History tells us that Churchill and the British people persevered, and Germany invaded Russia opening up a 2-front war. The US later entered the war on the side of the Allies 18 months later after Pearl Harbor. Great Britain was never invaded though they did suffer substantial destruction and the loss of many lives due to the constant Luftwaffe bomb attacks on major British cities. Still, 1940 was certainly their "darkest hour." The government of Great Britain, if not their entire way of life, was at existential risk. In 2018, the United States faces a similar existential risk - all due to one person - Donald Trump. The danger does not come from bombs and bullets but from bombast and bullshit - all from a single source. And, that source - Donald Trump - must be excised from our body politic.
As I write this column, efforts are underway in both houses of Congress to clean up the mess that Trump has created over the past year. Republican Senator Flake of Arizona took to the Senate Floor to castigate the president over his constant lying, and his attacks on the legitimate media as, "fake news." Of course, his remarks were right on the money.... Trump is a disaster... and the damage that he does to our nation every day is awful. Whether rolling back environmental protections (90% of the National Parks Advisory Panel recently resigned in disgust), or the EPA jerk Zinke suspending 200 scientific advisory panels and dismissing half of the board's scientific advisers. Here are a few other "accomplishments" of the Year of Trump:

* Constant saber-rattling, threats, and taunts via twitter aimed at the unstable and unpredictable regime of Kim Jong-Un, threatening "fire and fury like the world has never seen" raining down on North Korea. The response from Kim included launching ballistic missiles which North Korea claims can reach major cities in the US. "Little Rocket Man", as Trump refers to North Korea's Leader, also escalated his own threats to our allies in the region, Guam, Hawaii, and sites on the US Mainland. Negotiation seems out of the picture for the author of "The Art of the Deal" - but for the playground boast of "mine is bigger than yours!" Such banter brings us ever closer nuclear Armageddon. Some "deal."
* President Trump continuously signs orders to repeal hundreds of regulations designed to protect our environment - air, water, and natural resources - and smiling while he unleashes polluters from the science-based rules that protect our health and our heritage. In one year, Trump has inflicted massive damage on our political system, our body politic, our institutions, our governmental structures and their component parts, and has called into question the issue as to whether we are rapidly becoming a banana republic! If all of this sounds "alarmist" to you... it is! The American "sky" IS falling.... and quickly! If this pace continues, it may take decades to repair the damage being inflicted by The Donald and his minions..... From the constant threats to deport the 800,000 "Dreamers", to laughing all the way to the bank with his new "make-the-rich-richer" tax cut on wealth and large corporations, our self-proclaimed "genius" - every day - sets person against person, group against group, and divides the American society and electorate more and more.
Before the end of the month, our resident "stable genius" will deliver the annual "State of the Union" address to Congress. I am certain that it will be quite the "show." Look for the usual self-praise and bragging.... No doubt, you will hear how GREAT our LEADER is - likely, the greatest and smartest in the history of the planet.... And, of course, he has a "button" bigger and better than Kim Jong-Un. Watch for his attack on immigrants - especially those from "S*#thole countries" with dark skin.... Maybe he will add the travel bans for those of a different faith than the Evangelical Christians he pretends to represent (just ask the prostitute that was paid $130,000 for her silence in 2016) - the dreaded Muslims! In any case, he will again attack and divide - one set of Americans from another... and one class of citizens from the rest, building "walls" between our own citizens noting, as he did at Charlottesville, that there are "good people on both sides." Trump is well practiced in "divide and conquer" - a strategy that he has employed since the announcement of his seemingly quixotic run for the presidency in 2015. And, all the while, the 800,000 DACA recipients - innocent and contributing citizens all, but for one piece of paper - a naturalization certificate - presently serving our nation as cops, firemen, college students, tax paying residents, members of the military, teachers, lawyers and more - are left twisting in the wind as the Donald moves pieces around the political chess board - and he doesn't even know the rules of chess! This is truly our "darkest hour" - an existential threat to our democracy, our culture, and our community. Some "stable genius"....
Yes.... the year ahead will be a challenge. Infuriating, frustrating, and often disappointing, but take heart.... judgment day is coming. Whether by Special Council Mueller, a Grand Jury, a panel on Impeachment, or the American electorate, it IS coming..... I will renew and reload my RESISTANCE energy at the WOMEN'S MARCH II - this time in NYC - on January 20th. I'll be there this weekend with signs, banners, a loud voice and marching shoes... not for exercise, but for the energy to continue the RESISTANCE until judgment day arrives. And, on that day, when Donald Trump is no longer within inches of the nuclear football, and he can eat all the McDonald's in bed that he wants without being "bothered" by a staff interrupting "Executive Time" to call for a presidential decision or direction, I will celebrate. I will cheer the re-birth of a nation, a people, a purpose, and a common bond with others in concert with freedom-loving people around the world. All it will take, by one method or another, is to excise this Trump abomination that has infected our country and to close this unfortunate chapter in the nation's history.
Meanwhile, take heart... and join me and millions of others across the nation in re-committing to the tasks that will be required in the year ahead. No "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots" as decried by Thomas Payne in "Common Sense", defeating this threat to our democracy will require sustained action. As Thomas Jefferson described, there are times that call upon a generation of Americans to right the ship of state and to breathe new life into the Constitution. We need to do this - now and together - as one voice and as one people. For, As Ben Franklin said when signing the Declaration of Independence launching the American Revolution, "we must, indeed, all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
March On! Bobby J
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