Friday, October 21, 2016


This week's column will be a bit different.  Like most college freshman's intro survey courses, I will touch on two events that have taken place... just to catch us up so that we are ready for the dash to the finish line. So, here goes......

DEBATE THREE:  Finally, the series of three Presidential Debates plus one Vice-Presidential Debate has concluded.  By most measures (well, except in Trumpworld’s alternative reality), Hillary “won” all three contests with the Donald and the Kaine/Pence contest was a tie.  You may recall that I awarded the VP debate to Pence.  What negated that single debate bright-spot for the Republican ticket was Pence’s insistence that Trump did not say the things that he actually said and/or did not support the positions that Trump actually supports.  In any case, all that is now behind us and the rest is the dash to the finish line.  Or is it?
                Donald Trump was better prepared for this contest than had been the case during the last two meetings of these candidates – one clearly prepared to be the President and the other who seems to be ill-equipped for prime time.  I will leave you, dear reader, to determine which is which.  But, clearly, Donald has improved his debate performance substantially since the first clash of the candidates.  However, given his awful performance during debate #1, it’s hard to see how he could not be better now.  Hillary, to her credit, was again prepared, level, and in command of her facts.  She presented herself as a competent, knowledgeable, reasonable, and experienced candidate who was, in fact, ready to become the President of the United States. Much of the discussion was a repeat of their often discussed positions on the issues of the day – on taxes, the economy, Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court, to name a few. Trump, however, did make one statement that surprised the debate moderator, Chris Wallace, and was so off-base that it became the dominant story of debate #3.  Wallace asked Trump if he would “accept” the outcome of the election if he did not win.  Much to the surprise of the moderator and, I suspect, the audience and the press assembled, Trump refused to “accept” the outcome of Election Day, unless (as he said to a rally the following day) he was the victor.  A shocking statement, given this nation’s 200+ year history of elections and the peaceful transition of power that is the envy of much of the world. 
                Last August, Donald began to say that the elections have been “rigged.”  Such unfounded charges undermine the very foundation of our democracy – the fairness and acceptance of our elections as the way that our democracy selects its leaders, from the local town level all the way to the Presidency.  Whether it is Nixon conceding to Kennedy in 1960 or Gore conceding to Bush in 2000, the loser of the election has recognized the will of the people as expressed in the votes on Election Day and pledges to work with the President-elect in the interests of the nation.  But, not Donald Trump.  Ever the master of conspiracies and an alternate reality and always the “outsider” working to take down “the establishment”, Trump constantly attacks “the system” and the media and the election process as “rigged.”  In Trumpworld, all of the corrupt media have “ganged up” on him in a conspiracy to deny him the Presidency. 
                In an alternate Trump reality, if he wins, the outcome would be legitimate.  But, if Hillary wins, that would be a result of a nation-wide conspiracy between “the corrupt” media, millions of illegal alien voters, millions of dead people voting (note that all of these dead and alien folks vote for democrats only), and corrupt election officials, Republicans not supporting his candidacy like the Bush family, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Paul Ryan, and others.  And, that would make a Hillary Clinton Presidency “illegitimate.” I suppose that Trump can’t claim that Hillary was born somewhere in Africa or that she is a secret Muslim (in spite of the shocking coincidence that "Methodist" also starts with an “M”), so he has to attack the process as “rigged” which resulted in the Donald being beaten by A WOMAN (OMG!).  And, if Hillary became President through subterfuge and a corrupt conspiracy, why concede and legitimize a “rigged” outcome?  Does Trump just go on vacation?  Take a trip?  Go back to building?  Or, is it time for a “call to arms” and for the Great Trump Movement to launch?  Is it time for those “2nd Amendment people” to come away from marching around in the woods and to appear in the streets?  And, will those “arms” be actual weaponry as has been recently suggested by some of Trump acolytes at recent rallies?  Are we edging closer to the unthinkable national nightmare that some other nations experience after elections?  You may say that “it cannot happen here.”  Really? These behaviors and comments would be merely amusing if Donald trump was some third or fourth party whack-job out in space who missed his daily dose of Thorazine or Librium.  But, he is the Republican candidate for the Presidency on the eve of an election – one voting day away from the nuclear football.
                Donald Trump created chaos this past year.  First, in the Republican Party and then by encouraging violence at his political rallies.  Now, he is undermining the very foundation of our democracy – the fairness of the electoral process itself – in an attempt to de-legitimize and cripple a Clinton Presidency.  If he succeeds, Demolition Donald will be taking down the last, best hope of freedom-loving people around the globe – a tower of hope and freedom that has been the envy of the world since the US Constitution was adopted in 1789 - the American democratic process and the peaceful transfer of power that takes place every 4 or 8 years.  Should Trump succeed in that effort, may God save us all, and the United States of America. 

THE AL SMITH DINNER:  The Al Smith Dinner, an annual dinner event held in NYC to raise money for disabled children in New York, was held the night after the last debate.  Last night’s dinner raised some $6 million for NY Catholic Charities. Al Smith serving as the Democratic Governor of New York became the first Catholic nominated for the Presidency in 1928. Though he was not elected that year, he did serve four terms as Governor of New York. As the Democratic Nominee, Al Smith took down another barrier – a Catholic running for the Presidency.  So, it was fitting – and consistent with the comedic nature of comments at the annual Smith dinner – that both Presidential candidates speak at the dinner.  Donald Trump spoke first and Hillary followed.  In the tradition of the dinner, both were to tell jokes and get the plutocratic crowd to giggle.  Hillary did a great job and, to a degree, so did the Donald.  Both got some hearty laughs (though Rudy Giuliani was a stone-faced sphinx).  But, if you were to ask how the evening went for them both, the answer can be found in one observation.  Late in his remarks, when Trump dropped his comedy routine and lobbed some insults toward Hillary, something very rare occurred.  Trump was loudly booed….. by a room full of priests…..  I leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.  Two weeks from Tuesday… we are almost there. 

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