Monday, December 23, 2019


off we go...... 
Moscow Mitch - the man who has put the brakes on legislation... more than 300 pieces of legislation passed by the House, many bi-partisan - have been held up and locked in his desk. McConnell had announced that he would not post any legislation that Trump doesn't support... and has FLUSHED bills that help the citizens of this nation. These include the Equality Act, the American Dream Act, the Gun Registration Act, the Healthcare Protection for Pre-existing Conditions bill, an Act to Negotiate and Lower Prescription Costs, the Climate Change Act, the Violence Against Women Re-authorization Act, an increase in the Minimum Wage - first in a decade, and many more (see my blog next week). Nevertheless, Moscow Mitch - in a legislative wreckage conspiracy with our presidential LOON - Trump - has refused to permit the Senate to vote on any of these things AND MORE.
Yet another outrage is being acted out with King Trump and the Head Baron of the Senate, conspiring with the IMPEACHED/ACCUSED DICTATOR and nut bag Trump, announced that the Impeachment "Jury" - the US Senate is refusing to conduct a FAIR TRIAL, with witness testimony and the submission of evidence for consideration by the jury - members of the US SENATE as defined by the Constitution. According to the CONSTITUTION DENIER McConnell, screw the Oath that all of the Jurors will need to take as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swears in the Jurors, he and the other Republicans should ignore the oath and, instead, forget holding a legitimate trial and find Trump NOT GUILTY... based on nothing at all except that is what Trump wants! Moscow Mitch has joined with Impeached Trump in trashing the US Constitution. Both of these "GRIM REAPERS" - trashing the Constitution and numerous legislative initiatives, ignoring the provisions of the Founding Fathers as they appear in the CONSTITUTION, and steering the ship of state onto the Constitutional rocks, should be removed, prosecuted, and jailed for their massive attempts to destroy the American Democracy.
The TIME HAS COME to strip this nation of the HORROR SHOW led by both of these graveyard gravediggers. A proper impeachment trial should be conducted with evidence submitted and with witnesses called and questioned. A proper jury consideration should take place in the Senate, following the oath that they will all be required to recite as the trial begins as required by the Constitution. And, at the end, they should vote a verdict based on their conscience, and not the Trump/McConnell Conspiracy. IMPEACH TRUMP... AND DISMISS MC CONNELL.

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