Thursday, July 9, 2020


Headlines of the last two days are unsettling..... Let's recall...yesterday and today...
July 7th and July 8th.
Citing this grim milestone, the virus surges in more than half the states in the nation. The US sent a new one-day record at 60,000 new cases... and Dr. Fauci comments that it could rise to more than 100,000 a day if we do not act! Dr Birx said that states ignored guidelines put in place by federal and state public health officials and "stepped on the gas" while re-opening, causing this new viral surge. In the meanwhile, Pence announced that Trump opposes the CDC - issued rules and we should expect some "new and revised" recommendations come next week. Trump called on the DOH to "slow down tests" because the data makes him look bad...... and "makes the pandemic look worse than it is." Dr. Gerald at the University of Arizona responded to the Trump "Magic" theory.... Dr Gerald commented, "I don't think that we can bury our heads in the sand and pretend that it is not there, and we would wake up magically and it will be gone."
One of the cautions in the CDC Guidelines relates to the opening of schools. Just yesterday, States were asked about plans to "open" schools - local districts and colleges - come August-September. Planning is underway, including some remote learning, some on-site, open-air sessions with social distance and masks. Trump and Betsy DeVos have BOTH threatened school districts and colleges that they will withhold financial assets if they do not fully open by September - all students, all classes. Does Trump and DeVos really want to corral the next generation - from grade school to college - into a viral "incubator?" The Trump Tulsa rally led to dozens or hundreds of infections.... Is "Incubating" in schools, threatening teachers and families, and sending an army of loved ones back home as millions of viral "carriers" to be hugged and to spread the Covid19 throughout the nation a good plan? What do you think? Should this rapid virus invasion be referred to as "Trump Fever?" Maybe "DeVos Dengue?"

Just STOP testing!:  TRUMP
Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina LED THE WORLD in new cases over the last 7 days, according to the NY Times release of data. Florida - the planned site of the Republican Presidential Convention - has run out of beds in their hospital intensive care units but the Trump-supporting Republican Governor downplays the challenge and the resulting spread. A NEW DAILY RECORD HAS BEEN SCORED IN 5 STATES! AND, THE CASE COUNT ROSE 72% IN TWO WEEKS! OUCH!!!
States and nations with the WORST OUTBREAKS IN THE LAST 7 DAYS, adjusted for size of population (per million residents), follows: Arizona leads the new-case pack at 3300 cases per million followed by Florida @ 2,700 per million, and South Carolina @ 2,300 per million. The 4th is Bahrain @ 2,200 per million, and then Louisiana @ 2,000 per million. Of the top 10 nations or states that are suffering a violent outbreak, 7 of the 10 are US States. Aside from the top four listed above, the others are Alabama, Nevada, and Mississippi, closely followed by Texas, Georgia and Tennessee.
Hmmmm... notice what these many states have in common? All Red-led... and all in the Trump pit... and, like lemmings, on their way to the cliff's edge....
3) SO, THE QUESTION IS: WHY HERE- the US??? 7.7.20
The answer lies in the Oval Office and a psychotic President with his finger on the "switch."
Schools in Japan and much of Europe have re-opened, Iceland restaurants are busy and in South Korea, the baseball season is underway. The two main ways that the virus was battled to a stand-still and the prevention of major outbreaks has been: 1. An aggressive initial response including travel restrictions, tests, contact tracing, quarantining, and masks. 2. Lockdown and then a careful, cautious, and slowly staged and monitored re-opening. They all cope with some pockets of new cases but the numbers remain small. Quite different from Trump play.

By comparison, the man behind the curtain - and on the brink of an election - has declared "victory", prematurely scheduled "whistle-stop" campaign gatherings - indoors, crunched together, no social distance, and without masks. He waved a magic wand announcing that the economy is BACK! Never-mind that another 1.3 million filed for unemployment just now.... bringing the total jobs lost count to more than 50 million! Instead, take credit for the 4 million called back to work last month... leaving more than 45 million adrift and at risk....The "inventor" of "fake news" has upstaged those media sources that he criticizes... Trump has taken center stage as the biggest CONMAN on view, selling "snake-oil" across the nation. This time, we all should recognize his dilemma, his plan, his lying, his ignorance, and the dangers that he represents for the entire nation. Avoid being "bitten" by the American snake.Time to go.......

Tick-tock... November, 2020
Bobby J

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