Friday, July 28, 2017

"I COULDA BEEN A CONTENDER", Terry in "On the Waterfront" (1954)

The Senate/McConnell Trumpcare legislation failed last night - to the relief of millions of Americans across the nation.  From coast to coast and from Eastern and Western Mountain states to the Midwest plains, each of the votes taken by the Senate late last night - repeal and replace, repeal and wait 2 years, and the "skinny bill" - would have stripped away healthcare coverage from millions of Americans, potentially ending coverage of pre-existing conditions, adding lifetime caps, and raising premiums by 20% or more, according to the CBO.  In fact, the "repeal only" bill - considered and voted down second last night - would have also stripped away young folks carried on their parents policies until age 26, and the "essential" coverage elements contained in the ACA - from maternity services to mental health.  All three measures eliminated the participation of Planned Parenthood in providing health services for women across the country. "Shameful," as many chanted from the Senate Gallery early last night before being escorted out of the Chamber. As the old baseball song, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" goes - "one, two, three strikes your out at the old ball game." 


Many Americans played a part in saving healthcare last night.  These include:

   * The millions of Americans who marched, called, wrote letters, sent e-mails, protested, 
       attended Town Halls and raised their voices in support of the ACA. From the Women's
       March on Washington on January 21, 2017 to the hundreds of follow-on marches and
       demonstrations involving millions of people who felt at-risk from the Trump policy.
   *  House and Senate Democrats who stood tall and united to stop the Trumpcare effort to
       strip away healthcare coverage from MILLIONS of Americans, deny coverage for
       pre-existing conditions, re-institute lifetime caps, eliminate "essential services", and
       substantially raise rates by 20% or more, according to the CBO.

   * The patient advocates - the AMA, Nurses Associations, other Medical Societies, the AARP,
       the American Hospital Association and other hospital-based associations, and even
       several insurance associations, including the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Society - who had
       the courage to stand up and be counted in defending the ACA and the patient access that
       it provides, especially through the expansion of Medicaid.

   * And, especially the handful of Republicans who stood up for their constituents instead of
      voting their Party or for a self-serving Trump demand that they "tow the line." Last night
      was a profile in courage for three Republican Senators - especially in the face of threats
      from Trump and high pressure from the Republican leadership, including V.P. Mike Pence.
      These Republican Healthcare Heroes include:
         1. Senator Susan Collins of Maine.  Senator Collins was challenged to a "duel" and 
             threatened with political retribution if she opposed the Trump agenda.  She voted
             her conscience and stood up for tens of thousands of her constituents instead.

         2. Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Senator Murkowski, who won her primary
             election last year as a "write-in" candidate against the party regulars and who has 
             had a strained relationship with the Trump White House, also voted against the
             "motion to proceed." Like Senator Collins, Senator Murkowski, ignored threats to
             a variety of economic development projects and policies that were made by Secretary
             of the Interior, Ryan Zinke.  At the urging of the White House, Zinke called Murkowski
             to let her know that her vote "put some of their state-specific projects in jeopardy." 
             Nevertheless, Murkowski stood up to the pressure and defended her constituent
             voter's access to healthcare, ignoring the Trump threats.  Murkowski commented
             before the 2 AM vote, "We're here to represent the people who sent us here."
             Murkowski, as Chair of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, cancelled
             a committee vote on six Trump nominees slated for Thursday.  The Senator denied
             that the delay in Committee consideration of Trump's appointments was retaliation.

        3.  Senator John McCain of Arizona. John McCain is a true American hero.  After
             being diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, he traveled 2000 miles
             to be present for the debate and the votes on Trumpcare.  His vote "to proceed" got
             praise from President Trump who had derided McCain's heroism during the
             campaign. McCain made it pretty plain that he would not vote to deny coverage
             to hundreds of thousands of his state's residents and viewed the expansion of
             Medicaid in Arizona as a net plus. His speech on the Senate Floor - begging for a
             bi-partisan and open approach using "regular order" complete with Committee
             hearings, mark-ups, offered amendments and a vote to release the committee work
             product legislation to the floor - went unheeded. After being pressed by the Senate
             Republican Leadership, the Vice President, and President Trump, Senator McCain
             refused to abandon his principles. He walked up to the Senate Podium, got their
             attention, raised his hand, and gave the thumbs-down, voting no. Along with Collins
             and Murkowski, John McCain's vote was the third strike... and the many Republican
             attempts to repeal the ACA were over.  

"I coulda been a contender" - "On the Waterfront"

The Trumpcare vote and the repeal of the ACA didn't have to be this way.  President Trump "coulda been a contender."  Had the President simply kept his campaign promises on healthcare and have crafted legislation reflecting those promises, the outcome might have been quite different.  Why, it was even possible that some Democrats might have joined with their Republican counterparts in voting for the ACA replacement measure.  Trump made  a number of promises during the campaign including that he would "expand healthcare to cover everyone at lower premiums and with better coverage; keep coverage of pre-existing conditions, avoid lifetime caps, lower premiums, and protect Medicare and Medicaid." The House-passed bill and the various Senate versions failed to do any of that.  Yet, Trump pretended that these bills were somehow "better than sliced bread."  Instead, according to the CBO, all of them would have increased premiums, removed various elements including those protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and dropped expanded Medicaid costing 15 to 30 million Americans their healthcare.  Had Trump only kept his word, he might be signing an improvement for the ACA today instead of tweeting his displeasure and more
threats, often aimed at his own staff.  Trump has argued that the Republicans in the Senate
should have kept "their word."  I guess that it didn't dawn on him that the same rules should
apply at home.  Sad... 


Friday, July 21, 2017


OK.... so, all of us - me included - have been riveted on two major stories as they have unfolded in the Beltway - the Russia Election scam and the evolution of the Trumpcare bill in the US Senate.  Without a doubt, these are major issues and require our attention and, especially in the case of healthcare, our involvement, knowledge, and intervention.  Still, there are those who argue that the media storm that we have been buffeted by on these two subjects have been "manipulated" by the Trump PR machine, his never-ending tweets, Donald Junior's emails, the G-20 Putin/Trump "dance", and a series of Congressional announcements, amendments, and other actions that have kept our attention on these matters.  Trump's obvious continued "bromance" with Putin was plainly on display during the recent G-20 meetings as the Donald took any and every opportunity to share private conversations with Putin - in violation of diplomatic procedures designed to be sure than American interests are protected at all times.

And, on the Healthcare bill currently jammed up in the Senate with both Trump and McConnell doing their utmost to get something to Trump's desk so that the president can claim a "WIN."  Still, given the CBO analysis released yesterday related to a simple repeal of the ACA supported by Trump and McConnell, with a 2-year window to create a "fix" period (not to mention the time to get past the 2018 elections), that described the devastation that would result with 20-30 million Americans losing coverage plus massive cuts to Medicaid impacting millions more.  Predictably, the AARP, AMA, the American Hospital Association, and virtually every patient and medical professional group oppose the measure.  In addition, the major insurance associations - The American Health Insurer's Association and the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Association joined in opposition to these measures, especially those that radically cut the Medicaid Expansion that was adopted in 32 states and added coverage to some 15,000,000 Americans previously not insured in any way.  Removing this coverage, and, with the repeal of the ACA, ending young folks to age 26 being carried under their parent's policies, allowing denial of coverage to those with pre-existing conditions and re-instituting life-time caps, blowing up the "exchanges" and allowing states to opt out of "essential services" spells disaster for the system - and, especially those who who rely on these services for their very survival - either their health or their financial standing. But, enough.....  You can go to my last three articles and get full information on the Healthcare debate with substantial detail.

As I mentioned above, we have been fixated on these two topics. Some would say that that is the result of mis-direction by the White House and their allies - a sort of "Three Card Monte" of distraction while other objectives are initiated, completed, and simply ignored. My purpose today is to expose some of this "hidden" actions.  Welcome to Crazytown!!!  

Trumpworld - and the man behind the curtain himself - is, indeed, a carnival complete with magic mirrors, slight-of-hand, and a house of horrors.  Here are a few:

·        * The Trump-appointed head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid, Seema Verma,
Has been trotted out to support and defend the destruction of Medicaid.  Like Sec’y
Price at Health, Rick Perry at EPA and Betsy DeVos at Education, Verma is expected to
Support the acts of the “Executioner-and-Chief” instead of being n advocate for her
Department, its mission, and those entrusted to her care – the young, the elderly, the
Infirm, and the disabled.  Verma announced her support for the Senate bill that would
Decimate her department and potentially destroy the lives of many on Medicaid.

·        * Trump launched an attack on his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, for recusing
Himself from issues and investigations involving Russian intervention in the 2016 election
And/or anything having to do with the election due to his engagement in the Trump
Campaign.  Conflicts of interest that arise from that engagement require his recusal.
Evidently, that made Trump furious!  The result was that the Deputy AG, Rod Rosenstein,
Appointed a Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, to investigate the Russian role in the election
and any other violations that he might encounter during that process.  Presently, Mueller
appears to be investigating Paul Manafort and his history of Russian business contacts as
well as business interests of the Trump family.  In that regard, Mueller has evidently
requested Trump tax documents from the IRS and Trump has again hit the roof!  Just
yesterday, he and his new legal team explored the legal possibilities of President Trump
grant PRESIDENTIAL PARDONS to family, friends, and supporters, as well as himself, in
advance of any violations being identified by Mueller.  Stay tuned…..

·         *Trump ordered the collection of information on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the
Attorneys that he has added to the investigation in an effort to make the case that the entire
group is “conflicted” in an attempt to discredit the investigation just as it has begun.  Sounds
like what Trump does to the media when he “smells” a firestorm brewing – go on offense

·        * Trump appointed a new Communications Director, Wall-Streeter Anthony Scaramucci….
and Shawn Spicer resigned.  The Trump legal team spokesperson also resigned.

·         *The Trump Presidential Commission on Voter Fraud met for the first time in DC today.
Its goal is to find those pesky 3-5,000,000 illegal voters that eluded election authorities in 50 states and conspired to vote for Hillary thereby denying the Donald the popular vote majority.
Of course, you could plainly see the truth of that massive voter fraud in the world record-breaking crowds that jammed the Capitol at the Trump Inaugural on January 20th, 2017. On the other hand, I think that the massive 1,000,000 person crowd that assembled the following day, January 21st for the WOMEN’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON ralling against the Trump Agenda, were more likely representative of the popular vote cast.

In the foreign policy arena, aside from insulting the wife of the President of France with
crude and inappropriate comments about her "body", Trump has managed to disappoint,
abuse, abandon, or otherwise anger our long-term allies and, on the other hand, delight our
antagonists, especially Russia and China. Our allies are astonished... Several examples...

  - DATELINE SYRIA: The US has been supplying arms and other supplies to Syrian rebel
    groups fighting against the Syrian Assad regime for four years.  Trump made the decision
    a month ago to end our support, a decision that was welcomed by both Russia and Iran
    who have been increasing their efforts on behalf of Assad over the past year.

  -DATELINE MYANMAR:  After 6 years of heavy engagement in Myanmar in an attempt to
   bring peace to the region and to keep a close relationship with the nation to prevent a
   Chinese incursion and expansion of influence in the region, Trump decided to withdraw.
   The US withdrawal gave China the chance to step in - and it did so, hosting peace
   discussions between the government and the rebel groups supported and funded by China
   for years. The net result is yet another retreat from the world stage by the US and a new
   $7.3 Billion deep-sea port and Chinese naval base planned in Myanmar. US disengage-
   ment gives China their first naval base in the Indian Ocean and an expanding sphere of

  - DATELINE POLAND:  Remember that Trump went to Poland to deliver a speech just
    before the NATO meetings last month?  It seems that he did so to support the new Polish
    government elected in 2015.  Since that time, the government has been moving against
    democratic norms - increasing government control of the media, cracking down on public
    gatherings, and restricting the activities of non-governmental organizations.  This week,
    the Polish government passed a measure attacking the judiciary by firing all of the judges
    except those that are approved by the President.  Some say this is the last vestige of
    liberty for the Polish nation that traces back to Lech Walesa and the shipyards of Gdansk.

   *  And, last but not least .... a recent survey of Republicans conducted by the Pew research Center found that 58 PERCENT of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents think that colleges and universities HURT THE NATION! Only 36% think that higher education has a positive impact.  In contrast, a large majority of Democrats - 72 % - say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the nation!  Republicans have identified colleges and universities as "hotbeds" and "training grounds" for "radical liberals!" Perhaps our youth should enroll in alt. right militia camps and learn to love guns!

Take THAT, Professor!

All reasons to stay informed, be aware, Stand Up, Speak Out. March On!  Bobby J

Wednesday, July 19, 2017



  Lem*ing (noun): lemming: 1. a short-tailed, thick-set rodent related to voles, found in Arctic tundra; 2. a person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, especially a headlong rush to destruction.
The old, familiar saying, “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water”, seems appropriate right now.  Or, as depicted above, Trump and McConnell, after the collapse of the Senate Repeal and Replace bill, are planning to call for a vote to just OUTRIGHT REPEAL THE ACA – WITH NO REPLACEMENT!  If adopted, the measure to repeal only would throw 44 million Americans off of their current health coverage, dramatically increase insurance premiums by 25%-50% in the first year, eliminate Expanded Medicaid and the millions covered, blow up the “exchanges”, take young adults off of their parent’s policies, eliminate the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions and, again, permit lifetime caps.  Can you spell…. D I S A S T E R???  These are not some liberal talking points – these are the numbers generated by the Congressional Budget Office during the early efforts to repeal the ACA.  According to the CBO, by year two of the repeal some 55 million Americans will be left adrift in an uncertain sea of emergency room healthcare – including those presently covered by Medicaid, and many who would be priced out of the individual insurance markets. The result would be a massive contraction of healthcare availability as hospitals drown in red ink by treating the uninsured – charity care. This would be especially true of rural communities where deficit hospital finance simply does not work.  McConnell announced that the vote to "proceed will take place next week." And, in NY State – courtesy of John Faso – the devastation would be even worse.

Under the ACA, the NY insurance enrollment increased from 136,000 (2013) to more than 1 million (2017)! 9,000,000 young New Yorkers benefited by being carried on their parent’s policies until 26, 142,000 folks received tax credits to off-set insurance premium costs, 665,000 working class New Yorkers got Medicaid coverage for the first time, those with pre-existing conditions could not be denied coverage, lifetime caps were eliminated, and “essential services” were required for the first time. Current estimates are that all of these improvements will disappear if the ACA is repealed, leaving many of our residents abandoned, afraid, and alone. Worse, hospital service expansions that took place after the ACA was implemented, will shrivel up and die, including clinics, emergi-centers, and non-profit rural providers. 

·         NY will lose $7 Billion or more over the next 2 years impacting 6 million residents. 
·         High-risk Pool New Yorkers with pre-existing conditions would pay an estimated. $32,000 in annual insurance premiums – essentially making coverage unaffordable.
·         665,000 will lose their coverage under Expanded Medicaid.
·         In Faso’s own district, some 66,000 residents will lose coverage altogether.

Virtually every advocacy group and medical association is OPPOSING these awful proposals (AMA, AARP, American Hospital Association, American Cancer Society, American Psychological Association, National Nurses Association, and many others).  And, even The American Health Insurers and the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Association oppose the bill.   In fact, only 14% of Americans think that the measure it a good idea. 60+% of the public opposes the bill.  So, obviously Faso VOTES FOR THE BILL! Huh?    

And, then there is the Faso Amendment…..  Of course, county property tax payers would like some relief and that is the stated goal of the amendment.  However, NY State’s Medicaid funding formula is a shared funding 50-50 between the state and the counties in match dollars for the federal program. The Faso amendment would shift $2.3 billion to the state in addition to $4.6 billion in cuts under Trumpcare - a state budget disaster by any definition - forcing a choice between a massive state tax increase or reductions in health services.  As a former member of the NY State Legislature, Faso knows that the state budget, already stressed, cannot adopt tax increases high enough or quickly enough to sustain the program.  The result is, fewer federal dollars coming to NY State for lack of a match. So, who do we cut/shut out?  Those with CP?  MS?  Down syndrome? Traumatic brain injury?  Shut down treatment for opioid abuse? Nursing Home care (70% of Nursing Home residents are supported by Medicaid)? 

ALERT!  Aside from just an outright repeal of the ACA, keep in mind that the House ACA bill would be good news for wealthy donors like the Mercer family who gave $500,000 to the Faso Campaign or hedge fund manager, Paul Singer, who donated $600,000 to Faso. So, the question is:  “Just who are you for, John Faso”?  Right-wing Republicans like Paul Ryan?  Your fat-cat donors? Or, the constituents that you took an oath to represent and to protect?  Will you follow the right-wing crowd right over the cliff? March into yet another vote for Trumpcare - because he says so? Or, stand up for the people that you represent? The choice is yours. 

lemming: noun: 1. a small, short-tailed, thickset rodent related to the voles, found in the Arctic tundra; 2. a person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, especially a headlong rush to destruction.

       CONGRESSMAN FASO:  Vote with Trump.....  and we will see you in the Tundra...........    

Monday, July 10, 2017

"EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN" - Peter Allen (1974)

                                   DO NOT BE "IN THE DARK" ABOUT HEALTH CARE!
1965 - a good year.  That was the year that I turned 20.  It was the year that I met my future wife, (though later divorced). It was the year I entered my junior term in college.  And, it was the year that I was subject to being drafted into the military and sent to Viet Nam. But, when the lottery drawings were held, my number - 136 - turned out to be safe insofar as the draft called up those up to 116 that year. Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 too. And, since then, the debate has raged on in the Beltway over these "socialist" programs spanning 52 years!  With Republicans in opposition to "federal control of medicine" - or so their nonsensical argument goes - and "big government spending" (translation: this will cost wealthy folks and companies tax money), and Democrats arguing that a democratic, egalitarian society should provide for a dignified retirement for its citizens and for affordable health care for the neediest among us (and, of course, that those who have benefited the most in our society can afford to pay taxes - and for their own healthcare as well). 2017 has become the year that "everything old is new again." It seems that the Republicans want people to be dependent on companies and corporations for control of their health care benefits - sort of like groceries bought at the company store - rather than as a benefit provided for by the government.

The national tug and pull between the Ds and Rs has long held that any attempt to repeal Social Security or Medicare would be political "suicide." The seniors in America do vote, after all.  In fact, the senior cohort is the most reliable and largest percentage turnout of any voting age grouping, making these issues the legendary "third rail" of American politics.  No surprise, therefore, that there has not been any real attempt - successful or not - to abolish either of these federal "entitlements." In fact, President George Bush succeeded in EXPANDING MEDICARE by adding a prescription benefit for seniors who could opt in with a small buy-in and small co-pays.  Democrats were happy to lend their votes to that measure in early 2003.  The drug benefit went into effect in January, 2006.

The next step toward the US joining the rest of the developed world in providing universal health care for all citizens came when President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress adopted the  Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. Still, since the rise of the right-wing "deficit hawks" and the political successes of the Tea Party on the far right in the 2010 and 2012 congressional elections, "Obamacare" was demonized, repeal of the act became the Republican goal, and pressure has been building to cut, cut, and cut. And, today, with Republicans holding the levers of power at the White House with Donald Trump as President and control of both houses of Congress, we revisit the old and tired debate over health care in 2017 - some 52 years after these programs were originally enacted.

Although Kelly Ann, Spicy Spicer, Sec'y Price and others have attempted to defend their nearly $800 billion CUT, as "a reduction of an increase", it is difficult to see where they get the $800 billion to dedicate to a tax cut for wealthy Americans and companies.  In fact, the Republican-led Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report that the proposed Republican bill would result in 15,000,000 Americans currently carrying health insurance of some sort or other, losing their coverage in the first year (2018) following adoption of the measure, and another 9-10,000,000 losing insurance over the next 10 years.  Needless to say, proponents of the bill dispute these figures and say that these numbers are wildly inflated and that "everyone" would have "access" to health care coverage. Why a Republican selected by Speaker Paul Ryan to head the CBO would make up these numbers is a Beltway mystery, of course. And, as Senator Sanders argues, having "access" to buying a condo at Trump Towers in NYC and being able to pay for it are two different things.

The truth lies in the fact that both the largest expansion of coverage under the ACA and the biggest reduction in coverage under the proposed Trumpcare "replacement" is the treatment of Medicaid.  The ACA expanded Medicaid to cover families of modest income who earned just above the poverty line and who could not afford health insurance. With the 2016 addition of Louisiana to the Medicaid Expansion segment of the ACA, more than 15,000,000 Americans in 32 states now have health insurance coverage via Medicaid - many for the first time.  When added to the numbers that have extended coverage to age 26 on their family insurance policy and the requirement that those with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage or charged more than others enrolled, it is easy to see how much the ACA has benefited those previously excluded - and, how millions will lose coverage should the Trumpcare bills proposed be adopted that eliminate Expanded Medicaid and allow insurance companies to again exclude those with pre-existing conditions, should states opt to do so.  Removing coverage under Expanded Medicaid alone will result in the reduction of 15,000,000 from the rolls. I should note here that the Trump Budget reflects another $600 billion cut to Medicaid over the following 10 year period, reducing coverage for the poor that much more over time. Insofar as most of the pain contained in these proposals falls on the poorest among us, and the tax benefits go to the most wealthy, it is certainly appropriate to describe the legislation as not being a "healthcare reform" but, instead, a giant tax cut for the wealthy at the expense of the poor and lower middle class, disguised as a healthcare bill!

   Many think that Medicaid - designed for those of modest means - is really just another entitlement for people who refuse to work, lazy minorities, or illegal immigrant children.  So, let's take a closer look at who Medicaid benefits - and, by extension - who would become victims of massive cuts or elimination of this program.  The Republican plan has 2 main parts.  First, it rolls back the ACA Medicaid Expansion that allowed states to opt into coverage for their residents who earn slightly more than the poverty line - more than 14 million folks in 32 states - would be un-enrolled overnight. The second part caps federal funding for states used to underwrite Medicaid in each state - supporting some 76 million Americans across all 50 states.  So, who is covered?  90 MILLION AMERICANS, for the most part working poor, that rely on these programs for their health coverage! The percentage of Americans under 65 without health insurance under the current ACA law is 10%.  The CBO estimates that if the Senate bill were to become law, the number without insurance under 65 would increase to nearly double to 18%. So, who benefits from Medicaid?

   * Half of all babies born in the USA are covered by Medicaid;
   * 40% of all children in America are covered by Medicaid;
   * 66% of all elderly and disabled nursing home patients are paid for by Medicaid
      (Medicare does not cover nursing home or long-term care);
   * 9 million Americans who are blind or disabled, those with Down Syndrome or cerebral
       palsy rely on Medicaid for coverage;
   * Most children's vaccines are covered, as are adults in many states who get flu shots.

John Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio and a former "Budget Hawk" as a member of Congress, commented on the Senate Republican bill during a visit to DC to lobby against the Senate measure on June 27th. "They think that's great? That's good public policy? Are you kidding me?" - Governor Kasich. The Governor joined with virtually every healthcare advocacy group including doctors, nurses, technicians, hospitals, and the AARP in opposing these measures.  And, unsurprisingly, only approximately 15% of Americans polled think that these proposals are a "good idea" while some 60% oppose these measures.  And, that's why - now that the Senate is back in session..... Let's join with Governor Kasich and the vast majority of Americans in opposing this mean-spirited disaster.



Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Many of us - me included - thought that the time would come when our new president would wake up... and begin to behave "presidential."  That Trump would drop his narcissistic, little-boy-games, name-calling, taunting, tweeting, and would get down to the serious issues that face the nation.  Health care "covering everyone with better coverage and at a lower cost that the ACA", fix our crumbling infrastructure, end wage stagnation, create a fairer tax code, and, of course, cause "tremendous" job expansion.  In his spare time, Trump could also keep his other promises - no cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security.... and, he could also fulfill his pledges to bring peace to the Middle East, beat ISIS in a month, "handle" Iran and North Korea, and, especially, set a new course of relations between the US and Russia.  As a candidate, he promised that he ALONE could make all of this happen... and, that he had "plans" to make all of this work - but, that he would not reveal the plans because to do so would be to unmask the secret sauce!  No sense telegraphing his "plans" to Make America Great Again (MAGA), lest someone attempt to gum up the works and prevent his brilliance from becoming self-evident.

So, here we are 6 months into the first year of the Trump reign, and where are we?  No major legislation - a health care proposal removing 23,000,000 Americans from their current health insurance (mostly, destroying Medicaid), thankfully stalled in the Senate, a budget and tax outline that is nothing more that "trickle down" on steroids featuring massive tax giveaways for large corporations and the wealthiest Americans and program cuts and eliminations for the rest of us.  And, in foreign relations, the Russian collusion investigations, failed diplomacy with China, more saber-rattling with North Korea, a famously failed Jared Kushner visit to the Middle East, insulting our NATO allies, and nearly precipitating a shooting aerial war with Russia in the skies of Syria after shooting down a Syrian jet fighter.  And, a recently unveiled military plan to add yet another 4000 or so US troops to our forces in Afghanistan - the longest war in our history.  Some "secret plans"..... 


The Republican attempt to "repeal and replace" the ACA has shocked the nation with its bloodthirsty objective of cutting millions of Americans of middle or modest income who wish for nothing more than the ability to seek medical care for themselves and their families without facing bankruptcy.  From the very first House bills, Trump signed onto a program that is the exact opposite of his campaign promises and more aligned with the previous Ryan plan to gut Medicaid and remove the financial supports that are the backbone of providing an affordable insurance alternative to the wholly unaffordable health care marketplace. The predictable result according to the Republican-led Congressional Budget Office, is that 23,000,000 Americans would lose their coverage if the bill were to become law. Most of that carnage would be visited on the least among us - lower income families - through cuts to Medicaid.  That bill resulted in massive demonstrations in DC and across the nation, raucous Town Hall meetings, especially for Republican Representatives and Senators, and a 17% approval rating for the bill with near 60% of the public opposed.  One would think that this toxic mix of public outrage would persuade Trump and the Republicans in the House and Senate that such an approach was wholly untenable.  Every single advocacy group - doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other providers, the AARP and dozens of other non-profit groups have lodged their objections to such an approach as well.  In fact, as many media outlets have observed, the nation has not witnessed this level of public engagement and protest since the 60's.  Bob Dylan, a balladeer of that era, asked in his song "Blowin' In the Wind", "how many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn't see?"  Evidently, the Republicans just do not see...

As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell famously said when he shut off Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) from Senate floor debate, "she persisted."  McConnell and the Republican Leadership in both Houses continues, with the full support of Trump, to try to find a way to pass this massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich disguised as "healthcare reform." Yet, Trump promised "no cuts to Medicaid, even if it costs him votes!"  Trump described his "plan" as covering more people with better plans for less cost."  Instead, the TRUMPCARE bill in the Congress covers far fewer American families, at higher costs, with massive cuts to Medicaid.  It seems that the answer is "blowin' in the wind."

Hey, at least we are "winning, winning, winning" in the jobs fight, right?  "How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry?"  To hear Trump tell the tale, he saved "thousands of jobs from going overseas!"  As President, he sent a clear message that "America comes First."  Just ask Westinghouse in Indiana....  Ford in Detroit....  and, that Keystone pipeline job that just MUST use American steel, right?
   * Two weeks ago, Westinghouse announced that it was moving 600 jobs to Monterrey, Mexico from Indiana.  Whoops!

   * The pipeline projects are still using steel piping from China.  Whoops!

   * And, in June, the Ford Motor Company announced "we will export vehicles from China to the US for the first time, starting in 2019."  In late June The Ford Motor Company announced that it would move production of the Ford Focus from the US to China, instead of Mexico.  Ford said that the reason is that wages are lower in China than in the US or Mexico and that they already manufacture the Focus in China for the local market.  Whoops! 

Great job, Donald.....

Maybe the trouble is the global trade agreements.  So, Trump bails on the Pacific Partnership and announces that he wants to re-negotiate NAFTA.  In addition, he announces that he wants to levy new high tariffs on Canadian lumber and on other countries and products.  In fact, on June 26th a meeting of 20 top officials, including the Vice President, met with Trump to discuss instituting import tariffs - some as much as 20% - on foreign-made products and the impact that a trade war might have on foreign policy, economic policy, and the American economy.  One official present estimated that the sentiment in the room was some 22 against and 3 in favor of adopting severe tariffs on a proposed list of imports.  One of those three was the President himself! America First proponents Wilbur Ross, Steve Bannon, and Steve Miller argued the case for new tariff walls against selected imports.  VP Pence and Jared Kushner were silent.  75% of those present were adamantly opposed, arguing that it was bad economics and bad global politics.  In fact, Trump was told at one point, that almost his entire Cabinet thought that it was a bad idea.  They strenuously argued that it would hurt the US economy and also impact a substantial number of our allies including Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Japan, and others.  Further, any number of impacted industries - like the auto makers - would likely seek court intervention and injunctions to prevent any tariff on imported steel.  Perhaps, that explains the Ford announcement of their move to China.  Guess where the steel would come from then..... "The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind....".