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Or, is this simply TWILIGHT TIME?
Current commentary on the Trump Presidency - and the Biden Administration: issues, antics, tweets, personalities, and the aftermath of decisions made... promises made... promises kept...
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After 4 years... still... a nowhere man.... |
Tick.... tock...... Tick.... tock..... The clock ticks down to 12 days before Election Day - November 3, 2020. Meanwhile, some 30 million votes have already been cast - by mail, absentee, or early voting - state by state. I write this on the eve of the last of three scheduled debates - tonight.
Debate two was cancelled due to Trump contracting Covid. Along with Melania, his son Baron, and a variety of debate-prep staff, Trump was hospitalized for days. Debate Two - refused by Trump - was transformed into a TV Town Hall by Biden. Trump set up a "competing" Town Hall on TV at the very same time as the Biden Town Hall. The Trump viewer count shrunk to 13 million while Biden scored more than 14 million viewers. Biden polling rose while Trump's counts decreased. Trump polling fell again... and Senate Republicans became nervous regarding being "pulled-down" by a negative response to the Trump candidacy. Time to bail out, grab a life-preserver, and survive the "Blue Wave." Mc Connell and his conspiratorial Republican-Trump colleagues are separating themselves from the Trump Campaign, announcing their local representation and independence from Trump's rhetoric and mis-statements, and hope that they can keep the majority in the Senate and form the "Red Wall" that blocked Obama in the second term and will do the same in applying the policy brakes when Biden sits in the Oval Office. In McConnell's view - Trump is a "nowhere man."
How did Trump get there? What has he failed to do? What awful things has he done? The list is MASSIVE.... And, the Republicans in the Senate supported his policy, his positions, and the hurt that Trump inflicted on the American people. It's time to stand up, speak out, and vote them ALL out. Lets look.....
THE DEATH OF AMERICANS..... COVID 19Since January 2020, Trump has ignored the invasion and the rapid spread and mortality of Covid-19. He ignored briefings and refused to prepare for a national health emergency. Trump stood idly by while the death toll rose... disregarding advice from the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and the rising panic of the medical community. Unlike Obama's response to SARS, ZIKA, and Ebola with a complex plan and response and the Bush administration response to AIDS and Ebola, Trump simply took no responsibility, no leadership, and took no action. The result was frustration in the medical community, jammed emergency rooms, the rapid spread of the aggressive and deadly virus, and a complete failure that resulted in more American deaths in ten months than the warfare deaths that resulted throughout the 20th Century - added together. 5 TIMES MORE DEATHS IN 11 MONTHS THAN IN 11 YEARS IN VIET NAM...OR ALL THE WAR DEATHS AMERICANS SUFFERED IN THE 21st CENTURY!
So, what is the Trump response? ZERO! In fact, the reverse applies. Trump has trashes and took every opportunity - via the Congress and/or the Courts - to eliminate medical coverage for American citizens. Chopping off Medicaid, threatening Medicare, and eliminating a variety of sections of the ACA (Obamacare) via legislation and court challenges, right now Trump has a case before the US Supreme Court that would repeal the ACA if his case should be successful.
You may recall that Trump and his allies have been before the US Supreme Court twice before on the ACA. In each case, they lost by ONE VOTE - Republican Chief Justice John Roberts, siding with the Democratic appointees. In this pending case, with the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg last month and the pending appointment of Amy Barrett next week, this case proceeds before the Court the following week for verbal argument and decision following. Without RGB, what might be your guess as to the outcome? The loss of coverage due to Trump's Supreme Court repeal of the ACA and its coverage of all with pre-existing conditions. All this .... in the face of a rapidly growing Covid19 advance, illness, and mortality. In his place, would you eliminate health coverage in the face of a growing and deadly virus???
Trump wanted to run on the basis of an American Economy growing steadily. That followed the collapse of the economy under George Bush. The manufacturing sector fell, the Stock Market crashed and the auto industry in the Northwest in 2007 and 2008. The stimulus plan initiated by the Obama/Biden administration began the long road back and ended the recession with repeating US GDP and job growth year after year, including 2016. In fact, the Trump Presidency takes credit for continued growth that began with Obama/Biden, not Trump. What was the Trump initiative? TAX REFORM? Even before that Act.... Trump only paid $750 (2016, 2017) on an income of millions/billions!
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Compare the job growth data from WWII to date. Note the successes and failures... |
What was the Trump Tax Act of 2017? A BOON for the wealthy and the large corporations! Corporate profit taxes were cut in half and increased profits dramatically. The Stock Market rose as did the Trump bank accounts! No increase in the Minimum wage, and, with the inaction in response to the viral invasion, some 40,000,000 in job losses, initial help as demanded, and complete inaction with threats to healthcare generated right now. No funding for schools, towns, cities, states, counties that lost revenue due to the recession along with and others responsible to handle the outcome of the illness and the job losses resulting. No thought. No Plan. No action. No caring for others. That's Trump for you. Caring for yourself, your friends and the allies of the Monarch - Republican Lords of the Senate and Republican Barons in the House. If I were you, come Election Day I would trade "Trickle Down" Trump for "Bubble Up" Biden!
Not caring must lead to a consequence for Trump.... It's not a promotion for his lying and corrupt administration with more convictions of those close to him... and pardons for those who support his efforts.... It's not a reward for illegal and improper insistence of chasing, kidnapping, and killing off those who disagree, expose, and oppose your mistakes. It is the lesson learned from the "Apprentice." For those who's actions damage the entity that you were appointed to work for and advance, as the Trump TV series demonstrated week after week......
It's time.... Stand Up! Speak Out! AND... VOTE!!!
Bobby J
Recent post-debate polling conducted by the Wall Street Journal and, separately by CNN, resulted in a similar score. Biden's led over Trump grew from 8-9 points higher scored BEFORE the debate.... to 16 POINTS HIGHER after the debate! Why is this so???? Lets try on one or two or three issues.....
1. Both campaigns and candidates signed off and agreed to the rules, format, and the process - including the dates of the 2020 debates this fall. One the first debate, Psycho Trump fails to follow the rules, abuses and bullies Biden as best as he can, over speaks Biden's responses and invades his debate time. Trump also abuses the debate Moderator, Chris Wallace, and ignores response statements periods of "uninterrupted time." The role of Benito Mussolini was adopted by the American Monarch, Trump! Biden followed the rules, stayed within the time allotted, respected the moderator, and did not misbehave or abuse his opponent - Trump. So, though Trump wants to display "dominance" of the debate and over Biden.... who portrays the appropriate behavior for a candidate running for the Office of President?
2. Biden was a part of the Obama/Biden effort to get the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) adopted. As a former Senator and Vice President, Biden was assigned the task of gathering the Senate votes to make it happen and give birth to "Obamacare." The plan was extending medical coverage to more than 25,000,000 Americans who could not otherwise afford care. The ACA also offered an extension of Medicare for working families below the poverty line - without shared cost to the states - but fully funded by the federal treasury if states wanted to extend heathcare coverage to those in poverty under their jurisdiction. To this day, some 14 states - all Republican - have chosen NOT to expand coverage to millions of their residents - even against the backdrop of the Covid19 viral "invasion." The Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010 - some 10 years ago.
In the presence of the raging Covid 19 expansion and damage to our citizens, a handful of those resisting states have recently announced that they will enter the program and provide some relief. But, Trump, on the other hand, is presently before the US Supreme Court seeking to have the ACA eliminated as "unconstitutional!" The result would be to dismantle and remove healthcare coverage from some 20,000,000 Americans, eliminate the expansion of Medicaid presently operating in 35 states, and remove those with pre-existing conditions - 120,000,000+ Americans - from required healthcare coverage that accompanied and is a major element of Obamacare (ACA).
This case is already calendared before the Supreme Court on November 10, 2020 - just one week after the election. And, the new Trump Nominee, Amy Barrett, already an open opponent of the ACA, may very well join the Court just before the case is heard. If Moscow Mitch has his way and Trump "jams" the Court with those pledged to HIM, this could be the destruction of healthcare across the nation.So, Biden stands FOR the ACA and an EXPANSION OF HEALTHCARE against the spread of Covid19 illness and the death of loved ones. Trump, on the other hand, being a central "Super-Spreader" of the contagious infection himself and the White House has become a "Red Zone" with more than 25 "victims" of the infection spread by Trump himself - in behavior and in practice. Trump is making every attempt to STRIP AMERICA AWAY FROM HEALTH COVERAGE when needed most - RIGHT NOW! So, which one portrays the appropriate caring behavior and belief for the well-being and protection of the American people?
3. In response to a question from the Chris Wallace, the non-partisan Debate Moderator and FOX reporter, that raised the issue of pretend militias, the KKK, Nazi Clubs, Charlottesville, White Supremacists, and racist groups, Wallace asked if Trump, as President, opposed the actions and violence resulting from their activities? He asked if Trump viewed these actions as a threat to the political process or governmental decision-making? Or, if he would denounce violence, racism, and white supremacy demonstrations and actions and, instead, support racial equality and appropriate equal treatment for all Americans? Trump asked Wallace which groups he was referring to? Both Wallace and Biden responded with an example - the "Proud Boys" - a group that recently surfaced in Michigan in cammo and an armed "invasion" of the state Capitol! This group was threatening, intimidating, armed with loaded weapons, and marched into the Michigan Legislature demanding that the Governor withdraw her Executive Orders restricting crowds, requiring masks, ordering social distance, and constricting sections of the economy that would further spread the Covid infections and deaths. The Trump response to Wallace's question regarding the "Proud Boys" and their seemingly violent and threatening actions in Michigan and elsewhere as an example of White Supremacists - their racism, absurd demands, and violent, inappropriate behaviors - resulted in our President announcing that they should, "STAND BACK..... AND STAND BY!" For most who witnessed this dialogue and heard Trump issuing an "order" for those who marched in Charlottesville and elsewhere - regardless of name, signs, chants, violence, being armed with guns - rifles, pistols, and military weapons - pushing and clubbing others, shooting into a crowd or crashing their car or truck through lines of peaceful marchers or demonstrators marching in peace - there was outrage! These peaceful events are protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Those rights guarantee freedom of religion, speech, and press, and the right of the people "peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Trump refused to submit to these rights and to denounce those who may act in so doing. Instead, he "ordered them to "stand back... and stand by." Or, as pictured above.... "READY"... "AIM".... and... what next????? Sounds like he is preparing for a response to a "lost" election......Stand Up! Speak Out! Resist! Persist! March on! AND VOTE!!!! November 3, 2020!
Several issues.... do local voters care?
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And... who is the primary "rigger" of the Supreme Court??? |