Friday, October 21, 2016


This week's column will be a bit different.  Like most college freshman's intro survey courses, I will touch on two events that have taken place... just to catch us up so that we are ready for the dash to the finish line. So, here goes......

DEBATE THREE:  Finally, the series of three Presidential Debates plus one Vice-Presidential Debate has concluded.  By most measures (well, except in Trumpworld’s alternative reality), Hillary “won” all three contests with the Donald and the Kaine/Pence contest was a tie.  You may recall that I awarded the VP debate to Pence.  What negated that single debate bright-spot for the Republican ticket was Pence’s insistence that Trump did not say the things that he actually said and/or did not support the positions that Trump actually supports.  In any case, all that is now behind us and the rest is the dash to the finish line.  Or is it?
                Donald Trump was better prepared for this contest than had been the case during the last two meetings of these candidates – one clearly prepared to be the President and the other who seems to be ill-equipped for prime time.  I will leave you, dear reader, to determine which is which.  But, clearly, Donald has improved his debate performance substantially since the first clash of the candidates.  However, given his awful performance during debate #1, it’s hard to see how he could not be better now.  Hillary, to her credit, was again prepared, level, and in command of her facts.  She presented herself as a competent, knowledgeable, reasonable, and experienced candidate who was, in fact, ready to become the President of the United States. Much of the discussion was a repeat of their often discussed positions on the issues of the day – on taxes, the economy, Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court, to name a few. Trump, however, did make one statement that surprised the debate moderator, Chris Wallace, and was so off-base that it became the dominant story of debate #3.  Wallace asked Trump if he would “accept” the outcome of the election if he did not win.  Much to the surprise of the moderator and, I suspect, the audience and the press assembled, Trump refused to “accept” the outcome of Election Day, unless (as he said to a rally the following day) he was the victor.  A shocking statement, given this nation’s 200+ year history of elections and the peaceful transition of power that is the envy of much of the world. 
                Last August, Donald began to say that the elections have been “rigged.”  Such unfounded charges undermine the very foundation of our democracy – the fairness and acceptance of our elections as the way that our democracy selects its leaders, from the local town level all the way to the Presidency.  Whether it is Nixon conceding to Kennedy in 1960 or Gore conceding to Bush in 2000, the loser of the election has recognized the will of the people as expressed in the votes on Election Day and pledges to work with the President-elect in the interests of the nation.  But, not Donald Trump.  Ever the master of conspiracies and an alternate reality and always the “outsider” working to take down “the establishment”, Trump constantly attacks “the system” and the media and the election process as “rigged.”  In Trumpworld, all of the corrupt media have “ganged up” on him in a conspiracy to deny him the Presidency. 
                In an alternate Trump reality, if he wins, the outcome would be legitimate.  But, if Hillary wins, that would be a result of a nation-wide conspiracy between “the corrupt” media, millions of illegal alien voters, millions of dead people voting (note that all of these dead and alien folks vote for democrats only), and corrupt election officials, Republicans not supporting his candidacy like the Bush family, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, and others.  And, that would make a Hillary Clinton Presidency “illegitimate.” I suppose that Trump can’t claim that Hillary was born somewhere in Africa or that she is a secret Muslim (in spite of the shocking coincidence that "Methodist" also starts with an “M”), so he has to attack the process as “rigged” which resulted in the Donald being beaten by A WOMAN (OMG!).  And, if Hillary became President through subterfuge and a corrupt conspiracy, why concede and legitimize a “rigged” outcome?  Does Trump just go on vacation?  Take a trip?  Go back to building?  Or, is it time for a “call to arms” and for the Great Trump Movement to launch?  Is it time for those “2nd Amendment people” to come away from marching around in the woods and to appear in the streets?  And, will those “arms” be actual weaponry as has been recently suggested by some of Trump acolytes at recent rallies?  Are we edging closer to the unthinkable national nightmare that some other nations experience after elections?  You may say that “it cannot happen here.”  Really? These behaviors and comments would be merely amusing if Donald trump was some third or fourth party whack-job out in space who missed his daily dose of Thorazine or Librium.  But, he is the Republican candidate for the Presidency on the eve of an election – one voting day away from the nuclear football.
                Donald Trump created chaos this past year.  First, in the Republican Party and then by encouraging violence at his political rallies.  Now, he is undermining the very foundation of our democracy – the fairness of the electoral process itself – in an attempt to de-legitimize and cripple a Clinton Presidency.  If he succeeds, Demolition Donald will be taking down the last, best hope of freedom-loving people around the globe – a tower of hope and freedom that has been the envy of the world since the US Constitution was adopted in 1789 - the American democratic process and the peaceful transfer of power that takes place every 4 or 8 years.  Should Trump succeed in that effort, may God save us all, and the United States of America. 

THE AL SMITH DINNER:  The Al Smith Dinner, an annual dinner event held in NYC to raise money for disabled children in New York, was held the night after the last debate.  Last night’s dinner raised some $6 million for NY Catholic Charities. Al Smith serving as the Democratic Governor of New York became the first Catholic nominated for the Presidency in 1928. Though he was not elected that year, he did serve four terms as Governor of New York. As the Democratic Nominee, Al Smith took down another barrier – a Catholic running for the Presidency.  So, it was fitting – and consistent with the comedic nature of comments at the annual Smith dinner – that both Presidential candidates speak at the dinner.  Donald Trump spoke first and Hillary followed.  In the tradition of the dinner, both were to tell jokes and get the plutocratic crowd to giggle.  Hillary did a great job and, to a degree, so did the Donald.  Both got some hearty laughs (though Rudy Giuliani was a stone-faced sphinx).  But, if you were to ask how the evening went for them both, the answer can be found in one observation.  Late in his remarks, when Trump dropped his comedy routine and lobbed some insults toward Hillary, something very rare occurred.  Trump was loudly booed….. by a room full of priests…..  I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.  Two weeks from Tuesday… we are almost there. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


OMG.....  Given my age, I can recall a time when elections were a battle of ideas, proposals, philosophies, and policies.  They featured grown-ups speaking about the issues of the day in a civil fashion. And, regardless of who "won" the debate - on style-points, substance, or via applause meter, the voting public could determine who stood where on issues and what to expect from the candidates if elected.  It was a civil learning process for the public leading to an informed decision and the casting of meaningful votes on election day.  These were the days of Nelson Rockefeller, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Regan, Dwight Eisenhower, and Bob Dole.  Even Bill Clinton and George Bush in 1992 presented alternative policy positions that were understandable by the voting public - and that was just 20 years ago - one voting generation.  Presidential Debate #2 was the total and polar opposite of those civil discussions.

Back in "the day", political debates ended with a partisan-based election and, some months later, the inauguration of a President and the swearing-in of Members of Congress and Senate.  At that point in time, through politics continued on, government began. Civil discussion - OK, some became contentious - almost always resulted in some form of compromise or other in the end.  Think the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, the agreement between Ronald Regan and Speaker Tip O'Neill to save Social Security or the Budget Agreement reached between George Bush I and the Democrats in Congress.  It was, I believe, what the founders designed - "the art of compromise." All of these indicated that after the storm of the campaign, came the calm of the needs of government and the American people. And, that meant governing with civil discourse and most acts of Congress reflected the fine art of compromise. But, not today, not now, not here, and, certainly not against the Clintons - the lead "frustrators" of the Republican Party for 2 decades.  Even worse for Donald Trump, this Clinton is a WOMAN!  Now you know why "the Donald" snorts like an enraged bull during confrontational debates with Hillary - he IS enraged.

Political poison has been growing over the past 20 years and that has led to less and less cooperation and more and more gridlock.  Add to that the rise of the Tea Party on the Republican side of the political equation and you get to where we are today - Mitch McConnell announcing that the Republican agenda at the start of the Obama Presidency was to "guarantee that he fails." After all, compromise as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, amounted to "political treason" to the Tea Party that insisted that compromise was surrendering principles to the "enemy." From impeachment, to government shut-down, to opposing every single proposal put forward by the Obama Administration, gridlock has become the new "normal", the needs of Americans be damned. The bomb throwers are now in charge - throwing gasoline on the smoldering hurt feelings of the losing side to produce a flame up followed by burning the house down. Enter Donald Trump.

Trump represents the final outcome of the Republican march away from a working government based on reason and compromise and to a model based on bombast, spin, and fact-free demagoguery led by a racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, misogynist.  The crowds at Trump rallies have been large and filled with emotion, hate, vitriol, and, often, violence.  It seems that there is no turning back, regardless of how Trump behaves, for the Trump "legion."  And, what has unfolded in the Republican ranks, has been the surprise that Trump won the primaries; resignation that Trump was the party candidate; followed by tepid support/endorsements from party leaders and Republican elected officials.  And, after last week's revelations of just some of Trump's outrageous statements about women before an appearance on Entertainment Tonight more than 10 years ago, the lid blew off and many Republican leaders jumped ship, including John McCain, Paul Ryan and dozens of others.  They have now joined the ranks of the Bush Presidents, Mitt Romney, and other top luminaries of the Republican establishment in their distaste of and opposition to Trump.  Like the Titanic, the Trump candidacy, and the Republican ship seems to be sinking fast.  At this writing,  Hillary leads Trump by 11-14 points in national polling - and growing.

In an effort to save the House from political disaster for the Rs, Speaker Paul Ryan all but abandoned the Trump candidacy along with a bunch of R Senators and House members who withdrew their endorsements of "the Donald." Newspapers, public policy magazines and other media outlets in record numbers - including some historically conservative outlets - have either endorsed Hillary - many making their first endorsement ever - or encouraged their readers to reject Trump.  Long-time right-wing radio and TV personalities - Hugh Hewitt, Glen Beck and others have also publicly abandoned Trump in the last week - but without going so far as to endorse Hillary.  Trump's response to all of this is to dig deeper into the campaign mud, ably assisted by Rudy Giuliani who seems to be oddly "off" recently, giving to speculation that he has developed some form of mental disorder.  And, typical of Trump's performances in the past, the Donald has attacked Paul Ryan and other Republican leaders for "disloyalty."  All of this, of course, sets up a post-election war within the ranks of the Grand Old Party - Trump loyalists on one side assisted by the likes of Roger Ailes, Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie and others, and the Party regulars like Paul Ryan, John McCain, Jeb Bush, John Kasich and a long list of principled, conservative activists.  How the Republican Party survives this bloodbath remains to be seen. Back to the debate.

People my age may remember a TV show popular in the 60s - "The Addams Family."  The lead characters, Gomez and Morticia, headed a family that lived in a run-down mansion.  Among the strange characters was a very tall butler, Lurch, sort of a very tall, Frankenstein-like character.  As I watched the 2nd Debate, I just could not get the "Lurch" image out of my mind.  Trump literally stalked Hillary throughout the debate - pacing, snorting, interrupting, commenting, and interjecting inappropriate statements and ignoring the moderators questions altogether.  As Hillary presented at her turn to speak, Trump stalked her and made sure that he was in the camera frame, lurking just behind Hillary like some mugger approaching his victim in the dark.  This behavior is an old debate trick intended to unhinge the opponent by adding "pressure" to their response.  If Trump could have breathed hot air onto her neck while she spoke, I am sure that he would have done so. He was ever present as she spoke and he followed the camera shots as the TV expert he is, staying on screen just as Lurch had done  all those years ago.  His image was intended to be menacing - and, I think that it was - mostly to voters viewing, as Hillary did not get rattled at all.

In the end, this 2nd debate is the most bizarre performance that I think that I have ever witnessed over 30 years of political involvement.  I have seen and heard a great deal since my first presidential race in 1976 (Jimmy Carter) - 40 years ago.  By 1988 I was a member of the DNC and remained engaged in that capacity until 2001 when I retired from politics and government.  And, never through those tumultuous times, did I witness anything so distressful and distasteful as that "debate."  By not being nasty, not displaying disrespect, not getting rattled, and remaining "presidential", I do believe that Hillary "won" in the eyes of the public. Though Donald's troops were no doubt energized by his attacks on Hillary, he seemed to bully, intimidate, and exude disrespect.  And, his threat to appoint a Special Prosecutor to "lock her up" should he be elected, topped it all off - an outright threat to jail his political opponent, something that only happens in far away places with few rules, more guns, and less restraint.  Hopefully, we are not about to enter the days of the "warlord" in the United States where the biggest and baddest bully rules the roost.... or the person with star power can just kiss anyone passing by and "grab their P****y", to quote the Donald.  If that happens, please pass the bananas....... 

Thursday, October 6, 2016


     I don’t know about you, but, in general, I thought that Pence “won” the VP debate. On the other hand, I found him to be rigid, pompous, and – like the professional politician that he is – able to ignore or dodge all of the questions put to him or simply to lie his way out of it.  Aside from denying that Trump said all of the things that he actually said on tape about Mexicans, Blacks, Women, a federal judge, etc. – all an obvious lie, Pence lied again saying that the Clinton Foundation spent only 10% of its assets on charitable work or to help people in need.  Non-partisan public reports from organizations that monitor charities for compliance with the law, have rated the Clinton Foundation “A”, noting that 90% of donations to the Foundation have been spent to aid victims and needy around the globe and in the US.   Further, none of the Clinton family members have received one dime from the Foundation.  The Trump Family Foundation, on the other hand, has paid thousands of dollars to Trump businesses that hosted fund-raising events for the Foundation, the Foundation paid $20,000 for a portrait of Trump that today hangs in one of his Florida golf properties – hardly benefiting anyone other than The Donald.  Another $25,000 was given as a donation to a political campaign – the re-election fund of the Florida Attorney General, then running for re-election – an expenditure specifically prohibited by both federal and state law. 2 weeks later, the AG decided that she would not join in a fraud action against Trump for deceptive practices involving Trump University.  Wow!  What a surprise….
      In fact, it is hard to tell if anything at all has been spent by the Trump Foundation to help someone other than a family member or a Trump business – at least no list of charitable giving from the Foundation has been released to date (something that would be obvious if the Trump tax returns were released) and, that has prompted the NY Attorney General to issue a “cease and desist” order to the Trump Foundation preventing them from fund-raising in NY state because they had not filed the required state tax documents and the periodic reports that list the recipients of any outlay. Indefensible, in my view.
     One thing that I did learn about Pence that I did not know before the debate involved an action that he took as Governor.  Pence sign a bill into law that requires women who miscarry or who legally terminate a pregnancy to make arrangements and to hold a funeral service for the fetus.  My guess is that this is why Pence is so comfortable with the Trump position as he stated on TV during “Hardball” with Chris Matthews that, “of course, there should be some punishment for the woman” i.e., the woman who chose to exercise her constitutional right under Roe v. Wade to seek a legal termination of her pregnancy.  Trump and Pence oppose Roe v. Wade and Donald has pledged to appoint anti-abortion judges to the US Supreme Court. In fact, when he was serving in the Congress, Pence was the primary proponent of a bill designed to eliminate Roe v. Wade and end a woman’s right to control her own body and make her own medical decisions with her physician.  Why not have them wear burkas too?
     I think that Tim Kaine said it best.  In responding to a question regarding the proper role of religious belief in forming public policy and laws that govern us all, Kaine said that each of us should practice our religion as we see fit and live out our moral beliefs with enthusiasm and joy.  But, those in government ought not to impose their personal religious beliefs, regardless of what they may be, on others who do not share that faith through law.  In my view, freedom, after all, is freedom.  And, that includes freedom to practice one’s religious beliefs – or not – and the freedom to do so without government interference or mandate.  Isn’t that what the separation of church and state as guaranteed by the US Constitution is all about?  Evidently, that is a lesson not learned by Governor Pence or recognized by Donald Trump.

Monday, October 3, 2016


By now, we have all discovered that the Trump Campaign is just dripping with mis-statements, spin, and outright lies.  Evidently, Trump and his minions in the form of "spokespersons" have determined that a lie repeated over and over magically becomes truth.  The last time that we witnessed this strategy and phenomenon was in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. The current Trump lie set was prompted by the NY Times revelation that Donald Trump claimed a massive tax loss and deduction of more than $900 million in 1995.  Under loss carry-forward tax rules, that would have had the effect of virtually wiping out any tax liability for The Donald for the next 18 years!  And, of course, we do not know whether he claimed this deduction each year thereafter... because he has refused to release his tax returns to date.  We do know, however, that during the first Presidential Debate, the issue of the release of Mr. Trump's tax return was brought up in the discussion between the moderator and Hillary Clinton as well. Trump fell back on his often-repeated cover that he is under IRS audit and will release his returns as soon as the audit is over. Of course, we know that the law does not prevent Trump from releasing his returns.  That is a personal choice that he is making.  Clinton, on the other hand, suggested an alternative theory – that he is HIDING something.  Because he will not release his returns, she guessed that he may be hiding the fact that he either isn’t as rich as he claims, does not give as much to charity as he has said, owes a great deal of money to foreign interests like Russia, or, in fact pays no taxes at all.  Here is the punch line…. Instead of Trump saying such things as “I pay what I owe”, or “I pay my fair share like everyone else”, or “Of course I pay taxes”, he made a very revealing comment.  When Hillary charged that he paid no taxes at all, Trump said, “and that makes me very smart.”  Some might ask, and what does that make the rest of us? 

Needless to say, the NY Times story that followed days later resulted in a firestorm of press reports repeating the story that Trump likely paid no taxes in 18 years.  As any campaign would, the Trump campaign sent its spokespersons into the field to respond to this charge.  These included Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie and others. And, what was their comment? Did they defend Trump by saying that he paid his legal share of taxes?  Nope.  The common thread, spread all over the networks and the on-line media is – Trump is “brilliant” and “a genius” in his use of the tax laws of the US, evidently, to avoid paying his fair share of taxes.  Why do I say “evidently”?  Because we do not know for sure insofar as he continues to hide his returns.  Why? His spokespersons seemingly justify this tax avoidance behavior by stating over and over that “the United States has the highest tax rates in the world.”  So far, the media has not called them on this outright lie. And, in spite of the Trump Campaign insistence that the media should not be “fact-checkers” and point out or question statements made by the campaign that are blatantly false, they should do so.  If not the print and electronic media fact-checking, then who?  The opposing campaign?  And, then the Trump campaign would simply respond that the Clinton campaign is lying, setting up a “he said, she said” see-saw. Without question, the media is positioned to be the arbiters of fact in a dispute between feuding campaigns, and they should perform that important role.

So, let’s take a look at the FACTS about where the US stands on taxes as compared to the rest of the world.  Remember that Giuliani, Christie and other Trump folks are clearly stating over and over that the US has the “highest taxes on the planet.”  Taxes are discussed as two distinct rates- actual tax rates and effective taxes paid, after allowable deductions and credits. The data below – from non-campaign sources – reviews both personal taxes and corporate taxes.

                PERSONAL TAXES

1.       Established in 1961 and headquartered in Paris, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) asked the question where do people pay the highest slice of their earnings to the tax man?  The answer is, Belgium at 42.8%.  Six other nations follow such as Germany, Austria, and the UK.  The US ranked 8th with a rate of 22.7, nearly half the rate of Belgium. This data is expressed in effective tax rates. 
2.       KPMG, a respected accounting firm, released a study in 2013 indicating that the US ranked 55 out of 114 nations comparing tax rates on an income of $100,000, certainly not the highest on the planet.” When measured against GDP, the Tax Policy Center in the US ranks the US 31st in developed nations, 25% below the average national rate (US @ 27.3%, OECD 34 @ 36.2%).
3.       The Tax Foundation in the US calculated comparative tax rates from 13 studies and found that not one of those studies indicated that the US had the highest effective tax rate.

So, you might say, maybe the Trump Campaign means the actual tax rate and not the effective tax rate.  The highest US rate all in is 39.6% for the wealthiest in the nation.  Other national raw statutory rates before deductions fall considerably higher than the US rates. Germany stands at 47.50%, France at 50%, UK at 45%, Italy at 49%, Portugal at 56%, and Spain at 46%. Asian rates include Japan at 51%, China at 45%, Australia at 47%, and Taiwan at 45%. In fact, the US ranks 37th in a list of highest to lowest RAW RATES of personal taxation, certainly not “highest on the planet.” 

1.       According to Business Insider in their September 28, 2016 edition, the World Economic Forum released its “Global Competitive Report” ranking the nations of the world for competitiveness. One element measured is the tax on corporations.  The report listed the top 25 nations with the highest taxes on corporations – and the United States is not on the list!
2.       The US tax rate on businesses is at 35% - a figure used by the Trump campaign in arguing that the rate should be 15% to encourage job growth. Often those who argue “high” business tax rates in the US conveniently exclude other taxes levied elsewhere such as the Value-Added tax (VAT) common among European nations or a variety of excise taxes. 
3.       In 2011, the Congressional Research Service reported that the US effective rate was 27.1%, lower than the other OECD rate average of 27.7%.

No matter how you slice it – personal taxes or corporate and business taxes – the US does NOT have the
 “highest taxes on the planet.”  No wonder the Trump Campaign doesn’t want the media to “fact-check.”
  Trump evidently prefers to operate in a fact-free zone.  After all, this approach has worked for him
 throughout his career and in his life. Maybe - just maybe - the big lie will get him elected President of 
the United States in 2016.  Time - truth - and your votes - will tell the tale.