But, before his first month in office, John Faso faced a demonstration and march in front of his office and in front of his nearby home, for the most part, in defense of the Affordable Heath Care Act. According to press reports - as well as personal observation by myself as a part of the protest, more than 1000 people appeared on 48 hours notice to express support for health Care for all, against the recent Executive Order to ban immigration or visitation from 7 Muslim-majority countries and to prevent refugees from those countries - all of which had nothing to do with terrorist attacks on the United States - from entering the US. The ban, announced the Friday before the Saturday Faso demonstration took place, produced protests all across the nation. In addition to these burning issues, those who gathered at the Faso office and home, asked the question, "who's side are you on, John Faso, who's side are you on?" The group submitted a list of concerns and asked the newly-minted Member of Congress to represent THEM and not the Republican establishment like Speaker Paul Ryan (why would Faso represent Wisconsin?), or, even worse, Trumpism. The list is shown below.
women’s march –NY STATE
ISSUES: January
28, 2017
our health care! No repeal without
improved replacement plan.
Announced cuts to the following entities and
Violence Against Women Division
Civil Rights Division Division
Environmental and Natural
Resources Division
Re-instatement of the Global gag Order on
abortion and birth control information.
Cuts to the Legal Services Corporation.
Cut Planned Parenthood services funding. Not that no federal money is used for
abortion services.
HR 7: A
bill to prohibit federal money from being transferred to abortion service
providers and insurers, including Medicaid, from support of abortion services.
Cuts to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.
Order issued and announced freeze on EPA grants and contracts.
Re-instate the Keystone Pipeline in spite of US Army Corps announced
Respect the American tradition of welcoming
immigrants to our nation.
Oppose religious test for immigration by name or
In addition,
oppose “ALTERNATIVE FACTS.” As former NY
US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, “you are entitled to your own
opinion, but not to your own facts.”
What are “alternative facts?”
*The White
House falsely insists that the Trump Inaugural was larger in attendance than
the first Obama inaugural. Plainly, that
was not the case.
*The “Alt.
Right” world insists that George Soros bought all 1 million DC Marchers gift
bags and paid for their transport to DC, essentially making the BIG LIE that
the Women’s March was populated by paid agents of Soros.
* President
Trump’s insistence that 3-5,000,000 “illegal votes” were cast in the election
and that’s why Clinton had more popular votes than Trump. Illegal immigrants, “dead” voters, and those
registered to vote in 2 or more states (like Ivanka, Steve Bannon, and Jared
Kushner?) who ALL voted for Clinton.
Here are some scenes from the Faso demonstration.
Representative Faso later announced that he would not vote to abolish the ACA without a viable and inclusive replacement; that he supports Planned Parenthood funding, that he opposes the announced Executive Order creating a Muslim Ban and a restriction on humanitarian acceptance of refugees, that he believes that "facts are facts" and not "Alternative facts", and that he agreed with several other issues that were raised.
This is what Democracy looks like.........
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