Amidst all of the discussion regarding the number of Democratic Debates and the days of the week that they are scheduled for, comes a even more curious announcement. This one isn't curious as to who is endorsing who.... but, why do it on a Saturday during Christmas Week? Many of the voters are recovering from Christmas Day festivities, returning from far flung travel to visit relatives during the holiday, or fighting the crowds returning/trading unwanted Christmas presents in the malls and shops of Main Street. So, who is reading the inside pages of the newspapers today (Sunday)? The likely answer is, no one. And, of course, this endorsement didn't make the Sunday news shows either. At least one pundit said, "if it wasn't on TV, it didn't happen." Now, whether that is more a comment that reflects on the attention span or status of the electorate or the limited sources that the average "Joe" or "Jane" count on for information, I cannot say. Perhaps it has all to do with the conclusion that many people have reached - that their own life drama is by far more important that the ravings of people that they do not like and do not trust in any case. Or, in this case, who really cares if one Republican endorses another..... and, is that really news?
In any case, Howdy (Trey) Gowdy (R-S.C.), Chair of the discredited House Benghazi Committee that cost one member their shot at the Speakership and resulted in Paul Ryan being dragged kicking and screaming into the position just a few months ago, and, likely did far more to boost the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign than the campaign itself was able to do, endorsed Marco Rubio for the Republican Presidential nomination yesterday...... Almost no one noticed...... Little play in the press and no mention on the Sunday News shows. So, after years of Beltway Bull&%@t about the Benghazi Committee being the death knell for the Clinton Campaign, Hillary actually got a boost from the hearing where the roof was to cave in on her. Instead, the roof caved in on Howdy Gowdy and his Republicans on the committee as they attempted the character assassination of Clinton for hours and hours without any success. In the end, this colossal waste of taxpayers money leading to nothing that we already didn't know, failed miserably to achieve their admitted goal - get Hillary in their sites and destroy her. Instead, fizzle, fizzle, fizzle.... And, Howdy Gowdy closed the hearing and slipped into the history books as a total jerk ... and a total failure. Watch for yet another Behghazi Committee coming to yet another "theater" near you - real soon.
So, why would Rubio be interested in an endorsement from Howdy? I just cannot shake my childhood memory of the Howdy Doody Show - Gowdy looks like Howdy Doody, am I right?) In any case, being endorsed by a committee chair is usually a good thing.... In this case, it would not surprise me if the Rubio Campaign chose a virtually "dark" news day to release the very, very short endorsement statement - barely 2 sentences. Why would you want to be associated with this Gump?
But, I guess that a deal is a deal..... and, evidently, Gowdy and Rubio had a handshake deal months ago. Maybe they timed it for after the Benghazi Committee Report was filed when they believed that Hillary would be on the ropes and that Howdy Gowdy would be riding high! But, the fates determined otherwise.... and, though a deal is a deal.... Gowdy's endorsement statement - its content and timing - would be determined by the Rubio Campaign. And, the choices that they made in both content and timing speaks volumes about what value they assign to his endorsement, and, better yet, to the outcome of the famed and failed Benghazi Committee.
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