Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Given Trump's history of lies, misdeeds, and failures, how does he get himself elected again... to save himself and his fortune from collapse? His view of the answer to this question was revealed in 2018 - the last election horizon. In a "peek" behind the Trump curtain in 2018, his plan was to divide the nation - gender, religion, race, sexuality, ethnic background, economic status, and more - and set them against one another.... Add flame and gasoline... Stoke the flames! GENERATE FEAR!!! And, send in the troops! All wearing MAGA HATS! "I AM THE SAVIOR OF THE NATION!!!" What a psycho.....
So, aside from the great divide between Blue and Red, Left and Right, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, and White, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and more... Trump set up a NEW THREAT! THE 2018 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CARAVAN HEADING FOR OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!!! Killers, rapists, drug traffickers, child traffickers, criminals, illiterates and worthless persons... all advancing to our border with the intent of an INVASION! DESTRUCTION! DEATH!!! But, although the Democrats running for Congressional seats in 2018 will welcome them at the border, I WILL BUILD A WALL... AND RAISE THE MOAT BRIDGE.... CLOSE THE GATE... AND THROW THEM ALL OUT! I - THE SAVIOR - WILL SAVE YOU AND YOUR TOWN FROM THE VIOLENT INVASION THAT IS ON ITS WAY... WITH DAILY REPORTS FROM THE FRONT!!! DEFEAT THE DEMS IN 2018! Well..... in record numbers, he lost that argument, and the "caravan of hundreds of thousands of "invaders from the south" never appeared..... This year - 2020 - he has "tweaked" the very same strategy - create a "story"... a "theme" based on LIES... and "FAKE NEWS"....install, encourage, feed and grow division... ignite fear of "invasion", and be the "savior" of the American way...... Define the "invaders" and the territory that requires his "protection"... and that would provide him with his votes..... America's suburbs... and women too!
BLM: BLACK LIVES MATTER.... TO TRUMP???? Nope... Not to address racism, mistreatment, or unjust "different" treatment being experienced by Black Americans. This time, to define the peaceful protesters, exercising their Constitutional rights to ";peaceable to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." (1st Amendment to the Constitution). His Magic Majesty Trump has waved his "magic wand" and transformed Black Americans and their allies into "invaders" marching and busing into peaceful communities - especially white suburbs - to loot, burn, arson, rob, rape, and kill.... His allegations are that the Black Lives Matter movement, fueled by numerous examples and instances of overarching police brutality, are simply attacks on white folks! He accuses members of the minority citizen communities of "invading" the suburbs! But, HE will save them! Just Re-elect the defender of the White Christian Community being attacked in bused-in Antifas, and Black gang members. Using the Military, the Militia, armed Militias, Homeland Security, and armed volunteers, he will send his DEFENDERS... WHITE SUPREMEISTS! GUARDIANS OF THE GATE! BUILD A WALL TO CONFINE DEMOCRATS, LIBERALS, MINORITIES, AND IMMIGRANTS!
and prevent or destroy the invaders. Voters in the protected suburbs should thank his "Law and Order" behavior and determination by defeating their allies seeking power - Biden, Harris, and Democrats seeking US Senate seats. And, Pelosi? OMG says Trump.... a violent schemer defending and advocating Democratic House Members. They should apologize to the American people, stop rocking the national boat, and retreat into their destructive enclaves! It is time for all of us to STAND UP! SPEAK OUT! AND VOTE! JOIN US IN RIGHTING THE SHIP OF STATE BUILT AND SET TO SAIL IN 1789..... THE TIME HAS COME.... TO DEFEND AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AGAINST THE ONGOING ONSLAUGHT OF TRUMP AND HIS ALLIES! MARCH ON!!! Bobby J

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