WOW...... Another night of fireworks.... As the Stock Market belches, burbs, and barfs... recovers, and relapses... the Democratic Party Primary beat goes on.... and is marching toward a massive effort to save the nation from a Psycho at the switch. Yesterday's multi-state Democratic Primary once again repeated the pattern that had been established in South Carolina and Super Tuesday - a much larger turnout in the primaries.... and a large Sanders loss of votes compared to his vote totals in the same states in 2016. Quite similar to the 2016 race featuring just two candidates - Bernie and Hillary - the 2020 set yesterday also featured just two - Bernie and Joe. The outcome was far different than 2016..... Last week Joe carried 5 of 6 and Bernie 1. And, last night, Biden carried all three - Arizona, Florida, and Illinois. Each cycle has demonstrated - over and over - a 2020 pattern compared to 2016, the last Bernie appearance on the presidential ballot.
Voters marching to the polls in each cycle have increased substantially... an outcome that had been especially encouraged by Bernie... but, Bernie lost votes along the path. Last week in Super Tuesday Round 2 - the painful Bernie loss came in Michigan. In 2016 he carried Michigan by a few points in a surprise win over Hillary. This year, expecting Bernie to again carry Michigan, and with the turnout substantially higher than 4 years ago, Joe carried the state by double digits - some 14 points over Bernie. This one primary election could very well have deflated the Bernie Bros and began the slide out of the contest for the Democratic nomination. Time will tell. Bernie flew home to Vermont to recover from this loss and to re-calculate the path to the DNC Convention. Afterward, he maintained his campaign and marched on to last night - three states - Arizona, Florida, and Illinois. The outcome was the same - a substantial increase in turnout, aside from the corona virus outbreak and resulting social distancing, but a double-digit loss for the "Bernie Bros".....
So, here's the question. Why did this outcome take shape? Was the Black vote again a massive carry by Joe and turned the tide? Is the Black vote and other minority votes the "tool" of the "Establishment"? Is the Biden coalition reflecting the Obama coalition? Puppet Masters behind the curtain? Why are the Bernie vote totals DECREASING while the turnout is INCREASING?
Could be several reasons....Some pro-Bernie votes increased... but were eclipsed by the Joe votes that reflected the increased turnout in far greater numbers than Bernie. And, in some areas, the Bernie vote was fewer than 4 years ago. Is Joe Biden a far more attractive candidate in 2020 against Bernie than was Hillary in 2016? Is the surprise Trump election as President in 2016 a shock - both that he won the Republican Primary and, once nominated, another shock that ill-informed and ill-tempered Trump was indeed elected in November?
And, now that we KNOW just how AWFUL this Psycho President has behaved in office - this "Accidental President" must be removed from office this fall..... We need to nominate a candidate that can display broad appeal to disaffected Republicans, Indies, and end the Trump "Reign of Terror." Is the voter conclusion that Bernie is a good guy with an attractive agenda and proposals? And can Bernie beat Trump? But, will we lose some House Members.... and not do as well in the Senate contests because his self-described persona is a less attractive option for Republicans and others who simply do not trust or like Trump? And, if elected, is it likely that the Bernie program will stall... and we will be stuck with McConnell still at the Senate switch? And, as recently promised, will Moscow Mitch simply gum up the Washington works and block every initiative put forward... just as he did to President Obama in his second term? How do we need to behave and what do we need to do?
If the answer to that question is that we need to nominate the best chance that we have to make sure that we can defeat that horror-show - Donald J. Trump, with a candidate that can attract the most votes, make possible a win in the House and the Senate, and launch a set of modest or more substantial proposals that can take us forward - not backward - in the national agenda, who is it?. Can each step forward bring us closer and closer to the progressive agenda? And, if we risk a second 4-year set under Dictator Donald... is all lost? As the primary season rolls on, will the tale continue to be told? We will see......
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Which would be better? |
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The Trump Budget horror show recently proposed. |
One thing that I can point out is the Terrible Trump has failed in handling/hiding of the healthcare emergency that has taken charge of the headlines these past two weeks... And, potentially, this has shaped the voter response to yet another set of lies and fumbles that has nearly shut down the nation and crashed the Stock Market as just one symptom of the Trump "illness." A HEALTH EMERGENCY!
STEP 1: So, deny, deny, deny.... never-mind that a spreading virus is resulting in "issues".... ignore the rising "count" and prevent cruise ships from landing or immigrants from entering.... OH... and, then prevent other nationalities from visiting the US as tourists, not immigrants... including Canada, the UK and the entire European Union.... Impede the World Health Organization offer for supplying corona virus test kits... and make every attempt to prevent the rise in the numbers of those in the US that carry/spread the infection.... after all, King Trump might look too ineffective and bad... and, muzzle the "Deep State" CDC blabber-mouths... They should not "leak" out negative info about the "health of Americans."
STEP 2: Send BILLIONS to corporations (including my own and my family's) in offer of relief from the stress and strains resulting from those "bugs"... including the CDC! Oh...raise some campaign cash too.
STEP 3: Buy, buy, buy..... BUY VOTES! Send a check to everyone - rich and poor - across the nation.... Take credit and get a vote! Don't credit Congress, just the KING! After all, I have a VETO SWORD.... And, once Biden gets the Democratic Nomination, we can send some sick folks to his rallies.... and, at his age, once infected.... we can get back to BERNIE!!!
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Primary Democratic voter turnout has increased state-by-state and date-by-date so far.... The Women's March in 2017 and the launch and the growth of "Indivisible" and similar working-groups across the nation that energized the election of Democrats to offices in 2018 and 2019 in cities, towns, and villages across the nation, put new "gas" in our tank. We spread the word and took back the majority in the House as well. Democrats, Independents, suburban voters, Black voters, Latino voters, immigrant-source families, and other working family votes have grown in focus, in interest, and in commitment to the goal - to save the nation, the constitution, and our sanity by defeating Trump this fall. Step.... by Step.....
Stand Up! Speak Out! Resist! Persist! March On! Tick-tock..... 2020....
Bobby J
Bobby J