WHEW! The past two years have been
quite the roller-coaster ride in our nation’s capitol. From the Women’s March on January 21, 2017
through today – with the swearing-in of a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives
and our new Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, we have traveled quite the bumpy road to a
safer landing. Although the Trump Party
(note – not the traditional “Republican Party”), still holds power in Trump’s
White House and the US Senate under Mitch McConnell, 2019 will be quite the
political scene along the way…. And will evolve into a new chapter in US
history – far more bizarre than we have experienced in the past.
The following contains my predictions for 2019. One year from now… as we
enter the cycle for the election of 2020 and a national determination regarding
our future course - both national and international, at home and abroad - 2019
will become an extraordinary and shocking evolution impacting our future. Buckle up, hold on tight, and take a deep
breath…. Here we go! 2019…..

2019 will take on the role of evolving into shocking US history.
Those of us who have paid attention to the
workings of Washington DC over the past two years have witnessed the devolution
of our democracy.
In retreat from our
leadership of the world order, we have also abandoned a carefully built social, economic, and political safety net.
From mangling
voting rights and dismantling healthcare
coverage by imploding the ACA, Trump and his allies are inflicting wound after
wound on the great role that the US has played both at home and abroad.
From withdrawing from the Climate Accord, the
Iran Anti-Nuclear Agreement, the distant but gigantic Far East Trade Agreements
(the Trans-Pacific Partnership), and, closer to home, the NAFTA Agreement
between the US, Mexico, and Canada, to instituting trade war and tariffs that
have closed American factories and wounded our farming communities - especially
soy beans and others with extensive exported foreign sales that have suffered
most, Trump and his gang have dis-assembled relationships that had been
carefully build over decades. These forward steps were crafted and implemented
by both Democrat and Republican Presidents and adopted by our US Senate as
well, regardless of dominant party.
INSANITY must stop.
This year - 2019 -
not 2020 - will result in the sinking of the Trump presidency and the
evaporation of his unskilled, inexperienced cabinet. Here are my 2019 predictions
that will result in this outcome.
1. The US Government will re-open after a long and
painful Trump Shut-down. The “heat” rises from this day forward as a result of
the Dems taking charge of the House.
Watch for a blizzard of House Committee investigations and subpoenas
issued by a long list of House Committees probing violations conducted and the
laws broken or ignored by the Trump gang.
The infliction of these investigations - and negative headlines – will be
negotiated a bit to re-open the government and provide the needed services to
the public.

2. Robert Mueller, Special Counsel investigating Trump
and his goons for nearly two years, will bring forward his findings and a
report in early spring, 2019. In spite
of the rules that have him submit the report to Trump’s “acting” Attorney
General who then hides the report in a closet, House Dems subpoena Mueller and
the Report along with recommendations - likely at the House Judiciary Committee
headed by Jerold Nadler (D-NY). The Report is then released or leaked to the
press creating a tidal wave of controversy drowning the Trump gang in scandal.
3. Insofar as Trump has an overload of “acting”
Cabinet members or Department leaders, and the Senate is still in Republican
hands, the negative tidal impact on Trump will impede progress on getting
approval for appointments, but for those directly recommended by Republican
members of the Senate. The necessary
nominations will attract considerable negative response to such nominees early
on and result that the Senate Hearings on these appointees will be awash in
negative press. In fact, negative out-pouring will threaten the nominee’s
reputation and may result in self-withdrawal to avoid being covered in Trump “mud.”
By the way, when the 25th
Amendment was adopted in 1967, in addition to the Vice-President, a simple
majority of the Cabinet can declare that the President is “unable to discharge
the powers and duties of his office.” The Vice-President becomes President
immediately upon delivery to the Senate.
Here is a good question…. Are “Acting”
Cabinet Officers empowered to ‘act’ as “official” Secretaries of each
Department? Can they vote on Trump’s
ability to govern? Hmm….. Perhaps
remaining as “Acting” Secretary of HUD or Attorney General would not permit
their participation in a “finding” that the President is no longer able to “discharge
his powers and duties.”
4. Given the growing presence of investigations,
accusations, House-passed legislation attracting headlines in addition to their
investigations, and the embarrassing confirmation proceedings on Cabinet
nominations by an administration under attack for illegal and unethical
behavior, the Trump Administration grinds to a near-halt.
5. Sometime mid-year, if not before when the
Mueller Report hits the press and the impeachment hearings commence, the Trump
Gang is completely crippled. The
Republican Senate, while hinting that they will NOT “convict” Trump of
Impeachable charges adopted in the House and sent to the Senate for “trial”,
McConnell’s members realize that they will SINK in the 2020 elections if they
do not create some responsible and defensible position or action. After all, 2/3 of the US Senate up for election
in 2020 are Republicans and see themselves on the edge of a political cliff! Assuming
that Trump runs and maintains support by the Republican base (currently at 80%)
to win the 2020 primary elections, McConnell realizes that somehow Trump needs
to depart before election year, or else Republican Senators on the ballot will
WALK THE PLANK! Under threat of the 25th Amendment removal
possibility, or the potential to be saved from impeachment by the nervous
Senate, Trump considers RESIGNATION.
6. The first six months of 2019 turns up the heat
with House Committee investigations, the Mueller findings and report, and the
impeachment process underway. With both
he and his family members exposed to improper behavior allegations, including criminal
charges and convictions, “the Donald” seeks protection. In return for a PARDON from his successor,
Mike Pence - for him and his entire family and arrangements made with Democrats
regarding state-level charges exposure, Trump steps down. Pence becomes President, names a VP with
voting support from the Senate Republicans, and settles in to head the
Republican 2020 ticket. Impeachment
proceedings evaporate, House Committee investigations shrink down as a new Pence
Cabinet is appointed replacing the Trump Gang, and Pence sets up for 2020 with
changes in personnel and policy and with a “Save the Senate” election
plan. Pence recalls the Gerry Ford
pardon and the fact that he was not able to secure a follow-up election as the
incumbent Republican President. It goes without saying that Pence and McConnell
are worried… Who will the Democrats run? Pence is on the phone.... hello, Vladimir???
Add some comments if you agree/disagree.
Meanwhile... celebrate 2019... and March On!
Bobby J