Monday, December 28, 2015

"And away we go!"

Long, long ago in a universe far, far away, there lived a famous bus wizard named Jackie Gleason.  Those old enough to remember the "Honeymooners" will recall that one of his often used lines, "and away we go!" is used here as the headline for this segment.  In spite of all of the coverage, polling, and Trumpmania, 2015 was just a warm-up for the main event.  So, welcome to 2016, the year of the decider!!!  When push comes to shove, each of us who care enough about the future of this nation and the policies that the government pursues through legislation and/or regulatory authority, will need to choose someone to support and/or vote for this coming year.  And, as many elections in the past have suggested, the 2016 election could change the party that controls the Presidency as well as the Senate and the House.  Needless to say, this one - like so many recent elections - could be a cliffhanger.  For right now, though, you can sleep with visions of sugarplums dancing in your head....  and ignore the ramblings of The Donald, the bombast of Cruz, the fight with Rubio, and the musings
of Doctor Who?.... just to mention a few.  On the Dem side, the light sniping between Hillary and Bernie can wait until January... as can our favorite Dem candidate "watcher", Marty O'Malley.

So, enjoy this short break between Christmas and the New Year.....   2016 will be EPIC at the presidential level - the struggle between the DARK SIDE in the persons of Trump, Cruz, and some others, and the alliance characters, including Bernie, Hillary, Martin, and a few sensible republicans will be on full throttle as the year progresses.  The New Year will bring plenty of headlines, no doubt some scandals, many debates, and even more shock-waves, both in print, on-line, and on the airwaves too.  It will be quite the show.  So, when the New Year clock ticks down to 2016, join me in shouting out, "HAPPY NEW YEAR... AND AWAY WE GO!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Well... doesn't that take all?????? Howdy Gowdy and Rocky Rubio - perfect together????

Amidst all of the discussion regarding the number of Democratic Debates and the days of the week that they are scheduled for, comes a even more curious announcement.  This one isn't curious as to who is endorsing who.... but, why do it on a Saturday during Christmas Week?  Many of the voters are recovering from Christmas Day festivities, returning from far flung travel to visit relatives during the holiday, or fighting the crowds returning/trading unwanted Christmas presents in the malls and shops of Main Street.  So, who is reading the inside pages of the newspapers today (Sunday)?  The likely answer is, no one.  And, of course, this endorsement didn't make the Sunday news shows either.  At least one pundit said, "if it wasn't on TV, it didn't happen."  Now, whether that is more a comment that reflects on the attention span or status of the electorate or the limited sources that the average "Joe" or "Jane" count on for information, I cannot say.  Perhaps it has all to do with the conclusion that many people have reached - that their own life drama is by far more important that the ravings of people that they do not like and do not trust in any case.  Or, in this case, who really cares if one Republican endorses another.....  and, is that really news?

In any case, Howdy (Trey) Gowdy (R-S.C.), Chair of the discredited House Benghazi Committee that cost one member their shot at the Speakership and resulted in Paul Ryan being dragged kicking and screaming into the position just a few months ago, and, likely did far more to boost the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign than the campaign itself was able to do, endorsed Marco Rubio for the Republican Presidential nomination yesterday......  Almost no one noticed...... Little play in the press and no mention on the Sunday News shows.  So, after  years of Beltway Bull&%@t about the Benghazi Committee being the death knell for the Clinton Campaign, Hillary actually got a boost from the hearing where the roof was to cave in on her.  Instead, the roof caved in on Howdy Gowdy and his Republicans on the committee as they attempted the character assassination of Clinton for hours and hours without any success.  In the end, this colossal waste of taxpayers money leading to nothing that we already didn't know, failed miserably to achieve their admitted goal - get Hillary in their sites and destroy her.  Instead, fizzle, fizzle, fizzle....  And, Howdy Gowdy closed the hearing and slipped into the history books as a total jerk ... and a total failure. Watch for yet another Behghazi Committee coming to yet another "theater" near you - real soon.

So, why would Rubio be interested in an endorsement from Howdy? I just cannot shake my childhood memory of the Howdy Doody Show - Gowdy looks like Howdy Doody, am I right?)  In any case, being endorsed by a committee chair is usually a good thing....  In this case, it would not surprise me if the Rubio Campaign chose a virtually "dark" news day to release the very, very short endorsement statement - barely 2 sentences. Why would you want to be associated with this Gump?
But, I guess that a deal is a deal.....  and, evidently, Gowdy and Rubio had a handshake deal months ago.  Maybe they timed it for after the Benghazi Committee Report was filed when they believed that Hillary would be on the ropes and that Howdy Gowdy would be riding high!  But, the fates determined otherwise....  and, though a deal is a deal....  Gowdy's endorsement statement - its content and timing - would be determined by the Rubio Campaign.  And, the choices that they made in both content and timing speaks volumes about what value they assign to his endorsement, and, better yet, to the outcome of the famed and failed Benghazi Committee. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Really????? This is what Trump thinks is a campaign? How low can you go?????

Unbelievable.....  Last night at a rally in Michigan Trump continued his attacks on Hillary Clinton.  Attacks by opponents are fair game, of course and are a part of our political tradition.  Sometimes they are on matters of policy record or political history, sometimes on personal background or characteristics.  But....  attacking an opponent on their bathroom break?  That is a new low - even for Trump who seemingly becomes more crass with every passing week.
     During the recent Democratic Debate, the moderators called for a break - for a commercial.  Candidates use this "break" to collect their thoughts, plan their next statement, or, if necessary, head for the bathroom.  Incidentally, this is no different than the procedures followed during the Republican debates.  Hillary, it seems, headed for the bathroom only to find the room occupied by the Sanders Campaign Chair - another woman.  She decided to wait until she was done to enter the bathroom and, as a result, was a bit late returning to the stage.  Most viewers didn't much notice....  But, then again, Donald trump isn't "most viewers...."  Last night he launched another sexist attack on Clinton questioning why she was "late" and saying that he knew why.....  He referred to her absence as doing something "disgusting" and repeated that several times to the delight of his supporters present at the rally. This is not only an attack on Hillary  but on all women - AGAIN.  And, what is with "disgusting?"  Most people visit the bathroom several times in a day.  Is what all of us do in the bathroom "disgusting" too?  Or, perhaps billionaires bathroom activities are "beautiful."  Do the wealthy have an upscale chassis that eliminates perfume?  Do billionaires sh*t sweet smelling platinum?
     Why does the Donald insist on reaching down into personal attacks and references that are more appropriate for a juvenile high school football locker room... rather than discussing issues that matter to the American people and are about how to move the nation into the next decade of the 21st century with greater security and economic prosperity for all of us - Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and those who are non-believers?  I think that it time that the Republican Party excise this blot on their heritage and reject the hate, the bluster, and the empty suit that IS The Donald. 

Monday, December 14, 2015


Leader of the Pack......

You know, I just cannot understand the Republicans... especially, the Tea party flavor of the month.... whoever that might be.  I have to hand it to them - the Tea Party, though....  Their electoral saber-rattling has pushed the Republican Party to a place where Sainted Ronald Reagan could not get the nomination against quality candidates like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.  Between isolationist Islamophobia, fear of refugees, tax cuts for the rich and program cuts for the poor, and bombastic rhetoric about sending troops all over creation to express American "Exceptionalism" leading to giant deficits, these folks are dangerous.  Add to that, each candidate seems to be a flat-earth, science-denying, beltway driven NRA members (and apologists)... and women's health issue opponents.  Viewing the dialogue coming from the Republican lineup, it seems that each is trying to out-flank the other to the right... and the further that they go, the more that they leave the majority of the electorate behind.  Risky business.....

As I write this, we are on the verge of the third Republican debate.  Tonight we may witness the destruction of the "wall" of cooperation and camaraderie that existed between the front runner, Donald Trump and the candidate presently surging in the Iowa polls, Ted Cruz.  Both would build a wall to keep out dark-skinned Mexicans and other Latin Americans (only Trump said that he would make Mexico pay for it....  Why not Panama, Costa Rico, Columbia and the others pay their fair share?) Cruz (born in Canada although Trump hinted today that he was really born in Cuba)... has not indicated where the cash would be taken from - maybe food stamps?????   Certainly not from tax cuts for the rich. In any case, these two are now head to head in Iowa... and Trump doesn't much like it claiming that Cruz doesn't have the mental capacity or the ability to bring people together.... evidenced by his virtual expulsion from the Republican Senate caucus.  Trump says that he lacks vision and maturity too.....  and cannot be trusted as Commander - in - Chief.....  because he is a "maniac." After all, he did say that he would bomb Isis until the sand glowed in the dark!  But, of course, Trump - brilliant, calm, cool, collected, and in control - can be trusted with his finger on the nuclear button!  Are we really in "wonderland?"  And, who in this crowd is the Mad Hatter?  Trump?  Or, could it be Ben Carson?  Hmmmmm. The real question might be, is politics Brain surgery????? And does Trump need a really good hair cut???

Take your giggle pick!  
Carson had a momentary run up to the front of the line against Trump...  and then went on his book tour to promote his biography.  He thought that it might serve his presidential ambition to have his life story told with all of its flaws, near-death experiences, violence turned compassion (notice that he still wields a "knife").  Oops...  Biographies are meant to be a factual account of one's life.....  Ok, so maybe with some downplaying of the negative and emphasis on the positive.  His, it looks like, is a fictional novel.....  The more he moved around the nation on the book tour and spoke about his violent backstory, the lower his poll data....  Today, he announced that is Trump leaves the party due to the equivalent of "insider trading", he will too!  Now, that might be a proper Third Party ticket - Trump and Carson.  Woo-hoo.... And, the question remains - is the Republican Establishment really plotting a "deadlocked" convention so that their nominee is selected in the old fashioned way - is some smoke-filled (or whiskey-fueled) room by a bunch of Beltway Bosses who will "select" the "right candidate" for the Republican Party?

And, you ask, what is this "insider trading"?  It seems that the inner circle of the Republican Party is making plans to deny Trump (and maybe Cruz and others) the ability to gain the nomination of the Party through the Primary Election process.  In other words, months of battles and delegate fights - some won, some lost - and gaining some delegates along the way could result in the "party elders" pulling the run out from under the evident candidate, using their "super delegates" to do it.  With this many candidates in the field, it seems at least plausible that not one candidate would have enough elected delegates to secure the nomination!  You ask, how could that happen?  Well..... for the Rs, there are  3 unpledged delegates in each state. That makes 150.  Even if they choose to pledge their support to one candidate or another, they are not bound by law or party rules to cast their vote that way.  Even the elected delegates, pledged to a particular candidate, are only required to vote for that candidate on the first ballot. 1236 votes are needed to carry the nomination which may or may not include the 150 unpledged delegates.  If no one arrives at the Convention with 1236 or more - some in winner-take-all states and some from proportional states, then the convention could be brokered.  Both Trump and Carson have said that if the "winner" of the primaries does not become the nominee, that they will break from the Party....  Showdown at the OK Corral? 

So, lets re-cap.....   

       1.  We have the biggest stick, so we play follow the leader - us - or we will bomb you into dust!
       2.  Keep the hell out, especially if you are not a christian.... or you are a refugee seeking safety
from terrorism.  You should go back and fight!!!!  Even the 5-year olds should be turned back
(Chris Christie).  (How Christian of you Chris...).

       1. Keep out or we will bomb you into dust!
       2. A giant wall at the Mexican border will result in long-term jobs! And, that's why we oppose any increase in the Minimum wage...  those new jobs will cost the taxpayers plenty!!!  And, Mexico won't pay for THAT. So, just work longer and skip vacation.
      3. Get rid of health care, cut medicare, medicaid, and social security - greedy bastards!  Hey, if
you want to make more money, then work longer (Jeb Bush.... remember, he can FIX IT...huh?)
      4. Deport Muslims, Mexicans, and anyone else other than us who does not belong here. Maybe
just everyone who comes from an "M" country! Look at how many jobs will be created for           people employed gathering all of  those millions of folks to be loaded on buses going home...
      5. Cut taxes on the wealthy and increase spending on the military - Yahoo!  Must protect the 
1per-centers who pay for all of our campaigns, after all.
      6. The military needs more cash!  In 2011 we only spent more than the next biggest 13 national
military budgets combined!  Hey, more means more....  Just ask Halliburton..... or, Trump.
      7. Eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood altogether, in spite of the fact that only a small
percent of their funding goes for contraception and abortion services.  And, Roe vs. Wade? Forget about that ancient history.....   we will make sure that abortion is either gone or unavailable even in cases or rape and incest!  Life is life!  So what if the Mom dies....  or carries an incestuous child to term.  Wouldn't you want to be both Mom and sister?

I could go on and on....  but this CLOWN CAR does just fine on its own.....  All will be revealed in due course over the months ahead.....  Lets see where this ride takes us.... on which roads.... and to which destinations....   More later....

Bobby J


INTRODUCTION:  During the last 2 presidential campaigns I posted under a blog called "THE GRUMPY PROGRESSIVE."  My intention was to provide commentary on the battle between conservative proponents and the more progressive crowd.  I got distracted by some college classes that I was asked to teach and, evidently, lost the title to another blogger.  Hence, the new title, "THE SENIOR PROGRESSIVE."  Welcome to my site....  and I hope that you will follow along in my never-ending verbal battle with the opponents of progressive policy - to me, just neanderthals in the halls of congress.

This time I am eager for the opportunity to comment on the issues and candidates of the 2015-2016 presidential contest.  So far, it truly has been quite the show.  Join me... and follow along on a journey of enlightenment.