Unbelievable..... Last night at a rally in Michigan Trump continued his attacks on Hillary Clinton. Attacks by opponents are fair game, of course and are a part of our political tradition. Sometimes they are on matters of policy record or political history, sometimes on personal background or characteristics. But.... attacking an opponent on their bathroom break? That is a new low - even for Trump who seemingly becomes more crass with every passing week.
During the recent Democratic Debate, the moderators called for a break - for a commercial. Candidates use this "break" to collect their thoughts, plan their next statement, or, if necessary, head for the bathroom. Incidentally, this is no different than the procedures followed during the Republican debates. Hillary, it seems, headed for the bathroom only to find the room occupied by the Sanders Campaign Chair - another woman. She decided to wait until she was done to enter the bathroom and, as a result, was a bit late returning to the stage. Most viewers didn't much notice.... But, then again, Donald trump isn't "most viewers...." Last night he launched another sexist attack on Clinton questioning why she was "late" and saying that he knew why..... He referred to her absence as doing something "disgusting" and repeated that several times to the delight of his supporters present at the rally. This is not only an attack on Hillary but on all women - AGAIN. And, what is with "disgusting?" Most people visit the bathroom several times in a day. Is what all of us do in the bathroom "disgusting" too? Or, perhaps billionaires bathroom activities are "beautiful." Do the wealthy have an upscale chassis that eliminates perfume? Do billionaires sh*t sweet smelling platinum?
Why does the Donald insist on reaching down into personal attacks and references that are more appropriate for a juvenile high school football locker room... rather than discussing issues that matter to the American people and are about how to move the nation into the next decade of the 21st century with greater security and economic prosperity for all of us - Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and those who are non-believers? I think that it time that the Republican Party excise this blot on their heritage and reject the hate, the bluster, and the empty suit that IS The Donald.
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