Like many
others across the United States, I have closely watched the unfolding of the
debate over the recent Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. As the swirl continued, it appeared as though
the federal governmental process has gone completely BANANAS! As I watch today’s post-FBI one-copy, no
public access report to the members of the Senate, votes have begun to fall
into place. As this falls, I am
completely shocked that the American government process has lost its way. Just
like the Anita Hill testimony against then near-justice Clarence Thomas, the
2018 Republican-led Committee and Trump – a sexual abuser himself – have silenced,
ignored, and dismissed the testimony of Dr. Ford, protected and covered for the
sexual violence and lying under oath of Brett Kavanaugh. This abusive, ignorant, and completely
improper and illegal Republican activity is a gross abuse of the public trust,
and an attack on #Me Too and a women’s forthright and trustworthy testimony. Dr. Ford was attacked by Trump at a Road
Rally the week before the vote on Kavanaugh.
Shameful subversion of the truth and, like the Kavanaugh attempted rape of
Dr. Ford more than 30 years ago at a high school party, the Senate Judicial
Committee, the White House, and Trump himself, the Republicans in DC placed
their procedural “HAND” over Dr. Ford’s mouth.
In addition, this “Devil’s Triangle” – White House – Senate Judicial
Committee – and the Justice Department and Federal Courts, silenced many other witnesses
– fellow students, party attendees, and Kavanaugh roommates - who could have
provided accurate facts and corroboration of Ford’s truthful testimony. The “Triangle” planned the very last step in
the takeover of the third branch of the federal government – the Judicial
System – through the capture of the US Supreme Court. This complete right-wing Republican, Trump, dominated the political takeover of our democracy that began on January 20, 2017. The Banana Republic, featuring a cloaked,
Trump-based tyranny, includes holding the Congress, preventing presidential
impeachment, and a Right-wing invasion of the federal courts, including District
and Appeals Court appointments, and, ultimately, the Supreme Court takeover by
those who would complete Trump totalitarianism.
In March of
this year, I published a posting on my blog -“THE SENIOR PROGRESSIVE”- raising the issue of Trump LOADING the
federal bench with right-wing activists in his first year.
By that time, after McConnell blocked more than 360 Obama nominations
through 385 filibusters in the years of his term as President, Trump had made more than 100 appointments. In year one, Trump succeeded in appointing 12
Appeal’s Court nominees and made 80 other court nominations. White House
Counsel Don McGahn quarterbacked the entire effort. The entire story was revealed in my blog 7
months ago. Just like building an impregnable
operation, McGahn began at the bottom – the district courts. The next step was the 12 appointments to the
Appeals Courts, and the icing on the cake is the Supreme Court – first with
Gorsuch and now a back-up with Kavanaugh.
Losing cases in federal court could be appealed to the Trump-dominated
Appeal’s Courts or, if losing there or not able to direct the effort to a
Trump-based Appeals Court, the Supreme Court will be the final arbiter of Trump-based
“justice.” When dominating in the courts
– all the way to the Supreme Court – Trump will run roughshod over American
policy and the adoption/interpretation of law that could have otherwise been overturned. The influenced court system will sustain
Trump – and outrage the majority of Americans.
THIS MUST STOP! You can read the
March, 2018 report on my blog entry using the following link:
Check the
entry titled: “Mis-direction, Deception, and De-construction: The American
Justice System at Risk,” March 13, 2018, and you will find the Trump plan
revealed 7 months ago.
Over the
last two years the Republican Party has evaporated. Now, the Trump Maga-mumps - those who were
elected as Red district folks - sucked up to the mad-ball occupant of the White
House and adorned themselves with the MAGA hat. They abandoned the Republican tradition and became a "Trumpocracy." Given holding the majority in both houses, this Trump-stained cohort, was able
to split a “banana.” Trading Secretary
appointments, high-ranking jobs, votes for Trump initiatives though they be the
reverse of traditional Republican policy and political and governmental positions
for the past 30 years or more (think International Trade, NATO, and opposing
Russian foreign policy) for Trump political support in the 2018 Mid-terms, and
avoiding nasty attacks emanating from the White House. All are trying to hold
onto office and have adopted the Trump plan to do so.
The MAGA converts are supporting Trump’s insane policy, have
complemented the President for absurd comments or positions, and have abandoned
their conservative policy positions, joining Trump in a set of reverse policy
goals. Like in the “Wizard of Oz”, Trump
IS the man behind the curtain…. But, he is revealed through “tweets” and in the streets via his mobile rallies that
continue on and on. Abandon NAFTA? Fight with allies? Attack NATO?
Oppose any Global Warming science?
Transform “tax reform” to a giant tax cut for the rich and increased tax for
the poor PLUS a giant national debt increase? Cut social services support
and threaten medical aid for those in desperate need? Put Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
at risk by increasing the National Debt by $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS… and then call
for close review and reduction in Medicare and Social Security to “balance the
budget?” Build a Southern Border
Wall? BANANAS! Abandon or bad-mouth our decades-long allies and cozy up with Russia and North Korea?
There are
numerous actions taken, especially “Executive Orders”, that have been overturned
by the federal courts. The result is a massive year-one battle with Federal Courts which were negating Trump's Executive Orders, his reach into regulatory repeal, and his proposals in executive practices related to current law. In addition to
attacking those losses, the White House appeals to courts in defense of their policies where it has
appointed new judges.
They are filling District Courts, Courts of Appeal, and, now, the
Supreme Court. All Trump has to do is to
pursue appeals until he bets on the winning court where he has dominated
appointments. And, at the Supreme Court that has resulted in right-wing Gorsuch. In any number of cases before the Supreme Court we have lost on a
5-4 vote… or has jammed up in the Robert’s Court of 8 on a 4-4 result as a result of Gorsuch influence and votes. Kavanaugh will be the final LOCK on the Trump
The Supreme
Court scheme began more than 2 years ago.
In addition to stalling more than 360 appointments to a variety of
offices, especially judges in federal courts, McConnell stopped President Obama
from any votes on his nominee for a Supreme Court vacancy, Merrick Garland, after
Scalia’s passing. McConnell delayed any discussion of the Garland nomination
for nearly ONE YEAR. In Trump’s first
year, Neal Gorsuch, a complete right-winger conservative, was nominated and
finally approved for a seat on the Supreme Court. That locked up the Court in support of
right-wing policy – with the exception of Justice Kennedy who wandered away
from some positions like Roe v. Wade, same-sex marriage issues, and other
debates. In year two, with the retirement of Justice Kennedy, Trump nominated
Brett Kavanaugh, yet another complete right-winger. We are within days of his approval and being
seated on the Supreme Court. Where is all this heading? Let’s take a look…..
Before the
Kennedy retirement, coaxed by the White House, Trump pledged to select a
candidate from a group of skilled right-wing folks selected and submitted by
the completely right-wing “Federalist Society.”
The Federalists submitted a complete right-wing pledged list for
consideration for Federal Court appointments and for the Supreme Court. Funded substantially by the Koch brothers and
the national Chamber of Commerce plus other wealthy Republican donors, Trump
promised to appoint legal folks recommended by them. In fact, though not quite in public view or
under a microscope, Trump has filled many of the more than 360 appointments
that McConnell and the Senate Republicans blocked over the two Obama terms as
president. Trump appointed more than 100
judges at the District Court level and more than 12 at the Courts of Appeals
across the nation. As suits against
Trump in year one were often successful (recall his attempts to deny entry into
the US in year one), the White House response was to inject their supporters
and influence into the court justice system.
They are gaining fast on all levels! And, now the final judgment – the US
Supreme Court – is falling into Trump’s hands.
An INJUSTICE for sure. This is BANANAS… and looks more like some
autocratic, single maniac leader punishing any judge who disagrees, denying any
Senator courtesy or appointments or a political future, unless they conform to
the lunacy of his leadership. Some are
subject to “execution” on whatever front is appropriate and effective. Sounds more like a Latin American dictatorship….. or, his close love-affair with the North
Korean Supreme “Leader”, Kim Jong-un.