OK.... so, all of us - me included - have been riveted on two major stories as they have unfolded in the Beltway - the Russia Election scam and the evolution of the Trumpcare bill in the US Senate. Without a doubt, these are major issues and require our attention and, especially in the case of healthcare, our involvement, knowledge, and intervention. Still, there are those who argue that the media storm that we have been buffeted by on these two subjects have been "manipulated" by the Trump PR machine, his never-ending tweets, Donald Junior's emails, the G-20 Putin/Trump "dance", and a series of Congressional announcements, amendments, and other actions that have kept our attention on these matters. Trump's obvious continued "bromance" with Putin was plainly on display during the recent G-20 meetings as the Donald took any and every opportunity to share private conversations with Putin - in violation of diplomatic procedures designed to be sure than American interests are protected at all times.
And, on the Healthcare bill currently jammed up in the Senate with both Trump and McConnell doing their utmost to get something to Trump's desk so that the president can claim a "WIN." Still, given the CBO analysis released yesterday related to a simple repeal of the ACA supported by Trump and McConnell, with a 2-year window to create a "fix" period (not to mention the time to get past the 2018 elections), that described the devastation that would result with 20-30 million Americans losing coverage plus massive cuts to Medicaid impacting millions more. Predictably, the AARP, AMA, the American Hospital Association, and virtually every patient and medical professional group oppose the measure. In addition, the major insurance associations - The American Health Insurer's Association and the Blue Cross-Blue Shield Association joined in opposition to these measures, especially those that radically cut the Medicaid Expansion that was adopted in 32 states and added coverage to some 15,000,000 Americans previously not insured in any way. Removing this coverage, and, with the repeal of the ACA, ending young folks to age 26 being carried under their parent's policies, allowing denial of coverage to those with pre-existing conditions and re-instituting life-time caps, blowing up the "exchanges" and allowing states to opt out of "essential services" spells disaster for the system - and, especially those who who rely on these services for their very survival - either their health or their financial standing. But, enough..... You can go to my last three articles and get full information on the Healthcare debate with substantial detail.
As I mentioned above, we have been fixated on these two topics. Some would say that that is the result of mis-direction by the White House and their allies - a sort of "Three Card Monte" of distraction while other objectives are initiated, completed, and simply ignored. My purpose today is to expose some of this "hidden" actions. Welcome to Crazytown!!!
Trumpworld - and the man behind the curtain himself - is, indeed, a carnival complete with magic mirrors, slight-of-hand, and a house of horrors. Here are a few:
· *
The Trump-appointed head of the Center for
Medicare and Medicaid, Seema Verma,
Has been trotted out to support and defend
the destruction of Medicaid. Like Sec’y
Price at Health, Rick Perry at EPA and
Betsy DeVos at Education, Verma is expected to
Support the acts of the “Executioner-and-Chief”
instead of being n advocate for her
Department, its mission, and those
entrusted to her care – the young, the elderly, the
Infirm, and the disabled. Verma announced her support for the Senate
bill that would
Decimate her department and potentially
destroy the lives of many on Medicaid.
· *
Trump launched an attack on his own Attorney
General, Jeff Sessions, for recusing
Himself from issues and investigations
involving Russian intervention in the 2016 election
And/or anything having to do with the
election due to his engagement in the Trump
Conflicts of interest that arise from that engagement require his
Evidently, that made Trump furious! The result was that the Deputy AG, Rod
Appointed a Special Counsel, Robert
Mueller, to investigate the Russian role in the election
and any other violations that he might
encounter during that process.
Presently, Mueller
appears to be investigating Paul Manafort
and his history of Russian business contacts as
well as business interests of the Trump
family. In that regard, Mueller has
requested Trump tax documents from the IRS
and Trump has again hit the roof! Just
yesterday, he and his new legal team
explored the legal possibilities of President Trump
PARDONS to family, friends, and supporters, as well as himself, in
advance of any violations being identified
by Mueller. Stay tuned…..
*Trump ordered the collection of information on
Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the
Attorneys that he has added to the
investigation in an effort to make the case that the entire
group is “conflicted” in an attempt to
discredit the investigation just as it has begun. Sounds
like what Trump does to the media when he “smells”
a firestorm brewing – go on offense
screeching FAKE NEWS! ALT. FACTS!
· *
Trump appointed a new Communications Director,
Wall-Streeter Anthony Scaramucci….
and Shawn Spicer resigned. The Trump legal team spokesperson also
*The Trump Presidential Commission on Voter Fraud
met for the first time in DC today.
Its goal is to find those pesky 3-5,000,000
illegal voters that eluded election authorities in 50 states and conspired to
vote for Hillary thereby denying the Donald the popular vote majority.
Of course, you could plainly see the truth
of that massive voter fraud in the world record-breaking crowds that jammed the
Capitol at the Trump Inaugural on January 20th, 2017. On the other hand, I think that the massive
1,000,000 person crowd that assembled the following day, January 21st for the WOMEN’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON ralling against the Trump Agenda, were more likely representative of the popular
vote cast.
In the foreign policy arena, aside from insulting the wife of the President of France with
crude and inappropriate comments about her "body", Trump has managed to disappoint,
abuse, abandon, or otherwise anger our long-term allies and, on the other hand, delight our
antagonists, especially Russia and China. Our allies are astonished... Several examples...
- DATELINE SYRIA: The US has been supplying arms and other supplies to Syrian rebel
groups fighting against the Syrian Assad regime for four years. Trump made the decision
a month ago to end our support, a decision that was welcomed by both Russia and Iran
who have been increasing their efforts on behalf of Assad over the past year.
-DATELINE MYANMAR: After 6 years of heavy engagement in Myanmar in an attempt to
bring peace to the region and to keep a close relationship with the nation to prevent a
Chinese incursion and expansion of influence in the region, Trump decided to withdraw.
The US withdrawal gave China the chance to step in - and it did so, hosting peace
discussions between the government and the rebel groups supported and funded by China
for years. The net result is yet another retreat from the world stage by the US and a new
$7.3 Billion deep-sea port and Chinese naval base planned in Myanmar. US disengage-
ment gives China their first naval base in the Indian Ocean and an expanding sphere of
- DATELINE POLAND: Remember that Trump went to Poland to deliver a speech just
before the NATO meetings last month? It seems that he did so to support the new Polish
government elected in 2015. Since that time, the government has been moving against
democratic norms - increasing government control of the media, cracking down on public
gatherings, and restricting the activities of non-governmental organizations. This week,
the Polish government passed a measure attacking the judiciary by firing all of the judges
except those that are approved by the President. Some say this is the last vestige of
liberty for the Polish nation that traces back to Lech Walesa and the shipyards of Gdansk.
* And, last but not least .... a recent survey of Republicans conducted by the Pew research Center found that 58 PERCENT of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents think that colleges and universities HURT THE NATION! Only 36% think that higher education has a positive impact. In contrast, a large majority of Democrats - 72 % - say that colleges and universities have a positive effect on the nation! Republicans have identified colleges and universities as "hotbeds" and "training grounds" for "radical liberals!" Perhaps our youth should enroll in alt. right militia camps and learn to love guns!
Take THAT, Professor!
All reasons to stay informed, be aware, Stand Up, Speak Out. March On! Bobby J
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