new Network?  Will he pursue a roll as the "Leader of the Pack" spreading venom, hatred, racism, and insane lie after lie to follow the Hitler pattern, write "Mine Camp", not "Mein Kampf", sell brown shirts and jack boots and raise cult kids in Trump Camps?  Is this his Majesty Trump as "Hitler" - phase two?  Fourth Reich? Position himself to issue large doses of propaganda - over and over - build an armed cult following  (SS), preparing to run again in 2024?  Build a new Trump Tsunami that will wash away the Congress and install a new Chancellor-in-Charge? A Dictator? A monster? Dur Fuhrer? And, dismantle our Democracy? 

The NEW CPAC "Battle Flag-Stage". Does it remind you of something else?   

A Century from now, will the history books record the evaporation of the United States.... and the disappearance of democracy that devolved in a similar fashion to the Roman Empire? Will new wars and civil unrest break out both here and around the globe? Will we witness a re-shuffle the nations and their boundaries once again?  A re-design of international trade, wealth and riches, as well as poverty and death? Such events always happen historically.... in the far East, Africa, Latin America, and - after World War II - in Europe.  The USSR collapsed in the 1980 and those borders and nations have changed since then..... Is this now - in the 21st Century - OUR TURN - North America???

Now re-located in Florida, Trump ducks NY State indictments for tax fraud, bank fraud, and charge after Civil charge. The plan is to jam up the courts with appeal after appeal after appeal to keep the dogs back for decades, if he can. He will argue that the US Government must defend him for acts as president.... Nonsense.  So, I guess he will need to rely on his "BILLIONS" in wealth?  Wait a minute... doesn't he have loans outstanding that are on a short fuse?  2-4 years?  $500 million to $1 Billion as recently reported? Where will all this cash come from?  How to pay the legal fees for multiple suits - both criminal and civil????  

Next, on the financial side, comes bankruptcy as banks and other companies abandon this guy.... He is already in an ocean of RED INK... and is being pursued by the Scottish Government on fraud charges attached to his golf course there.... As bad, his "tax audit" being conducted by the IRS has been released as charges have been levelled involving federal and state tax fraud and bank fraud. SNAKE OIL will be revealed, arrests made, charges attached, and criminal and civil cases commenced.  This will become quite the "show." And, can we get things done and progress made while this outrage continues????

The time has come to stand up for truth, justice and our democracy - rule by the many and not the few. Stand up for our voters and our electoral system - and against lies, fraud, and a re-write of our history.  In 2020, all 50 states - under their adopted voting rules and regulations - re-counted all votes cast time and again, certified the results, appointed their Electors as proportioned and required by the US Constitution, and defended themselves against fraudulent Trump suits filed.  More than 60 legal actions were brought - and Trump lost them all, including two in front of HIS Court - the Supreme Court of the United States - with a Republican Chief Justice, a Republican-appointed majority, and three Justices appointed by Trump.  Nevertheless, without dissent, the SCOTUS ruled that all 50 states complied with law and the Constitution - 27 Republican-led states and 23 Democratic-led states. And, that no voter fraud was demonstrated or evidence of fraud submitted. TRUMP LOST! And, in the popular vote, Trump lost to Biden by more than 7,000,000 votes! 

The Trump preference is to BURN the US Constitution, remove ANY who oppose his "rule", re-write the laws and require "obedience" to his "Executive Orders." Like his corporations and companies, his rule is compliance or elimination... How do we watch?  What should we do? Stay tuned...... to "Dur Fuhrer".....

See you in the Gulag......

Bobby J

Friday, February 12, 2021



The Impeachment Trial Begins......

FEBRUARY 10, 2021: Day 1: And, so... the IMPEACHMENT TRIAL gets underway..... The House "Managers" present today..... and need to "educate" the Republican Senators - at least 17 of them all - to join with the Democratic Members of the US Senate - all 50 - to get to the 2/3rds required for Impeachment. Quite the challenge...... Tune in..... and do not drop out.... 

FEBRUARY 11, 2021: So unfolds Day 2: Massive evidence presented... photos, video, reports, and conclusions. Tweet after tweet after tweet - instructions to the rioting mob.... "cheering" from the "Owner's Box" at the White House.... as the destruction grows and lives are lost.... Summoned by Trump in support of "the BIG LIE"... and encouraging violence and insurrection... and the rejection of the decision made by the American Voter.... as reflected in the certified vote totals and Electoral Votes from each of the 50 states - 27 LED BY REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS - 23 LED BY DEMOCRATS. All 50 states - regardless of political party "stripe" - certified and reported the results as required by the US Constitution - not the Trump "play book." Vice President Pence refused Trump's request to violate the law and the Constitution. Trump voiced unhappy disappointment and assigned "failure" by Pence. 
Q-Anon and other violent radicals  march....

Violence erupts..... lives lost.... destruction an insurrection takes place at the Capitol.... and planned, funded, encouraged, and urged on by Donald J. Trump for months and throughout the day - January 6th, 2021. More than 140 injuries occur - broken bones, a lost eye, brain injuries, stab wounds.... as the seditious mob surges forward.  Braking down barriers, smashing windows, destroying documents, furniture, doorways, and relics of the American Past.  Q-Anon, the Boogaloos, Proud Boys, Racists and White Supremacists march on the Citadel of Democracy - our nation's Capitol and symbol of freedom.  Blood spills and lives are lost.... But the "search and destroy" strategy seeking Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, and others fails.... due to the efforts of the Capitol Police and the DC PD.  The National Guard is held back from engagement by Trump - the Commander and Chief - for hours as the riot rages on.... And, finally, Federal Troops arrive under the orders of Vice President Pence, Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer and their Minority Leader counterparts - BUT NOT AUTHORIZED BY PRESIDENT-FOR-A-FEW-MORE-DAYS TRUMP! While watching the events unfold on TV, Trump sat in the White House delighted in the actions that were taking place and encouraging them via tweet to continue on to victory! 

Trump commands the capitol "invasion" - FREE SPEECH???

FEBRUARY 12, 2021: Today is day three.... tune in.... Stand Up! And, Speak Out! 14 Republican Senators refuse to attend as "jurors" on Day 2.  They should all be removed from the “jury” as would occur in any other American courtroom - criminal or civil. Along with the 3 or more “jurors” who personally conspired with Trump’s Defense Attorneys yesterday (Lee, Graham, and Cruz), the removal of those who conspire or fail to attend to evidence and arguments presented would otherwise be illegal and cause removal. The removal of these 17 - who refuse to discharge their Oath of Office as Jurors or Senators would reduce the total jury count to 83. Two-thirds of 83 - reflecting the jury vote required to find Trump GUILTY - would become 55.... and that guilty vote would better reflect the truth. 

Or.... do you believe that murderous mobsters and gang members should be charged, indicted, and placed on trial before a jury made up of GANG MEMBERS conspiring against those who seek truth and justice? Do you think that the Nuremberg Trials held after the defeat of the Nazi War machine in 1945 should have been presented and decided before a jury made up with Nazis assigned as half the Jurors? 

Across the nation, every jury is sworn by oath to be led to a verdict by the facts presented, judge by the facts of the case, and vote their conscience... not their political stripe or their Party membership. We will soon see the outcome.... Guess that we will discover the truth - arrest by arrest. Likely that more than 200 arrests will result... and, when completed, it will be known that ZERO participants in the sedition were associated with the mystery group - AntiFa.... as alleged by the Trump attorneys. You know - ANTI FASCISTS... those who opposed HITLER, MUSSOLINI, and other rabid Dictators. Pro-Democracy advocates were not/are not the “insurrectionist invaders” who tore at the foundation of our Democratic government - and the bedrock of our government - the US Constitution. NO BIG LIE!

The arrests and records of those participants will show who they are and from whence they came....  Three Percenters, Boogaloos, Q-Anon, MAGA heads, Proud Boys, Anti-Jew groups, White Supremicists, and more.... all pro Trump Dictator and all arrested by the FBI under the leadership of Trump appointees - including the FBI Directors Chris Wray. Fingers will be pointed at the “Deep State”.... though it is right now THE TRUMP STATE. Get on with it... See the truth... accept the facts displayed... and breathe new life into our Democracy, not deconstructing, dismantling, and destroying it brick by brick.



     Bobby J