So... here we are - right after "Super Tuesday" in the Democratic Primary cycle.... In thinking about the potential outcome last weekend, the song that popped into my head were.... "On the Eve of Destruction"... and the movie, "Apocalypse Now." I thought that "Super Tuesday" could result in a train wreck for the Democratic Party - the Party that is pledged to defeat the American Monarch, King Trump.
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After three years of dismantling our democracy, attacking and eroding the US Constitution, weakening, ignoring, and destroying the US position as "Leader of the Free World", abandoning our alliances, and launching trade wars around the globe that weakened our global position and increased farming bankruptcies to record levels, this accidentally-elected and ill-informed liar - Donald Trump - has led us away from global free-government leadership - practical and moral - that had been the American Democracy since World War II. An admirer of autocratic bossism, monarchy, and dictatorship, Trump has dismantled our national character built over decades in a bi-partisan fashion to expand both opportunity, inclusion, and freedom.
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Yesterday turned out not to be the threatened "train-wreck." Instead, an evolution took place... and the Party that began the race for a candidate with 20+ activist figures bickering more and more as debate after debate intensified and moved us closer and closer to a cliff..... Yesterday - Super Tuesday - changed direction and pulled us back from the brink... the "eve of destruction."
Today, as we all sift through the outcome of the votes in many states across the nation - north, south, east, and west - the number of remaining active candidates seeking the Democratic Party's nomination as candidate for President has been reduced to Biden, Sanders, and Warren. Tulsi Gabbard - a single digit candidate throughout - so far remains in the race. Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar, and Mike Bloomberg all "suspended" their respective campaigns... and - along with Bedo O'Rourke of Texas - endorsed Joe Biden going forward. So, in closing, I selected this clip to reflect which fork in the road that was selected just last Tuesday.... It seems that the tide has changed... and ... "The Times They Are - A-Changin'."
Take a close look at the "Super Tuesday" vote outcome. In summary, of the 14 states that voted that day, Biden carried 10 of the 14 and Sanders just 4. In fact, a comparison of the Sanders votes cast in the same states in 2016 as the alternative candidate running against Hillary, the outcome is curious.... Sanders received the same number of votes in Utah in both elections. And, Sanders received MORE votes in Colorado, Minnesota, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. But, he LOST them all to Biden except Colorado. And, although Sanders won California, he LOST 1.2 MILLION CALIFORNIA VOTES THAT HE RECEIVED IN 2016! Comparing Sanders in 2016 to 2020, he lost 1,308,000 votes received from the very same states in his first run for the Democratic nomination a 25% reduction in 4 years! The California turnout was much less than 2016 - 3.5 million votes cast versus 5.2 million in 2016.
Closer to the Sanders home in Vermont which he carried with comfort, next door in Maine and Massachusetts Biden carried them both! A real question was raised and a finger pointed by Sanders... that "Billionaires and the "establishment" were trying to "block" him and his agenda. A close look at the election outcome on "Super Tuesday" suggests otherwise....
Early on, the Democratic Party - with 20+ candidates - represented a broad "stew" spectrum - Liberal left to Centrist-Moderate. As the field dwindled, the dividing line became more apparent. Sanders and Warren proposed and rolled up the Liberal Left agenda. Biden, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, Cory Booker and others split the Centrist-Moderate wing. With far more Centrists in the race, the moderate vote was splintered into small chunks... and, it appeared that Sanders was far in the lead.... This week Sanders felt the "sting" of the Black vote in South Carolina that reflected a dominating concern to select an "electable" candidate rather than risk a Trump re-election against another McGovern candidacy. Not the "establishment"; not "wealthy corporations"; and, not "billionaires." Further, as two Centrist candidates withdrew - Buttigieg and Klobuchar following O'Rourke, Booker and others - the Centrist began to consolidate. Bloomberg's campaign ended right after the "Super Tuesday" outcome, and joined the Centrist pack in support of Biden. So, lets peek at a simple comparison - Liberal vs. Centrist Dems.
The Centrist percentages mustered a majority in 11 of the 14 states that voted on Tuesday. One state - Utah - was a virtual percentage tie. And, the Liberal wing carried 2 states - Vermont and Colorado. The next rounds in March roll up 11 other states - Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, North Dakota, Missouri, Washington (3/10); Ohio, Illinois, Arizona, Florida (3/17); and Georgia (3/24). Given all of this, what is your guess as to the list of winners and losers that come next... and pave the way to the nomination? Getting closer to YOUR choice....
Stand Up! Speak Out! Persist! March On! Tick-tock....
Bobby J
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