Only one dissenting vote - Justice Thomas??? |
Ginni Thomas
has a long history of ultra-right conservative activism. In more than 29
conspiracy-ladened text messages, she repeatedly urges White House Chief of
Staff Meadows to overturn the 2020 election! Indeed, on the brink of January 6th,
she called for a “coup” and the continuation of the then-present administration
and its leader, the Donald. Ginni Thomas, long a member of Q-Anon and present
at the January 6th Rally aimed at preventing the Congress from officials
certifying the presidential election outcome - as the Constitution outlines -
through the formal acceptance of the Electoral Votes certified by each of the
50 States. Ginni urged that the US Laws and Constitution be ignored or
overthrown through the House or the Senate refusing to certify the election outcome.
Justice Thomas dissent was defended as “having nothing to do with” Ginni’s
activism and view of the outcome….
Justice Thomas refused to recuse himself from the Supreme Court debate and vote, taking the position that he and his wife Ginni do not discuss such matters at home. Really? This is a couple who have described themselves as so close that they are “melded into one being.” Well…. Throughout their marriage, Ginni has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by conservative activist groups that have taken strong stands on issues before the court, including shinning “sunlight” on White House communications – a public record. These include abortion issues, immigration matters, gun rights, Obamacare and much more. Justice Thomas has refused to recuse himself from any of these matters even though his own household is financially and ethically compromised. He and Ginni have created the impression of “extreme bias.” He should recuse! Needless to say, he has refused to do so - at any point or on any case or issue that worked its way from the District Court to the Court of Appeals and is currently presented before the Supreme Court. So, let's ask a pertinent question - If YOU call the White House and ask for the Chief of Staff, will he get on the line? Will he or his staff take your call??? I think not.... Will your email or text (to who?) get through and "followed?" I don't think so.... So, why does Ginni Thomas have the phone number for the White House Chief of Staff Meadows and get through in texts, emails, and calls - all on the record at the White House and part of the official records? Might it be because her husband - Clarence Thomas sits in judgment on the US Supreme Court? Does the cash register "sing" when he votes on matters of concern and importance? If recused, no cash??? No dinner??? No fun???
Think about it.... Bobby J
PS: Much of this article should be credited to the source - THE WEEK MAGAZINE, April 8, 2022, page 6, "Controversy of the Week."