WAKEY, WAKEY..............
SHOCKING, isn't it...... You know..... The headlines... the TV reports.... what you hear on the radio... local and state government announcements..... It seems that this nation is on the "eve of destruction" (Barry McGuire, 1965). If I had to hit your nose ring with a 9-volt battery to get your attention and "wake you up", I would do so.... FIREWORKS! Welcome to the 4th of July.......
244 Years ago, this nation was given birth in the city of Philadelphia with the signing and announcement of the Declaration of independence on July 4th. Reflecting the belief that "all men are created equal", the Declaration reasons that separating from a government "when a long train of abuses and usurpations evidencing a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their RIGHT, it is their DUTY, to throw off such a government."
In making their case, the signors from every Colony - now each a declared State - listed a series of reasons for their rejection and separation from King George and England. Here are a few quoted from the document:
* "He has refused his ascent to Laws...";
* "He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance...";
* "He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of... districts of people...";
* "He has obstructed the Administration of Justice...";
* "He has made Judges dependent on his will alone...";
* "Cutting off our trade with ... parts of the world..." cost us many jobs;
Other reasons are also listed leading to the point that the public has "Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is UNFIT TO BE THE RULER OF A FREE PEOPLE." As a consequence, they declared independence from England, the creation of a new nation/state, and pledged to "each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." In Congress Assembled, July 4, 1776. Philadelphia.
This is a moment of history and pride in our nation. And, along with the US Constitution that replaced the Articles of Confederation in 1789 - after the Revolution was won and the initial inter-state agreement was too unclear for the first decade of the free United States. These documents formed the basis in law, in belief, and in practice - the model democracy that has served the globe for centuries.
Does all of the above sound familiar? The complaints/ The whining? The reasons for separation?
244 years ago, King Donald behavior would have resulted in the very same "declaration" and the removal of this "Autocrat", "Dictator", and "Monarch"- Psycho at the DC switch - Donald Trump. Here we stand on a day celebrated with re-commitment to the basis of our democracy, not its destruction. Not a President who ignores the rule of law... who obstructs justice as recently revealed by Bolden, who, along with Moscow Mitch, controls 200+ judges he appointed as well as Attorney General Barr - a "Jester" for the Monarch. Investigate and pursue those opposed. And, intervene, eliminate guilty pleas/convictions, blunt punishing sentencing, and pardon friends and supporters. Is "Trumpology" justice for all??? Or, pardons for Trump supporters, and prosecution of opponents? Did he learn this from Putin?

Trump claims "success" in an economy that was not protected from the illness impact and suffered a job loss and unemployment of 42,000,000 Americans? Trump and Pence patted themselves on the back yesterday for a monthly recovery of 4.8 million jobs.... with 37 million still abandoned? They offered more financial support to corporations... but none to states or working families, or the unemployed? Providing medical coverage for Americans while under siege by COVID19? Loading hospital emergency rooms and intensive care facilities with virus victims? Many victims of a layoff lost employer health coverage, and Trump and company are at the same time, attempting to destroy the ACA (Obamacare) before the Supreme Court! DC Democrats - Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Schumer, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Democratic Governors - Cuomo (NY), Newsom (CA), Murphy (NJ), Whitmer (Mich) and others dig in, fight the virus back, and protect Medicare and Medicaid as well as the ACA. Compared to the Red Governor - led states, as well as McConnell and other DC Republicans, Dems are protecting those in trouble and are working to defend those in need. The Rs should stop blindly following Trump, remove their dark glasses, and see the road to a better, healthy, and prosperous future. If they don't, then the American Voters will...... that includes you!

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Republicans and Democrats alike oppose Trump's re-election |
In case you have not noticed, Republican and Democratic Presidents - still witnessing the "Rule" of Trump - are all encouraging you to vote AGAINST TRUMP come November 3rd - 4 months out. Other Republicans in the headlines and as members of the "LINCOLN PROJECT" Republicans not supporting Trump include both Bush Presidents, Colin Powell, Mitt Romney, George Conway (Kellyanne's husband), Bill Kristol, Steve Schmidt, Rick Davis, Jen Horn and many others. Some have endorsed Biden, and others announced their opposition to Trump...The beat goes on - Tick-tock.
So, here we are.... the Fourth of July... a celebration of the American Democracy! This is taking place against the backdrop of the gradual destruction of our democracy. Our health is under attack... as is our health care.... Our economy is under attack .... by abandoning our allies, disrupting international trade, and building an unnecessary southern wall. Last week we lost the ability to visit the European Union and their 27 member nations... due to our failure as a Trump-led nation to successfully respond to the COVID19 invasion. Our economy teeters on the brink against that backdrop, as we slowly re-open and re-close... bring back employees and lay them off once again... Trump has refused to act, leading others to refuse to take immediate action, slow testing and data collection, interfere in and obstruct/control "justice", eliminate healthcare, and destroy jobs and the environment through absurd Executive Orders..... It is time to go.
Come next week.... Engage, Speak Out, Resist, Persist, and March On to November - just 4 months. Follow the 1776 Declaration of Independence by declaring our reasons to shed a disastrous government this fall. In 1776 it took 4 years. In 2020, it will take just 4 months! We can save our democracy in just weeks of effort with the defeat of the monster at the DC switch, Donald Trump.
Wakey, Wakey...
Bobby J
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