The last days of 2021… we celebrated the first year of Biden’s adopted agenda! The Infrastructure legislation adopted! The preceding moron president's regulatory destruction - restored … Respect for and adoption of the fight against Covid and its variants - following the scientific path of invention, innovation, and rules of battle, and the passage of the American Relief Act to rescue those individuals and small businesses placed at risk - small businesses closed, workers suspended or laid-off due to the viral “invasion.”. And, a counter measure to the Trump rampage - appointment of progressive judges on the Federal bench. Facing the results of Climate Change - fast and empathetic Biden outreach to communities and families in pain due to disasters in wind, flood, or fire. Quite the year... with many carrying black and blue... With millions afflicted, and 3/4 million+ deaths resulting from Covid variants and failure after failure of the previous president and his irresponsible administration “players” to rightly react to the infection spreading rapidly. Killing Americans by the 1000s daily, Biden and his allies fought for relief. Continued resistance by Moscow Mitch and Rightwing Nutz in office opposing the Dem agenda of assistance, relief, empathy, and restored health, 2021 was the year to struggle and the get through and survive. We did make it through.... with nearly 1,000,000 lost to the viral "invasion."
Injured, scared, battle-weary, yet determined… we made it through… but not whole. The economy recovers, unemployment shrinks to new lows, and the Stock Market hits new highs. Wages rise, employment opportunity expands but many openings are unfilled. Schools open… but not all… Major League sports resume… but some games postponed or cancelled… Vaccinations and booster shots continue… but not completed… and a good 1/3 of our folks continue to oppose - “Anti-Vaxers.” A tough year for sure…
But… many made it through…though not all. 2022 is about to begin… We wish a good New Year for you and yours and for all of us. Yet, we have a challenge ahead. LET'S TURN THE PAGE - 2022!
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The CHALLENGE ahead... CHOICES to be made.... |
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! And, welcome to 2022…. A year of challenge... a year of risk... and a year of danger. Will this be the start of a new chapter in the history for the US… or will we witness the devolution… a crumble … of our democracy????
In any case, 2021 was a year of struggle - some successes and some failures. With “dings” and “dents” we enter a new year steering our nation toward a stressful future in 2022. A substantial challenge lies ahead. Do we have the courage, strength, and the commitment to make a difference, Or not?
The 21 Infrastructure Act was adopted… good work. Vaccinations took off like a shot! The effort got our nation to near 70% vaccinated… but the Anti-Vaxers continue to resist…. Will vaccinations become the enduring Polio shot or the annual Flu Shot? Perhaps the every-other-month shot??? Time will tell… The Build Back Better legislation failed – to date. As has been said, “The moving finger having writ, moves on…”(The Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam, 1859). And, so we move on…
Will Build Back Better be adopted, or not? Will it be modified or broken into parts? What will pass??? Pre-K, Kid Care? Expanded healthcare? Family leave? Relief from Tuition Debt? Free Community College Tuition options? More? Less? Nothing? Will the Right Wing Republicans block everything in the Congressional election year? Or, can the US Senate filibuster rules in place, be altered to permit the narrow 50+1 Democratic Majority pass our agenda over the objections of Manchin and a few others? Can and will “Moscow Mitch” continue to block everything proposed as he did with Obama’s second term…and then declare – representing just 40% of the American population - FAILURE FOR BIDEN???
And, speaking of “Moscow Mitch”, will Putin invade Ukraine or not??? If so, what will the US response be? What will NATO do? Will Ukraine be the Putin first step in re-building the Soviet Union… going on to Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, and more??? And, in post-Afghanistan time, what will the US do? Will NATO disappear into the 20th Century’s rear-view mirror and crumble? Will Putin cut-off the gas supplies via pipeline to all of Western Europe? And, as China invests TRILLIONS into the rebuilding of the Silk Road – by road and rail – to link directly to Western Europe, will China and its population of 1.4 BILLION become the economic engine of the globe??? Or, complete in building an “invasion road” for Western Europe? And, what will the US and NATO do? Good questions…. And few answers…..
COMING BACK HOME: As we enter 2022, Covid and its Omicron variant - in conjunction with the Delta Variant - continues to peak over and over…. Will we finally see the retreat of the virus
And, speaking of "Justice"... will the Supreme Court repeal Roe v. Wade and the right of a woman to determine the future of her own body within reason? In consultation with her doctor?
Will Roe V. Wade to come to an end???? And, will the High Court permit state after state to self-define women's rights/human rights notwithstanding federal law? Will the US revert to a collection of independent states as fought for by the Southern rebellious states in the Civil War in 1860? The US Supreme Court - brimming in three appointments by the MAGA before Biden - has permitted Texas and others to adopt local laws that ERASE WOMEN'S RIGHTS! THIS MUST STOP - RIGHT HERE... RIGHT NOW!
And so, we come to a Congressional election year as well…. With razor thin majorities in both houses and Biden in the White House, can we achieve a workable majority in both Houses? Or will we lose one or both the House and the Senate? Will the outcome cripple our national democracy and give rise to further erosion of the federal level and the growing strength of each state with state sovereignty on the rise.
Women’s control over their own bodies, education of the young, the sharing of national and state history, voting rights and regulations – administration and reporting of results, wages for work, workplace safety, environmental pollution and more…. all at risk? All in the hands of each state? No Lewis Act, Voting Rights Act, environmental law enforcement, protection of women’s rights??? Will the US Constitution erode back in time to the Articles of Confederation of Independent and sovereign states? Will the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA transform into a collection of small, independent nations with their own laws, rules, armies of militias, and economies? The base question is – has our time passed? Is the American horizon witnessing the setting of our democracy? Are we divided and disassembling… devolving into an ineffective collection of warring tribes and regions? Will the glory and progress of the “Melting Pot of the American Dream” evaporate? Disappear? March backward?
These are simply a set of questions…. With many more to follow. Shall we engage or simply sit by and watch the ship of state sink into oblivion? That is our choice… and your choice to make in 2022.
We have arrived at a fork in the road to the future…. We you stay in shelter at the bus stop? Or, will you board the bus headed down one road or the other????
I know my choice…. Do you know yours? Meanwhile, HAPPY NEW YEAR – 2022! History grinds on….. Will YOU help to shape the American future? Or, will you simply sit on the sidelines... or in the audience stands and watch the battle from your seats? That's up to YOU.
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