Here are some recent muddled headlines......
* Trump orders suspension of the Payroll Tax collections and contributions! Washington Post, 9/4
The US Chamber of Commerce, many large corporations and small companies choose not to do so. These payroll deductions and matching employer contributions sail into both the Social Security Trust Fund and the Medicare trust Fund to fuel American retirement, disability "retirement", and Medicare for the elderly and the qualified infirm. Trump issues an Executive Order, many companies choose not to follow it... and have to repay the accumulating amounts come January, 2021. Trump promises that, if re-elected, he will abolish these deductions and contributions. Two weeks ago, the Trump-appointed Social Security Trust Fund Auditor announces that such a plan would bankrupt Social Security in three years..... In addition to threatening Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA in a case that Trump filed against Obamacare and its coverage of those with pre-existing conditions presently pending in front of the US Supreme Court, the Trump ATTACK ON AMERICAN HEALTHCARE AGAINST THE BACKDROP OF THE COVID-19 ASSAULT WITH NEARLY 7,000,000 CONFIRMED CASES AND 200,000 US DEATHS TO DATE, is an OUTRAGE!
* US EVICTS 8800 Unaccompanied Migrant Kids... CBS NEWS and "Politics", 9/13. Trump's Homeland Security has deported or expelled 160,000 out of the US since the "shelter until the application for admission is adjudicated" was suspended by Trump.
The suspension of humanitarian protections applied to children became a "cage" process and separation from parents who had entered the US illegally and applied for permission to remain. Of those, some 9000 unaccompanied children were also captured and caged - and - without court hearings - have taken no precautions to protect them from traffickers. Not able to re-unite these kids with their families, they are simply transported back to their home country - without protection, and no established destinations. Q-Anon would describe this as "CHILD TRAFFICKING." Yet, another Cardinal sin committed by Trump!
* US Postal System under attack!... ALL RECENT SOURCES. CNBC 9/1.
In addition to the newly appointed Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy in June, a million dollar contributor to the Trump Inaugural, it turns out that the Chair of the Appointing authority for that position and other leaders of the Postal service - the Post Office Board of Governors - Chairman Robert Duncan, is the Director of Mitch McConnell's Super PAC - the Senate Leadership Fund. This PAC, loaded with some $130 million in political funds, has endorsed Trump and all of the Republican Senate candidates. Initially, Duncan had been General Counsel and then Chair of the NRC (2002-2009), initiated and supervised an escalation of voter disenfranchisement efforts in swing states. One strategy developed then was manipulation of mail-in ballots! Most members of the Board of Governors appointed by Trump have long ties to the RNC. Duncan calls Kentucky home - state of "Moscow Mitch" and is supporting his re-election as well.
* THE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD SIGNALS THAT INTEREST RATES WILL STAY NEAR ZERO FOR AT LEAST 3 YEARS. Mother Jones, August, 2020; New Yorker Magazine. 5/10/2019; Daily Mail 9/17/2020.
 As you are aware, Trump portrays himself as a successful business leader and, especially in real estate development, has become one of the "richest men in the world." Perhaps that is why he has refused to release his tax returns. Taxes display income earned, loses endured, overhead outlay and net taxable profits. What you earn, what you lose, and how much you kick in in state and federal taxes. Trump ignores the fact that the "star" of the "Apprentice" has, instead, been the "star" of bankruptcy court! In fact, according to the articles cited above, the Trump record includes 13 non-bankruptcy business failures, 6 bankruptcy filings, and the loss of more than $1 BILLION in a 10 year period! His hometown newspaper, T HE DAILY NEWS, described Trump on their FRONT PAGE HEADLINE as 'THE BIGGEST LOSER!" Therefore, it has come as no surprise that Trump could not get any US-based banks or investment companies to loan him boatloads of cash. Enter Deutsche Bank, Germany. You may ask.... what has this to do with the Federal Reserve and interests rates? Here we go..... In the August 2020 issue of Mother Jones Magazine, an article by Russ Choma entitled "The Debt Collector", notes that "Donald Trump has nearly $500 million in loans coming due." Over the next several years - before the completion of a second term if elected, he will need to pay off or refinance assets, including Trump Tower, all plagued by declining revenues... and red ink.... even before the Corona virus "invasion." The totals due on Trump's loans received presently stands at $479 million in debt!
As you may know, real estate developers frequently take interest-only loans for a relatively short term - 5 years. If longer term, the interest rates "float" to match the current interest environment. That rate is adjusted and reflects the standards set by the Central Bank of the nation. In the case of the US and other nations that reflect the US Standard Rate, as the Federal Reserve LOWERS the PRIME RATE TO ZERO, loan rates are reduced. If the PRIME RATE IS RAISED, so are the loan rates. One example is the current mortgage market, presently standing at around 2.8% to 3.2%. The better your credit rating and the shorter the term, the lower the rate. Bad rating = higher risk and long-term loans at one rate for 30 years risks an increase in the Federal Loan rate to banks. In Trump's case, he uses fixed rate, interest-only, short term loans to maintain interest payments without any principal payments. With the passage of time and an increase in real estate value, on re-negotiating the interest-only loan of.... say $100 million.... then stands at 1.5% for 5 years or payments of $1,500,000 each year. If the value of the property increased by 20% in 5 years since the loan was first undertaken, then Trump could capture $20 million in a cash take-out and leaves the initial loan of $100 million at the same level. On the other hand, should the Federal Prime Rate increase, so also would annual interest payments increase. And, more likely, should the property lose value, then either the loan amount increases, the losing property sold at a loss, and a bankruptcy filed, outstanding bills ignored, and the loss is claimed as a roll-over tax deduction. Now you know why Trump pays no taxes!
The point here is that Trump - his profits, earnings, cash out, and financial position - is in large measure - based on the interest rates as influenced by the Federal Reserve Bank of the US and its Board of Governors. The Trump property value market - hotels, condos, and golf courses - too... In the 1980s and 1990s, when these Trump properties failed, 6 bankruptcies were filed and some 13 businesses also went down the tubes - including his "family charity" run by Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Junior. Worse, the private, profit-based Trump University was closed and heavy fines and fraud penalties were added in addition to the refunding of "tuition" paid by "students" enrolled in his NY State "college" (2017).
If the American economy tanks.... and the Trump assets lose value... and the Federal Reserve Bank raises interest rates because of the onset of inflation or some other economic reasoning, the Trump properties and businesses - already in a downturn - will crash and burn - AGAIN. Is Trump appointing and manipulating the system??? - AND BUILDING A MORE POLLUTED SWAMP IN DC??? - to build wealth for himself and his family members??? Does he need to stay in place as "Monarch of America?"
And, what will YOU do??? Isn't it time for Trump to GO? What is his plan to remain in charge? The opening cartoon make this case...
The AMERICAN VIRAL FURNACE.... Is the appropriate response wearing MAGA HATS? or, virus masks??? Should Trump "mask" the CDC and the Federal Department of Health and Human Services with a political tilt, and eraser in hand, and a political craft writer before issuing public statements? Should QAnon and other "conspiracy theory" insanity dominate our reasoned approach to solving problems and addressing issues???? Is this the person who YOU want to have HIS FINGER ON THE ATOMIC BUTTON?
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