Sunday, July 7, 2024



Hi Folks:  As many know, often I cannot control myself in speaking out one way or another.  This time - especially with the Court's Immunity ruling - I may be spirited out of New York to somewhere in the Antarctic should Trump the madman get back at the national switch in the White House. I can imagine that state-to-state US National Guard units would be "nationalized", issued red caps, and given a list of homes to visit and folks to be "collected" for trial and more....  In any case, this past 7 days, including Monday this week, the Supreme Court has opened the legal "doors" by Court rulings to the dismantling of our Democracy, diminishing the enforcement of national laws, and setting up the new President as the American Monarch. I could not stand idly by..... So, here we go... A short version. 
The Chevron Supreme Court decision setting up the administrative state to be disassembled piece by piece is an outrage. Consult "Project 2025" authored by the Heritage Foundation and you will note that this decision shrinks the "federalist" decision-making with the Court handing off governing decisions to the states that began with the erasure of Roe v. Wade. Even worse, the Court's determination that a significant degree of immunity must be applied to former presidents - like this snake-oil Moron - (Trump v. the US). Add it all up and the stage is being set by the Supreme Court for a MAGA DICTATORSHIP! Clear the legal path for "King" Trump.... get him into the White House, disassemble the US Constitution and its authority to supersede the states, and slash the federal bureaucracy and its authority to set the regulatory rules under adopted federal law. OMG! Shall we kiss the American Democracy GOODBYE?
The Presidential Oath: "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the US..."

The firm belief that in this unique Democracy... born 248 years ago... that "No one is above the law" isn't so anymore? Is the President A "KING?" Does the law apply to everyone else except the President of the United States? When the President acts in their own legal capacity in the performance of the duties of their office, is the President ABOVE THE LAW? Is the President cloaked in legal immunity? DID THE US SUPREME COURT HOLD THAT THERE IS BUT ONE PERSON IN THE NATION THAT IS ABOVE THE LAW - THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? Can the President murder his opponents and jail his critics on 5th Avenue or anywhere else? Should Trump succeed in the 2024 election come November and return to the White House, are the words shown above the OATH OF HIS OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT now altered to "I will tear up the Constitution of the United States?" 

This image - and its line - "That's all Folks" - infers that the fuse has been lit and an electoral "explosion" in 2024 will elect the next - and first - "KING OF THE US" (Sotomayor's dissent quote). Is this the death of our democracy born in 1776 under the Articles of Confederation and re-born again in 1789 under the new Constitution of the United States? Will we have to burn books? Re-write our American History class content? Re-write a new Constitution eliminating term limits on the presidency? Will the schoolboys all have to wear school uniforms with red caps? The schoolgirls short skirts? Will our "KING" serve for life and his family continue the reign? OMG!

Stand Up! Speak Out! March on forward! AND VOTE!

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